Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 939

Amy is playing Soha. At the moment, the Dutch officer has finished the deal. His cards are 10, 8 and 7, and the bottom card is buckled.

The player who sits opposite him has a spade a, a spade J, a spade 6, and a spade 3, and the bottom card is unknown.

From the two cards, Amy's advantage is a pair of 10. If the bottom card is also 10, he can make three, which is Amy's biggest card face.

If the player's cards on the other side are spades, they will make up the same flower. No matter whether Amy's cards are 10 or not, they will win the other side.

At the moment, the player's expression on the opposite side of Amy looked a little relaxed. He was holding the cards with one hand and playing with the chips in the other hand. He said with a smile: "Mr. Amy, your luck today is really enviable, but the goddess of luck will not only care for you, but from now on, good luck will turn to me."

His name is Jack. He is a real estate agent of LD and a regular customer of this casino.

He came here at noon today. When he came, he saw that Amy was killing all directions. He was unconvinced and challenged Amy.

He and Amy have played against each other five times. This is the sixth match. He has lost all the previous five games and lost to Amy 5 million pounds before and after.

The money is nothing to him. He doesn't hurt his muscles and bones, but he has no face, so he must win this time!

"Is it?" Amy's eyes were bloodshot, and she said, "but my intuition tells me that the goddess of luck is still on my side!"


The voice falls, and Amy pushes all the chips in front of her.


There was an uproar at the table.

Amy has a pile of chips worth 10 million pounds. If Jack wants to follow, he will have to throw ten million pounds!

"Jack, with him, Soha, his face is obviously not as big as yours!"

"Jack, you've lost 5 million to him. Take advantage of this opportunity to turn it over!"

"Jack, don't talk, just do it!"

The gamblers around him cheered jack up.

Jack's face is a little bitter. His family knows his own business. He has already seen the cards. It's not a spade suit, nor a, J. it's just a four of clubs.

Don't say Amy's card may be 10, even if not, he will lose.


After saying this, Jack's face looked dejected, as if his whole body had lost strength, and he was paralyzed in the chair.


Another burst of uproar, followed by a crowd of gamblers exclaimed: "he should have won again, this is just incredible!"

"Gambling boom, it's really gambling, he's really a man favored by heaven!"

"Invincible. How many times have you won? Eight times without 10 times?"

"Plus this time, he's won 12 million pounds, and he's straight into the ranks of multimillionaires!"

"I think Mr. Amy is not just relying on luck. He must be a master of Soha!"

"Yes, Mr. Amy's psychological quality is too strong. Under the circumstances just now, ordinary people have already passed by, but Mr. Amy dares to criticize him

Amy's continuous gambling made the onlookers not only shocked and envied him, but also had some admiration for him.

People are like this. When a person wins once, he will only think that he is lucky. If he wins three times in a row, he will be envious and look forward to his next loss in his heart. When he wins eight or even ten times in a row, people will blow him up.

In the face of public praise, Amy was very proud: "this is just the beginning, today I want to win 100 million!"

At first, he just wanted to play a little, and then he found two girls from the club. After all, he just got a million dollars. It's normal to have this kind of psychology.

But when he started gambling, he won and won, even if he lost once or twice, and then there was a wave of winning.

Continuous gambling has provided him with infinite confidence. At this moment, he really has the illusion that he is the son of destiny!

"This son of a bitch, his character is not very good, but his gambling is so good that it's unfair."

Tiffany saw a gnash of teeth and make complaints about it.

Li Feng said: "there is no absolute fairness in the world, just like the old saying in China:" good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. "

Tiffany's face collapsed: "then we can only watch him in this cool down?"

Anyone who is betrayed by the people around him will be very angry. Tiffany is not a small bellied woman, but she is also not the virgin. She absolutely does not want to be a silly white sweet who is sold for the number of money!

Li Feng said with a smile: "of course not, because we have two famous sayings in China. One is" the way of heaven has reincarnation. Who can be spared by heaven? "And" it's not that the time has not come yet. ""Since he was found by me, it means It's time. "

Tiffany: Chinese culture is really broad and profound. "

Li Feng nodded and agreed.

Chinese culture is not only broad and profound, but also can find two kinds of idioms with opposite meanings. Do you believe it or not?

In short, I can use what's good for me. It's so tough!

Just as they were talking, a gambling expert belonging to the casino appeared, and he went directly to Amy to have a bet with Amy.

Amy was worried that no one would play with him, so she readily agreed.

The next development was beyond everyone's expectation. The gambling expert sent by the casino actually lost to Amy for three games in a row! A total of 20 million pounds lost!

It's not how good Amy's gambling skills are, nor is it that the gambling skills of this expert are not worthy of the name. It's really Amy's luck that is really too good.

Obviously, the card looks very ordinary. Amy is brave in suoha. Then the gambling experts follow Soha and open their cards respectively, only to find that Amy's face is slightly better than himself.

"This man is quite a gambler." Li Feng shakes his head and smiles.

"Why do you say that?" Tiffany knew nothing about gambling and couldn't see the way.

"He had a chance to cheat, but he didn't Li Feng said with a smile.

"Ah Tiffany put her hand over her mouth: "how do you know?"

"I saw it with my own eyes, of course." Li Feng smiles, just now that gambling master secretly got a good card, but at the last moment, he even gave up a thousand, do not know whether he is conscience discovery or other purposes.

But anyway, Amy won and the casino lost a lot.

After losing three in a row, the gambling expert stood up with a gloomy face and left the gambling house without saying a word.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha." Amy looked up at the sky and laughed wildly. She put her hands on her hips and said, "I want to ask now, who else is there?"

No one spoke, and everyone looked at him with envy, jealousy and adoration, just like looking at a hero.

When people thought that no one appeared to bet with Amy again, Li Feng stepped forward and said, "I'll bet with you."


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