Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 945

Li Feng at the foot of a meal, eyebrows slightly wrinkled way: "what trouble?"

On one side, Tiffany showed her eyebrows slightly, and she felt a bad feeling in her heart.

Shit, I always feel that there will be an accident in my training plan tonight. Is this a big deal?

"The establishment of the new company has been blocked. The Trade Officer of LD has not given us import approval."

Tang Qiong said anxiously on the phone.

"Are trade officials so powerful?" Li Feng is not very familiar with the official position of state y, so he has this question.

"well, can we get the import approval, which is the trade officer has the final say." Tang Qiong sighed.

"Did he explain why?" Li Yinfeng has some cold tone.

"We didn't say it clearly. We just said that our procedures were not standardized. Xu Shuang asked many times, but the other party didn't tell us which procedure was not standardized."

"But the trade officer told Xu Shuang that if he wanted to get the approval, he would ask me to come to him in person."

Tang Qiong's tone was a little low. After she had inquired about it, she found out that the trade officer was an old cesium ghost. After some foreign trade business people contacted him, the male boss would try to find someone to satisfy his appetite. If the female boss had good conditions, he would take the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Of course, this refers to small companies. Some big companies don't have to please them at all. Naturally, a higher level of management personnel will come forward to deal with them.

"Well Then go to him. " Li Feng stopped and then said with a smile, "I will protect you secretly."

Although Tang Qiong didn't say much, her tone had already exposed some situations.

"Well When will you be back

Tang Qiong forced to keep calm, but Li Feng still heard a little shiver, and a little Shy?

"Well, when are you going to see the trade officer?" Li Feng coughed and looked at Tiffany beside his eyes.

Tiffany's mouth curled, looking a little aggrieved.

"Early tomorrow morning..." Tang Qiong said tentatively.

"Well, I'll pick you up in the apartment early tomorrow morning, and we'll meet the Trade Officer." Li Feng said without much consideration.

"Well Where are you going tonight Tang Qiong was silent for a moment and asked.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth. After a while, he said, "if I said I was dating the number one supermodel in the world, would you believe it?"

"I believe in you! Hang up Tang Qiong spat softly and hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Li Feng couldn't cry or laugh. No one believes the truth these days, right?

On the other side, Tiffany pinched Li Feng's arm and said, "you are very proud of dating the world's first supermodel, aren't you?"

Li Feng grinned and said with a bad smile: "that must be proud. How many men's dream lovers you are? I must have a great sense of achievement to date you."

"Oh?" Tiffany showed her eyebrows and said with a smile: "it's not a sense of achievement, but a sense of formal dress?"

"Cough, it's all the same. It's all the same." Li Feng waved his hand and said with a dry smile.

"Hum!" Tiffany, with a chin, said haughtily, "I don't care. You must practice with me at least ten times tonight, or you won't leave me."

"Ten times?" Li Feng couldn't help speaking. According to one hour of practice, ten times would take ten hours, plus the rest time in the middle

It's a tough task!

"Scared?" Tiffany glanced at Li Feng and asked contemptuously.

"Afraid?" Li Feng sneered: "men can't say they are afraid! Wait, I'll help you step into SS class tonight

Voice landing, Li Feng led Tiffany, walked quickly to the hotel

Early the next morning, Li Feng, who had completed the training task, left the hotel with a clear mind.

Mutual benefit is the most powerful skill in mutual benefit.

In this process, Li Feng is the one who gives and also gains. Although Tiffany's level is too low, and he gets only 1 point of experience each time, he is always full of energy and does not feel tired at all.

The existence of reciprocal magic power also laid a solid foundation for him to marry Wei Bingqing, song Wanjun and other women at the same time. If they did not have the strength, Wei Bingqing would not blame Li Feng?

Half an hour later, Li Feng, wearing a changeable mask, came to Tang Qiong's apartment.

Because of the appointment to come in the morning, Li Feng did not say hello in advance, took out the key and went in.

Then an unexpected scene happened, the bathroom door opened at the same time, just finished washing Tang Qiong came out.

More importantly, don Joan is wearing a Tiffany style!

For a moment, Li Feng at the gate and Tang Qiong at the door of the bathroom were staring at the spot.

After a while


With a scream, Tang qiongfei flashed into the bathroom and locked the door with a bang!"What's the matter, sister Tang Qiong?"

In the second bedroom, isaniah kneaded her sleepy eyes and walked out of the room. She asked with a worried face.

"Eh..." Li Feng is also a face muddled, because aishania also wears a suit of Tiffany!

Lie trough, these two women unexpectedly come really?!

I still remember that when the three people watched the show, the two women said they would go back to buy the same Tiffany model. Li Feng had imagined this picture, but I didn't expect that this scene really came true!

Now the question is, do the two women know that he is coming back and deliberately wear the same Tiffany style?


At this time, aishania also understood what was going on. For a moment, the whole person was stunned.

After a long time, seeing Li Feng staring at himself, isania blushed a little, then turned around and asked, "Mr. Li, I wear this suit Does it look good? "

Li Feng repeatedly nodded, thumbed up and said: "good looking, especially good-looking."

Ashaniya blushed again and asked, "then I'm compared to miss Tiffany Who looks better? "

When she said this, she was a little bit unsure. After all, Tiffany is universally recognized as a supermodel with nearly perfect figure. Although her figure is also very good, she is still slightly inferior to Tiffany.

But she just wants to know her status in Li Feng's eyes

"Frankly Each has its own merits. " Li Feng sincerely sighed: "although Tiffany is the world's first supermodel, you also have the advantages she does not have."

Isaniah was overjoyed: "what are the advantages?"

"Well..." Li Feng first compared a volleyball with his hands, then pointed to aishania, and then drew a basketball with his hands.

“???!!! I hate it. I don't care about you! "

Isania stamped her feet in shame and turned back to her bedroom.

At the moment, in the bathroom, Tang Qiong was confused.

It's not Li Feng didn't speak just now. Why did isanya suddenly lose? Looks like she's pretty shy?

So what did Li Feng do? What's the difference between isania and Tiffany?

All sorts of doubts are like a hundred kittens scratching her heart with their claws, and she will suffer to death!

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