Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 934

The power of Desert Eagle needs no more words, let alone human beings. Even a 20 cm thick wall can be penetrated.

Of course, this requires the use of steel core bullets, plus 10 meters of shooting.

The current situation is that the distance between the bodyguard and Li Feng is less than 10 meters. Although the bullets used are ordinary bullets, their penetration is not too bad. As a result, they can't even get close to each other!

Is this special or human?

"Please be a man." Alfa screamed in his heart!

"My God..." Tiffany Elsie put her hand over her mouth and her eyes twinkled.

At first, she admired Li Feng for her excellent medical skills, and she was able to get Tong Yan Shui. Now her admiration for Li Feng is just like that continuous River, which almost overflows.

Are not hard anti bullet, direct bullet immunity, this you dare believe?!

It's a pity Li Feng's appearance is not the one she likes

"It's really vulnerable..."

Li Feng shook his head and said slowly.

"You Who are you? How can you be so strong? "

Phil fell to his knees, frightened.

As a B + level strong man, he even Li Feng's move can not be defeated, the gap is too big! Li Feng is at least an A-class strong!

Li Feng shook his head: "even if Leighton Baines is here, he doesn't have the right to know my identity. It's up to you Hehe, it's better to save. "

"What!" Phil's face changed dramatically.

Leighton Baines is the director of the Super Energy Bureau. Few people know about it. At least ordinary people don't know that there is a super energy agency in the United States. Even fewer people know about Leighton Baines.

Li Feng is only a Chinese in country y. how can he know Leighton Baines and dare to speak to director Leighton Baines in this tone?

Did he meet Leighton Baines, and stronger than Leighton Baines?

Phil was a little desperate at the thought of this possibility.

"Sleep for a while." Li Feng shakes his head and smiles. He raises his hand and cuts it on Phil's neck.

Phil passed out without even humming.

ELFA's face was even more ugly. He pushed the bodyguard in front of him and stepped back. He only stepped back two steps and found that His hand was on the bodyguard's back all the time.

"My special..."

El's law suck, and the bodyguard is not at the critical moment. How can this be done?

"By the way, Tiffany!"

ELFA turned to control Tiffany.

Li Feng obviously came to save Tiffany. As long as Tiffany is under control, Li Feng will throw a mousetrap.

Just before he came to Tiffany's side, there was a strong wind blowing by, and then a flower in front of him, Tiffany disappeared from his eyes.


Then, Tiffany's exclamation came from the rear. ELFA quickly turned his head to see Tiffany in Li Feng's arms, his head resting on Li Feng's shoulder, and his expression was somewhat confused.

"Dr. Li..."

Tiffany's eyes were blurred, her cheeks were reddish, and her breath was slightly hot.

At this moment, Tiffany had a sense of stability. She had never felt such a strong embrace, as if in this embrace, she could ignore any danger in the world.


Li Feng's feeling is not much better. After all, he is the world's No. 1 supermodel. Before that, he never thought that he could have such a close contact with the world's No. 1 supermodel.

not to mention the smell of perfume on Tiffany's body is very good. Under the double stimulation of vision and smell, Li Feng is boiling.

Fortunately, Li Feng had been tempered by Wei Bingqing, song Wanjun and others. As soon as he ran his true Qi, he cooled the blood that was about to reach the boiling point.

Seeing this, ELFA was jealous of fire!

This originally belongs to him good thing, unexpectedly was destroyed by Li Feng, the hatred is towering!

"I'll kill you!"

ELFA grabbed the desert eagle from his bodyguard and fired several shots at Li Feng Lian!

"Bang" "bang" "bang" "bang"

Even if the muffler is added, the powerful Desert Eagle still makes a dull sound.

But although the movement is big, it does not pose any threat to Li Feng. A-level can ignore the pistol, let alone the demigod level?

Looking at the spinning warhead in midair, Tiffany was surprised again and couldn't help touching it.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth, quickly grasped her small hand, and patiently explained: "Miss Tiffany, you don't see that the warhead has stopped. In fact, it still has the potential energy to move forward. If you touch it at this time, it is easy to be injured. When it stops rotating, the potential energy will disappear completely."

"Is that amazing?" Tiffany's eyes were shining, and he didn't care that his little hand was held by Li Feng.Feeling the heat on his face, Li Feng couldn't help but draw from the corner of his mouth: "well, it's so amazing."

The moment the voice landed, the bullets finally stopped spinning and fell to the ground one after another.

Along with the bullets, there was also Erfa, who had just been dazzled by his anger and made the act of snatching and shooting.

Now his anger receded, his fear drowned him, and his legs softened and he collapsed to the ground.

After such a long time of turmoil, there was still no restaurant staff to inquire. There was no possibility of defeating Li Feng and no reinforcements. ELFA was finally afraid.

"Why are you still standing?" Li Feng looks at ELFA's bodyguard and sneers.

"I..." The bodyguard pondered for two seconds, then fell back with his eyes closed.

What also hold back say, I faint for respect first!

"Pretend to faint, bad comment!" Li Feng shook his head with a smile, bent his fingers, a ball of genuine Qi into the head of the bodyguard.

The bodyguard shivered for a moment. This time he was really dizzy.

"Mr. ELFA, would you like to make a statement?"

Li Feng put Tiffany down and went to ELFA and said.

Tiffany's heart issued a sigh, a little bit disappointed.

Ah? Why do I have this feeling, clearly his appearance is not my favorite type?

But In addition to the appearance does not meet her criteria, Mr. Li is really excellent in other aspects!

has the final say when El make blind and disorderly conjectures: "you have an old saying in China that the winner is the king, the loser is the Kou, you win, you have the final say, and say," what do you want me to do? "

"You are quite conscious." Li Feng shook his head and laughed, then said in a cold voice, "are you not afraid that I will kill you in a rage?"

ELFA's face changed slightly, then he forced a smile: "I'm a world-famous person. If I die here, what do you think will happen to you? Come on, how much do you want me to pay for this? "

Li Feng laughed: "you really guess wrong, I have 10000 ways to let you die without knowing."

Li Feng took out a red pill from his arms and put it into Erfa's mouth without saying a word.

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