Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 942

"Crazy, this Chinese must be crazy!"

"In this case, do you dare to make a bet

"Do you dare to follow suit? I don't read much. Don't lie to me

The gamblers around him couldn't help laughing at Li Feng.

Even Tiffany pinched a cold sweat for Li Feng. After all, Li Feng's card face does not look very good

At this time, Dutch officials began the last round of licensing.

When the Dutch officer draws the first card

"Hearts! heart! Hearts

Amy's eyes were red, and her eyes were covered with blood. She looked like a gambler and kept yelling.

Perhaps because of Amy's infection, other gamblers are also shouting "hearts". This voice seems to have a kind of inexplicable magic, which makes everyone have a sense of fanaticism, as if they are gambling with Li Feng.

At this time, the Dutch officer pulled out the whole card and turned it over!


It's really a heart!

And it's a heart eight!

Hearts K, Q, J, 8, as long as Amy's bottom card is a heart 9, then his card face is flush!

"Sleeping trough! fucking great! Amy's a bull

"God of gamblers, it's a bull, a bull, a bull!"

"It's just a couple on the other side. Do you bully people too much by coming straight to the same flower? However, this feeling is too cool. We should crush the Chinese people to let them know that we are still white bulls in the world

All the gamblers around him were superb and screamed.

On the contrary, Amy's face is not excited, but a little bit lost.

His bottom card is 10 hearts. He can't make up a good match at all. Ash!

But when he thought about it, it doesn't matter if it's not a flush. At least this pair of cards is the same flower, and Li Feng's face is too general.

Flush or with the flower, as long as the card can be bigger than Li Feng is a good card!

Thinking of this, Amy smiles with reserve.

At this time, the Dutch official gave Li Feng a card - square piece 10!

Seeing this, all the gamblers around laughed: "ha ha, two pairs. This card is very common. Amy is sure to win!"

"Why not? Amy is obviously a flush. Who won if he doesn't win? "

"Do you think his card could be a j or a 10?"

A senior gambler whispered.

This word a, a crowd of gamblers is first a Leng, then laugh unceasingly.

Full hall red is three plus a pair, full hall red is larger than the same flower, less than four, even less than the flush.

So even if Li Feng's card is full of red, if Amy's flush, Li Feng will certainly lose.

Only Amy felt a thump in his heart. He knew that his card was not the same flush, but the same flower. If Li Feng's card was really full of popularity, he would lose!

"No, I have one J and one 10. This Chinese has two J's and two 10's. The probability of four J's or four 10's in a match is too small."

"Besides, I am a man favored by the goddess of fortune. I must win this card!"

Amy comforted herself for a while and then played with the flavor: "frankly, you are lucky, but it's a pity that you met me Soha

When the voice falls, Amy will push all the chips in front of her.

"Wait a minute!" Li Feng suddenly raised his hand to stop.

Amy was stunned at first, then scoffed: "why, are you afraid?"

"He must have been afraid and wanted to give up."

"It's a wise decision. It's a real idiot to know that you have to lose and not stop in time."

"I guess what he is going to say next is" pass ". Chinese people are still very timid."

Around the gambler you a word I said.

"Who was afraid of me Li Feng picked up a chip to play with, playing flavor: "I have 30 million chips here, do you want to play a big one?"

Amy raised her eyebrows: "what do you mean?"

Li Feng chucked his mouth and said with a smile, "it means I want Soha to go out with the rest of the chips, but your chips are less than 50 million. Do you want to buy more chips? "

"Think about it. Once you win, you'll get 50 million pounds. It's tempting, isn't it?"

Amy was lost in thought, or rather entangled.

He wanted to win all Li Feng's 50 million chips, but he had only 33 million chips in his hand. As for letting him buy chips again He doesn't have that much money!

"Let me guess Don't you have that much money? " Li Feng asked with a smile.

Amy's face changed slightly, and then she snorted, "who said I didn't have so much money, I just It's It's an investment. There's no cash. ""Oh?" You can borrow money from the gambling house. You can borrow money from the customers

Many big casinos lend to good credit customers, and they have no mortgage.

These casinos have a lot of debt collection methods, just like some time ago, it was rumored on the Internet that a star was urged by an AM's casino online.

Of course, the premise is that the borrower has the corresponding wealth. No gambling house is too willing to lend money to a poor man. Although Amy is not a pauper, she is not a rich man. It is impossible to borrow tens of millions of pounds from the gambling house.

Knowing this situation, Li Feng still suggests that Amy go to the casino to borrow money. Naturally, he has a deeper intention.

As for whether Amy will fall in the trap Li Feng believes that ordinary people will lose part of their senses in the face of a huge sum of 50 million pounds.

"I..." Amy turned red and then said in a cold voice, "I never borrow money from others. I have money, um I mean I don't want to borrow money, but I'm willing to add to it with other things. "

It's not that he doesn't want to borrow money. He knows that he borrows money and the casino doesn't, so he just uses a decent excuse.

Li Feng knew this well: "Oh? If you have anything worth 17 million pounds, show it to me

Other gamblers are curious to look at Amy, Tiffany is even more surprised, as far as she knows, Amy's family is not so good, otherwise she would not come out to be a broker.

Amy's face was struggling. After a while, she said, "my hands!"

The voice fell to the ground, and Amy put her hands on the table.

An uproar!

Then there was a relief.

In casinos, it's not uncommon for people to bet their hands. Some even bet on their wives and daughters in order to get their money back.

Now Amy has a great chance to win on the cards, and winning is 50 million pounds. Isn't it normal to take a risk in front of such a huge profit?

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and then said with a smile: "even if your hands are made of gold, they are not worth 17 million pounds, right? Well, if you lose, you'll pay for the rest with your life, OK? "

People are all stunned, take life to pay? This is a little bit serious!

Amy was also stunned, then gritted her teeth and said, "OK! I'll take my life for losing! Open the cards

The voice fell, he pushed all the chips in front of him, and then opened the cards.

Hearts 10, same flower!

When the gamblers around saw it, they let out a burst of exclamation, followed by a sigh of disappointment.

It's not the flush they imagined, but the same flower is enough. Next we'll see what Li Feng's bottom card is.

Li Feng looked at all the cards in front of him and pushed them out.

Square J!

The hall is full of people!

Li Feng won!

Amy was frozen on the spot like being struck by lightning!

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