Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 943

full house?!

Why is it so popular?!

It's really full of people?!

At this moment, Amy's heart had tens of thousands of horses galloping by, at the same time, the sky thunder was rolling in her head, and the thunder was constantly ringing in her ears!

It's over, it's all over. I can't get 50 million pounds. I'm going to lose all my 33 million pounds. This time, I've lost my pants fork!

"If I had known that, I would have taken it as soon as it was good, and 33 million pounds would have been enough for the rest of my life."

"Why should I be greedy, why do I think I am invincible, why do I think the goddess of fortune will always care for me?"

"I'm so sorry. I really regret it. If only time could come again, I won't bet with this Chinese man!"

Amy's eyes are red with blood. I'm sorry!

Around, a crowd of gamblers just reacted, and then there was a Scream: "Xie te, is the house full of people?"

"Ha ha, I guessed it. I'm a genius!"

"Damn it, this Chinese man is so lucky that he even gets a good reputation?"

In addition to shock and disbelief, there were also questions: "how could it be so coincidental that Amy got the same flower, and this Chinese man just got the red carpet. Is this a special game?"

"Hello, Huaxia boy, did you cheat?"

"If I remember correctly, the boss of this club is of Chinese origin. This Chinese boy didn't know the owner of the club and was sent by the owner to deliberately Ken Amy?"

"Depend on it, Dutch officer. Do you know this Chinese boy? Have you ever tampered with this deck of cards?"

After the deliberate guidance of one or two people, the wind direction changed, and everyone pointed the spearhead at Li Feng and he Guan Chuqian.

Amy patted the forehead: "fake, I said how could it be so clever, so it is!"

Then, Amy looked at Li Feng with bloodshot eyes and said, "I said that I hate Chinese people most. It's not for no reason. Tell me, did you go out of thousands just now?"

After that, he looked at the Dutch officer viciously, as if to choose someone to eat.

He Guan: "what are you doing

How does God make a thousand? If I cheated, I would wait until now? Besides, I don't know this handsome guy!

Zhente is a disaster free!

Li Feng also laughed: "say we make a thousand, do you have evidence?"

Tiffany had just been happy for Li Feng to win, and was instantly infuriated by Amy.

It's just to betray me, but also to wrongly treat me. I'm so angry!

If it had not been for Li Feng's advice, she would have scolded Amy for being shameless!

"Not for the time being. I don't think I will either, because you and the clubhouse owner are together. Even if there is monitoring in the casino, I can't get it." Amy laughs and shakes her head.

Then he turned his head and looked at the gamblers around him. He said bitterly and indignantly, "ladies and gentlemen, you have seen the situation just now. It was the Chinese who joined hands with the Dutch officials that I lost the game. Please do justice for me!"

"If I admit defeat this time, you may also be treated like this in the future. In order to be fair and just, please stand up, please!"

At the end of the day, Amy shed tears of grief and indignation and bowed deeply to the crowd.

In order to save her 33 million pounds, Amy did not even want to face.

This scene made a lot of gamblers deeply touched. At the moment, there were many people shouting, shouting, and they had a unified slogan: "resist the thousands, return me justice!"

"Resist and give me justice!"

Li Feng:

He Guan said:


God specially resists to give me justice. Does this have anything to do with you?

"Miss Dutch officer, how do you usually deal with such things in your casinos?"

Li Feng turned his head and looked at the lotus official and asked with a smile.

"Generally, there will be a casino manager to deal with it." He official smile, after a while picked up the walkie talkie: "front desk, front desk, this side encountered an emergency, request support."

When she put down her walkie talkie, there was a look of irony on her face.

Although the owner of the club is a Chinese American, he is very influential in LD. If he knows a lot of celebrities, he will not be able to clean up a few troublemakers!

Soon, the manager of the gambling house arrived here with a team of security personnel. After spending a few minutes to find out the situation, he looked at Amy without any expression: "Mr. Amy, do you think our Dutch officer and this pioneer have joined hands to make a thousand, is there any evidence?"

At the same time, all the security personnel behind him are staring at him with eyes covetously, which is very oppressive.

Amy's face was stagnant, and other gamblers' arrogance was suppressed.

Originally, they are just a conspiracy theory. These security personnel are very good at fighting at a glance. They are afraid that one of them will not be careful enough to make the other party angry and attract a violent beating, which will be troublesome.But as soon as Amy thought about the 33 million pounds she had lost, she immediately took courage: "yes, I just suspect that you are working together. If you want to prove yourself, dare you let us watch the surveillance?"

"Yes, of course. Please follow me." The manager of the casino smiles and turns away.

Amy looked at the other gamblers, and then they all followed.

"Let's go too." Li Feng chuckles at Tiffany and leads her up.

Soon, people led by the manager of the gambling house went to the monitoring room. After making a good job, they called out the surveillance video of the gambling table.

According to the surveillance video, during the whole process of Amy and Li Feng's gambling, Li Feng and he Guan did not make any moves.

"Mr. Amy, what else do you have to say now?" The manager of the casino looked at Amy and asked with a smile. There was a cold light in his eyes.

Amy's face was stagnant, and then she choked her neck and said, "it must be that he Guan did some tricks when shuffling cards. She deliberately gave me a set of flowers and gave this Chinese man a set of red flowers."

As soon as the manager of the casino picked up his eyebrows and was about to say something, Li Feng had already taken the lead and said, "if I win, you think it's Dutch officials who help me. Why didn't you say he did something when you always won? Please be a man. "

Amy's face turned red, and just about to get angry, suddenly her eyes became dull.

After a while, Amy looked ashamed: "I'm sorry, I deliberately discredit you. I'm damned. I admit defeat! I want to thank you with death

The voice falls to the ground, and Amy rushes to the corner of the table in the distance before people can react. The next moment


with a dull sound, Amy's head hit the corner of the table, and the blood flowed like a stream!

This scene directly shocked all the people present, and some people couldn't help exclaiming.

Lying trough, before he swore to blame Li Feng and he officials out of thousands, suddenly conscience found that the general death to apologize, what is this special situation?

Just as the crowd was confused, Li Feng said to the manager of the casino: "he has admitted his mistake. Now I want to change the chips into cash. Thank you."

The manager of the casino was stunned for a moment and nodded in response.

He always felt that Amy's sudden suicide had something to do with the Chinese. It was too evil, so he didn't dare to neglect Li Feng at all.

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