Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 935

ELFA's face changed dramatically, so he went to buckle his throat and tried to spit out the pill.

But this pill melted in the mouth, and he vomited for a while, and he just vomited out some sour water. Now Erfa directly went to Sparta: "what did you give me to eat?"

"June wear Changdan." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and played with the smell: "this pill is highly toxic. If you don't get the antidote within six months, you will die of intestinal puncture and stomach rot

If it wasn't for Tiffany, he really wanted to kill Erfa directly. There were two charges: one was discriminating against Chinese people; the other was disrespect for women. He tried to take Tiffany as his own by despicable means.

This kind of person lives is a waste of food and air!

However, media reporters all know that Tiffany and ELFA had dinner tonight. If he kills Alfa now, it will only make Tiffany in trouble.

"My God..."

Tiffany put her hand over her mouth and said in a panic, "Mr. Li, are you really saying that?"

ELFA looked at Li Feng in horror: "you are deceiving me. You must be deceiving me. I don't believe you dare to poison me!"

"It's true, of course." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, and said with a sneer on his face: "people like you are a waste of food and air to live. If you don't kill you, you still have to stay for the Spring Festival?"

"You madman, I'm a world-famous rich man. If I die, you can't escape the punishment of law."

Alfa was in a violent voice, and his whole body was shaking.

"You talk to me about the law?" Li Feng laughed: "if I didn't show up in time tonight, what would you do to Tiffany? Is it against the law? It's all wolves. Why load sheep? "

"I..." Alfa was tongue tied, then softened: "Mr. Li, I know I'm wrong. I'm willing to use money to make up for my fault. If you make an offer, I'll agree as long as it's not too much."

"What?" Li Feng couldn't believe his ears.

At such a time, Alfa dare to negotiate with him. Is Ollie in his mind?

Seeing that Li Feng didn't make any conditions, Erfa directly said a number: "one billion dollars!"

"Ah Tiffany covered her mouth in surprise.

Even if she is a human self-propelled money printing machine, the figure of $1 billion also makes her heart beat hard.

All her income in a year adds up to only about 150 million dollars, excluding taxes and expenses. One billion dollars is equivalent to her seven years' income!

However, supermodel has a shelf life, and when she reaches a certain age, she will be replaced by younger generations and become a spray that is photographed dead on the shore.

If she made one billion dollars at a time, she would be able to retire and live in the pastoral life of wangzhong.

Now Li Feng can make this billion dollars as long as he opens his mouth, and even she is envious of her self-propelled money printing machine.

"Money is a number to me." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and directly rejected Erfa's proposal.

ELFA's face changed slightly, and he puffed out a foul breath and said, "I know you won't kill me immediately because you don't want to be suspected, so you must have let me out of here, right?"

"Of course, otherwise why should I poison you Li Feng spread his hands and said with a smile.

He didn't mind talking to ELFA a little more.

Maybe it's bad taste. He enjoys the process of teasing others.

"Then you're not afraid that I'll tell you something you've forced to take poison after I go out?" "I'm a man, too. I'm a man. I'm a man. I know you won't give me an antidote. It's like the only thing I can do, isn't it?"

"Maybe you have a strong military value and are not afraid of ordinary police, but I am a super rich man and I have always maintained a good relationship with the US Super Energy Bureau."

"As long as I tell the agency about it, the agency will be happy to help me find you."

His original intention is not to fight with Li Feng, but to coerce Li Feng into giving him an antidote. He is willing to pay a billion dollars or more for this.

Tiffany looked at Li Feng with a worried face. What ELFA said was exactly what she was worried about.

Li Feng shrugged: "your analysis is very thorough, just ignored a bit."

ELFA frowned slightly. "What?"

Li Feng pondered with a smile: "you will not remember that I gave you poison, what happened tonight will not be left in your memory."

ELFA was stunned at first, and then said in horror, "you can hypnotism, too?"

Tiffany also looked at Li Feng in shock.

"It's not hypnotism, it's a more advanced technique than hypnosis." Li Feng laughed and then snapped his fingers.

ELFA felt only a sense of weakness, and his consciousness began to blur. Finally, he collapsed and passed out in a coma.

"My God..." Tiffany covered her mouth with her hand and asked suspiciously, "Mr. Li, what have you done to him?""Modify the memory." Li Feng grinned.

What hypnosis, not as simple and crude as the systematic modification of memory.

"Ah?" Tiffany was stunned at first, then asked nervously, "do you want to change my memory?"

Up to now, she has no doubt that Li Feng said the truth, after all, is immune to bullets.

It's just that she doesn't want her memory to be modified

"Er..." Li Feng's tone was sluggish. He really had this plan.

"Mr. Li, please don't modify my memory. I don't want to lose it." Tiffany quickly took Li Feng's arm, gently shook the way, very coquettish in it.

"Why?" Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, don't understand a way: "tonight's memory to you should be not very happy, forget is not better?"

"No, not exactly." Tiffany shook her head. "At least the memories of Mr. Li's appearance are novel and beautiful to me. You have made me realize the other side of the world."

"The most important thing is..."

At this point Tiffany blushed and stopped talking.

"What?" Li Feng is a little curious.

"It is An astrologer once divined for me that my sweetheart was a superman. He had yellow skin, black eyes, black hair and was very handsome

"Well Although you don't look very handsome, the astrologer's prediction is at least half right? So I don't want to lose that memory. "

Tiffany said and then reacted to what, quickly explained: "in fact, you are still quite handsome, especially in the case of a long time to see."

Westerners speak straightforwardly and don't understand euphemism

Li Feng's face suddenly became strange. Did Westerners believe in fortune telling? But the astrologer is quite accurate

"Well, I think I'm handsome, too."

While speaking, Li Feng took off the mask and revealed his true colors.

Tiffany was stunned at first, then surprised and said, "Mr. Li, is that what you are? My God, you are really handsome. Ah, what the astrologer said is true

"Mr. Li, I found that I really fell in love with you. You are my boyfriend All right? "

Li Feng:

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