Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 941

With Amy's "deal", everyone held their breath and waited for the match to begin.

He Guan looked at Li Feng, and after Li Feng sat down and nodded to him, he began to deal cards.

The first card is a dark card, the bottom bet is 1 million pounds, the two people each bet 2 million pounds.

At the beginning of the second round, Amy got the K of the heart and Li Feng got the spade J.

This result makes Amy a little happy, at least from the card, he is now bigger than Li Feng, which is a good omen.

However, this is just the beginning. Although Amy is happy, he will not show it. He still understands the principle of saving character, so he just lightly raises 3 million pounds.

If Li Feng knew what he thought, he would scoff at it. SHENTE amassed his character. Why didn't you think of saving his character when you were shouting to win 100 million yuan? Now I want to save my character Late?


After his voice landed, Li Feng put forward a 3 million pound chip.

On one side, Tiffany helps Li Feng knead his shoulder, helping him relax and relieve his pressure.

If she took off her camouflage at the moment, she would be shocked.

The world's first supermodel ah, even like a close maid to help a man pinch the shoulder and beat his back, do you dare to believe it?

Then Dutch officials began the third round of licensing, Amy got a heart Q, Li Feng got a plum J.

Looking at the cards, Li Feng has already made a match for J. although Amy is not a match, she has the potential to be a match girl, so I can't see who is more likely to win.

"According to the luck from last night to now, Amy's card is very likely to be a flush."

"Yes, after all, it's a man favored by the goddess of fortune. It's normal to have a flush with the same flower."

"That Chinese is also lucky, just the third round of the match, not four."

"What's wrong with the four? They're not as good as they are."

A crowd of gourd eaters talked about it.

At this time, Amy grinned and said, "although your luck looks very good, my luck is obviously better than yours, 4 million."

Amy put forward a 4 million pound chip.

In this way, with the bottom bet, Amy has already spent 10 million pounds!

Some of the gamblers were so excited that they yelled at Amy.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, face slightly some dignified: "you are not afraid of their own card is not flush, even not shun son is not the same flower?"

Amy "ha ha" smile, arrogantly said: "of course not afraid, today I am the man favored by the goddess of luck, I believe that my card is at least the same flower!"

He is not arrogant enough to get the card must be flush, but he is absolutely confident that the card is at least the same card, because he believes in his own luck, he believes that the goddess of luck will not abandon him!

This is from last night to now has been winning down the formation of self-confidence!

At this time, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, do you want to check it immediately?"

"Check it out!" Li Feng has no hesitation.

"Mission: a contest of luck."

"Mission objective: to win the match only by luck without cheating. If cheating is used, 6 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment."

"Task reward 1: win the game, reward 4 million experience, 6 million system points."

"Task reward 2: lose the game, reward 2 million experience points, 3 million system points."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng was a little confused.

It's not There are also two kinds of task reward task, big girl on the sedan chair head once!

This task is very interesting!

A little pondering, Li Feng quit the system and said, "is it? Very good, I also feel that my luck has been very good, I and 4 million

Voice landing, Li Feng launched 4 million chips.

Li Feng can see that Amy is not a gambling expert. What Amy can win now is his fortune. It's just that one's luck can't be good all the time. There are always ups and downs.

However, Amy seems to be sure that his luck will continue to be good, and his self-confidence is almost out of the blue.

This makes Li Feng a little unconvinced.

Shit, I'm a man with the system of saving goddess. I'm not afraid of anyone if I'm lucky, OK?

So even if there is no such task, Li Feng has decided that he will not use any martial arts skills later. He will only rely on luck to see who can laugh to the end!

Amy raised her eyebrows and said with surprise, "use a very popular word on your Chinese Internet to describe you as You have a strong head. It's ten million pounds, so you're not afraid to lose all to me? "Li Feng shook his head and laughed: "poverty really limits your imagination. For you, 10 million pounds is an astronomical sum, but for me Ten million pounds is just a drop in the bucket. Even if the 50 million chips are lost to you, I won't feel heartache

"Of course, this is impossible to happen, because I am the chosen son of that day!"

Li Feng's wild talk made the gourd eating crowd look at each other in awe, and excited at the same time.

Most of the people who come here are looking for stimulation and can witness a big gamble with their own eyes. In the coming month Oh, no, it's the next year that I have the resources to talk about.

"Ha ha, isn't it? Then we'll see. " Amy sneered and wrote down the sentence "poverty limits imagination". Anyway, he would try to return it to Li Feng!

Dutch officials did not give people too much time to discuss, and soon began the fourth round of licensing, this time Amy got a heart J, and Li Feng got a spade 10.

"Ha ha, it's a heart again, or a heart J. my luck is really unstoppable."

Now Amy just wants to laugh three times, hearts K, Q, J, plus the bottom card of 10 hearts, he has a flush card face, if there is another heart a, he will get the second largest card in Soha, only a spade a can crush him!

Li Feng's face is just a pair of cards. He can't pose any threat to him at all. This time, he will win!

The gamblers around are also superb, constantly shouting words like "Amy niuqiang".

On the other hand, Li Feng's face was dignified.

"10 million pounds! Aren't you crazy? Keep up with me, hahaha. "

Excited, Amy directly launched to 10 million pounds in an attempt to defeat Li Feng's psychological defense.

Li Feng stared at him for a while, then said with a smile, "do you think I'm afraid of you? I'll follow you

He also offered 10 million pounds.

In this way, the two people bet a total of 20 million pounds, absolutely high gambling!

"Well, you are cruel!" Amy snorted coldly, with a mixture of scorn and ecstasy on her face.

He was afraid that Li Feng would not follow him. He didn't expect Li Feng to be one track minded. Now he will be developed!

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