Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 937

Half an hour later, Li Feng got a garment bag. What was in it?

Know it from the heart!

After that, Li Feng took Tiffany to a five-star hotel.

In order to avoid being found Tiffany, Li Feng specially disguised her and made a temporary passport for Tiffany with system points.

If you don't, you don't have to wait until the next day when Tiffany and a Chinese man check into the hotel, which will be surrounded by journalists from all over the world.

So falling in love with a star is really painful and happy

An hour later, the two completed the first practice of mutual benefit.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get all Tiffany's love and get 200 conquest points reward."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The progress of Tiffany, the goddess of formal service, has been improved. The current progress is 100%

Li Feng:

At the moment, Li Feng is really a little confused. He always feels that this process is a little too smooth, just like in a dream.

So The one who should thank the astrologer is not Tiffany, but him, right?

Wait He seems to have overlooked one thing. At that time, he had to explain to Tiffany that he had many women, but Tiffany forced him to interrupt.

After that, their emotions were always warm, and Li Feng ignored this problem by "carelessness". Now that the cultivation is over and the reason returns, Li Feng finds that the problem is a little big

If he tells the whole story at this time, will Tiffany run away?

"Is that true anger?"

Tiffany felt the new power in her body and said with her eyes shining.

"Well, yes." Li Feng quickly suppressed his thoughts and pointed out: "you have reached level B now. You can break through to A-level as long as you practice a few more times."

After all, he is a semi God level strong man. Tiffany and his practice gain huge benefits.

If other people only rely on their own cultivation, even if the talent is good, it will take three or five years of Kung Fu to get to level B, and another ten years or so of hard training to get to level a.

Just like the Wangcheng of the Wang family, he began to practice martial arts at the age of 3, and became a master at the age of 22. In the middle of his career, he was called a genius. We can see how difficult it is to break through to A-level.

Tiffany only needs to practice reciprocal magic skills with Li Feng for several times, and then she can easily step into A-level level. There is no need to close the door or practice hard, and there is no bottleneck

If we let a group of hard pressed martial arts experts know what they will feel, maybe some people will go to country t for surgery, then go to country h for cosmetic surgery, and then deliberately approach Li Feng

"It's a wonderful feeling."

Tiffany, feeling the power flowing through her body, puns.

"Well, Tiffany, there's something I have to tell you."

Li Feng coughed and decided to give his "glorious record" a good one.

But Tiffany didn't give him a chance: "Li Feng, it's time to pay close attention to practice, isn't it? Don't think about other things, let's concentrate on the next practice

"But Well... "

Before Li Feng finished speaking, he started a new round of cultivation under the guidance of Tiffany

I don't know how long after, when the fourth training ended, Tiffany successfully stepped into A-level.

Feeling the real Qi that can be released out of the body at any time, Tiffany is excited like a little girl who has just got her beloved toy.

Seeing this, Li Feng patiently pointed out Tiffany's skills of releasing true Qi.

Finally, Tiffany has a chance to play

"Er So it's not your past, it's your present? "

Tiffany finally found out the seriousness of the matter. She felt like she was going to cry.

"Well, yes." Li Feng nodded awkwardly: "so Do you regret it? "

Tiffany was silent for a while, and then shook her head blankly: "well If, I mean, if I regret it, what would you do? Will it change my memory? "

"Why, I'm not the kind of man who can't do it." Li Feng shook his head with a smile, then said with a playful look: "in fact, it's too late for you to regret. I'm a very domineering man."

Tiffany's face changed slightly: "what do you say?"

"It means Since you have become my woman, you must be responsible to me in the end, and you can't leave me without my permission. " Li Feng said half jokingly and half seriously.


She only heard that women let men be responsible, but never heard of men let women responsible, so Li Feng is playing a rogue?

Although the behavior is a bit rogue, but she still quite like After all, after practicing with Li Feng for four times, she got better.

But Tiffany can't forgive Li Feng so easily. She has to embarrass him: "well, since you say that, I'll give you a task.""What task?" Li Feng is interested.

"Give you a week to help me find Amy and ask why he betrayed me." Tiffany some dark hate said.

Amy has been with her for two years. Even if she is a dog, she should have feelings for two years?

But dogs don't betray their owners. Amy is not even as good as dogs. If that's all, Tiffany will not be willing to.

It's just that it's not easy for her to report to the police. Who asked Li Feng to wear Changdan for Erfa in June? In case the police intervene in the investigation and find Li Feng's head again, it will be a big deal?

Of course, she just tests Li Feng. If Li Feng can't do it Ah, who let her to Li Feng, then open one eye and close one eye.

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

At the same time, the system tone suddenly rings.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick: "check!"

"Mission: Tiffany's test"

"mission objective: find Amy in seven days and bring him to Tiffany. If the task fails, 2 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment. "

"Mission reward: 500000 experience, 1 million system points, 10 conquest points."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng laughed: "I will catch him in front of you in 24 hours without a week."

If you change someone to complete this task, it must be a bit difficult. Finding someone in the vast sea of people is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Even if you use technology to find it, it will take a lot of time.

But for Li Feng, this is a question of sending points. Use the system to determine Amy's position, and then send it directly to find him in minutes.

"Er You don't have to set such high standards on yourself. " Tiffany was a little scared.

If Li Feng can't find Amy in 24 hours and break up with her under self blame, where will she cry?

"Don't worry, I'm sure." Li Feng pondered a smile, then frowned and said: "I have a good rest, should we carry out the next round of cultivation?"

Tiffany was stunned at first, then lowered her head with blush

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