Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 936

It's so direct! How unrestrained!

Li Feng really didn't expect Tiffany to come out like this, so his mind is muddled now.

His original intention was to hear Tiffany say that he was not handsome, so he was a little unconvinced and wanted to show Tiffany his true colors.

After all, Tiffany is a supermodel he has loved for a long time. It is human nature that people like to say that they will feel uncomfortable.

And then he plans to show Tiffany what he really is and revise Tiffany's memory. That's the end of the evening.

As a result Li Feng is a little reluctant now.


After a long time, Li Feng coughed and said, "Miss Tiffany, I have more than one girlfriend, so..."

"I don't care. Who hasn't gone?" Tiffany obviously misunderstood Li Feng.

Li Feng quickly explained: "no, I mean..."

"You just need to tell me if you like me or not." Tiffany covers Li Feng's mouth and stares at him with burning eyes.

In terms of emotional expression, Westerners are more direct than Chinese people, which is vividly shown on Tiffany.

"Yes, you are my favorite supermodel." Li Feng replied positively, and then he said, "but I..."

"No, but let's just like each other."

Tiffany nodded with satisfaction, and then, without waiting for Li Feng to finish, he went over.

"Well..." Li Feng's pupils are dilated!

After a long time

Tiffany coyly bowed her head and said, "this is my low order..."


Li Feng pupil shrinks, some can't believe.

I remember that he had seen Tiffany's affair before, saying that she had a spark with a male star in Hollywood, and the paparazzi also took pictures of the two dating together.

Although they didn't end up, they should have been in love at that time, right?

Now Tiffany said it was her low order. Li Feng doubted that she used mind reading: "really?"

"It's true, of course. I don't have a wonderful past like you." Tiffany whispered.

"It's true, she didn't lie!" Li Feng finally confirmed that Tiffany really did not lie!

Now the question is, does he have to modify Tiffany's memory? Well Yes, after all

Just then, Tiffany said shyly, "can you accompany me to the hotel later? I'll be alone Afraid. "

"At your service, my lady!" Li Feng took Tiffany's hand and said very gentlemanly.

Go to Temo's memory modification. Tiffany's memory is modified at this time. He will regret it for life!

Soon after the two left, Phil, ELFA and his bodyguard woke up at the same time.

Then the three people were dazzled at the spot.

It's not What happened just now, why did they all faint? Where did Tiffany go?

In order to find out these questions, ELFA went to the restaurant manager and took the restaurant's monitoring. It turned out that only three of them were in and out of Tiffany's room from the beginning to the end.

And just before they woke up, Tiffany left the room alone.

ELFA felt only chills. He always felt a great danger approaching him, but he racked his brains and could not think of any danger.

This is what makes the system and June Chuanchang pill more powerful. As long as Li Feng is willing to pay points, he can modify all the memories and surveillance videos that can be modified.

And June Chuanchang pill does not feel any discomfort after taking it. Only when it takes six months, the toxicity will burst out in an instant, not more than a minute or less than a second.

System production, absolute quality!

"Ding, congratulations to the host, rescue goddess Tiffany (1) mission completed, task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 2 million experience points, 3 million system points and 10 conquest points."

As soon as he came out of the restaurant, Li Feng received a prompt from the system: "well, the task has been completed. In this way, the experience required for upgrading will be almost half."

Think of here, Li Feng point open personal attribute interface to see.

Host: Li Feng

level: demigod level (medium)

experience value: 245250000000

system points: 7 million

conquest points: 1367

skills: divine power, empty spirit, stepping on the sky seven steps, chopping sky sword, empty flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploration Hands

Tasks to be completed: none

"Mr. Li, why did you come here suddenly before I could ask youTiffany took Li Feng's arm and asked curiously.

"Er Well... "

Li Feng hesitated.

"I see. It must be fate, right?" Tiffany snapped.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said against his heart: "I'm afraid Yes, it's fate. "

God special fate, clearly is the system released the task, OK? But Tiffany answered for him, and he wouldn't retort unless he was out of his head.

"That astrologer's divination is really accurate. Next time I meet her, I must thank her well!"

Tiffany grinned and said curiously, "Mr. Li, I have another question. Why do you want to change your face? Are you superman? "

"Er First, you can call me Li Feng, and then You are not asking one question, but two. " Li Feng said with a bitter smile.

"All right, Li Feng." Tiffany gave a sweet cry, and then she said, "no matter one or two, you have to answer me. Of course If you're in trouble, forget it. "

Although Tiffany has the world's first supermodel, but in love she is a small woman, very intimate little woman.

"First question, I want to come to Y country to do something, I have to use the face before."

"The second problem, I'm not Superman, I'm a martial arts strong."

Li Feng didn't hide it. Now he told Tiffany about the common sense of martial arts.

After hearing this, Tiffany said that she was very moved. She begged Li Feng to teach her to become a strong martial arts master. Li Feng did not refuse, and he said something about mutual benefit.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go back to the hotel and practice!" Tiffany is excited.

Li Feng didn't expect Tiffany to be so unrestrained: "er Mutual benefit is needed... "

"Yes, I know." Tiffany blinked her big eyes, blushed and said, "although I haven't had such an experience before, we've established a relationship Besides It can also make me a strong martial artist... "

The West has been very open in this respect, and Tiffany is no exception. If she hadn't met the person in the divination all the time, she would have done it long ago

Li Feng immediately Sparta, even Tiffany said so, if he hesitates, or a (male) person?

"Yes, but before that, I'll go and get the suit you were wearing on the runway." Li Feng said with his eyes shining.

"Which one?" Tiffany is a little confused.

Li Fengxing said in a rush: "Neiyi!"


Why does Mr. Li have such a hobby? But on second thought It seems quite interesting

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