Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 938

In the afternoon of the next day, Tiffany, who was disguised, walked out of the hotel with Li Feng's arm.

After yesterday's big show, Tiffany has a ten day holiday. Originally, she was going to Hawaii for a holiday, and her ticket and hotel have been reserved.

As a result, she had some advantages in practicing with Li Feng, and the holiday was naturally forgotten by her.

After several times of practice, Tiffany's realm at this moment has faintly touched the threshold of S-level. As long as you practice a few more times, Tiffany will become a master of S-level.

If Li Feng didn't want to take her out and give her a surprise, she would have been in the hotel all the time

If you let her fans know, there will be a lot of people jumping off the building, right?

"Where the hell are you taking me?" Tiffany is a little puzzled, said to give her a surprise, the result is to lead her wandering in the street, which kind of surprise?

"Soon you will know." Li Feng blinked and said mysteriously.

Tiffany is at a loss, but out of trust in Li Feng, she did not ask.

Soon, under the leadership of Li Feng, the two people came to the door of a high-end club.

This club is also famous in LD. There are beautiful waiters from all over the world, tall, petite, chubby, thin, white, yellow and even black. There is always one that suits your taste.

Not only that, there is also a casino. Although it can't be compared with Las Vegas casinos, its professional and luxurious level is not comparable to other small casinos.

Some LD rich, gamblers will often come here chic.

"Li Feng, this is not the surprise you said?"

Looking at the two rows of beautiful ladies in miniskirts standing at the door of the club, Tiffany's face became more and more strange.

Why, is it that I can't take Tiffany's knife, or are you Li Feng gone? My world's No.1 supermodel can't satisfy you, so I have to come here for stimulation?

"Not this, of course. It's the people in the club." Li Feng has a good laugh. At this time, he can have a showdown with Tiffany.

"You mean Amy? " Tiffany's eyes lit up and asked in disbelief.

"Well, he's in there now." Li Feng nodded and played: "do you want to go in and see what he is doing?"

Tiffany nodded and wondered, "how did you know Amy was here?"

From last night to now, she has been with Li Feng. Li Feng has no separate skills. Has he been investigated?

Wow, Li Feng's methods are so amazing. It's a bit of 007's rush

"Well, there's someone below me." Li Feng pretended to be mysterious.

"Isn't that me who is below you?" Tiffany blinked her big eyes and said innocently.

Li Feng:

Tiffany, you're the number one supermodel in the world. Can you stop drinking cars? Oh, no, can't you stop drinking!

It's over. Tiffany split my thoughts with a fork

On one side, Tiffany covered her mouth and snickered. Li Feng was angry and funny, and a little hot

After finishing the mood, Li Feng led Tiffany to the door of the club.

"Welcome The welcome ladies on both sides yelled loudly.

This scene reminds Li Feng of some clubs in China. He is very familiar with them. The boss of this club is not a Chinese, right?

Li Feng nodded and led Tiffany into the club under the attention of a group of welcome ladies.

As soon as you come in, you will see the luxurious decoration, golden ceiling, golden floor, golden wall, golden lighting and decoration.

Tuhaojin, you deserve it!

At this time, a waiter in a black tuxedo came to meet them: "Sir, madam, can I help you?"

"Well, take us to the casino on the sixth floor." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, please follow me." The waiter came to the elevator and helped Li Feng press the elevator. Then he took out his walkie talkie and called, "two distinguished guests on the sixth floor!"

Li Feng was a stagger at that time.

I'll go. It's so familiar and picturesque. He heard this when he went to the bath center!

It's a pity that this little brother is speaking pure English. If you change it into Chinese, the picture will be more intense.

It's special to say that the boss of the club is not a Chinese, Li Feng doesn't believe it!

Well, of course, Li Feng goes to a regular bath center. As for the irregular ones, is that the case Li Feng has never been there, so I'm not sure.

"Li Feng, have you been here before?" Tiffany was intrigued again. If she hadn't been there, she wouldn't have known that the sixth floor was a casino. She didn't see signs or anything like that along the way.

"No, but a friend of mine has been here, and I have listened to him."Li Feng directly came to recruit a "friend of none" and dealt with this topic in the past.

Soon, the two came to the sixth floor, because the younger brother downstairs promptly informed the "two distinguished guests". When the elevator door opened, there was already a waiter waiting for him.

"Dear Sir and madam, can I help you?" Asked the waiter.

"Well, give me some chips." Li Feng took out a bank card and said with a smile.

As soon as the waiter's eyes brightened, he took the bank card and asked, "how many chips do you need, sir?"

"If you come here for the first time, you can change it a little less. 10 million pounds will do." Li Feng said with a smile.

When I heard the first half of the sentence, the waiter was still a little contemptuous. When he heard the second half, he was Spartan.

It's not Do you think ten million pounds is very little? Can't you breathe so much?!

make complaints about Tucao, waitresses, or Li Feng, who is a grandfather, make complaints about ten million pounds. It's definitely the VIP of VIP in this club.

With the help of the waiters, Li Feng quickly got a box of chips.

The box is very exquisite, carved and inlaid with various kinds of crystals from blingbling. According to the waiter, these crystals are Swarovski's, and the box is worth 10000 pounds.

So the box is a little aggrieved by it. It should be called art.

Next, Li Feng left hand box, right hand holding Tiffany, into the casino.

"It's Amy!"

From a distance, Tiffany saw Amy playing cards at a gambling table. His eyes were red and his face was abnormal scarlet. He should be in a state of extreme excitement.

Li Feng eyebrow pointed a pick, whispered: "later you don't speak, everything to me to deal with."

Tiffany nodded and let Li Feng lead him to the gambling table.

"Shepard, this guy has won all the time since last night. He's been gambling a lot!"

"The boy is a gambler. He has won more than 10 million pounds since last night."

As soon as he got near the gambling table, Li Feng heard the comments of gamblers around him. At the moment, he raised his eyebrows and whispered to himself, "this is really bad luck for bad people But now that I'm here, it's time for his good fortune to come to an end

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