Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 933

"Tiffany, do you forget how this Chinese came in?"

Alfa took a deep breath and asked, with a solemn face.

"I don't remember..." Tiffany shook her head. In her memory, she saw Phil take out his pocket watch, and suddenly the picture was like this.

Alfa's face changed again: "what should you call me?"

"Ah?" Tiffany was stunned at first, then said strangely, "of course, it's Mr. ELFA, or what else can I call it?"

ELFA's face suddenly became ugly: "Damn it, Phil, what's going on? You said the hypnotic effect can last for 24 hours?"

Phil also looked ugly and murmured to himself, "no, no reason..."

Then he turned to look at Li Feng: "is it you who do the ghost?"

Opposite, Tiffany also asked: "what hypnosis, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand it at all?"

Although she could not understand what she said, she had already made a bold guess in her heart.

Li Feng pretended to be puzzled and said, "what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"


Did he learn to speak on purpose? It must be!


Phil took a puff, turned to Erfa and said, "Mr. ELFA, give it to me. I'll help you fulfill your wish today, no matter what."

"Good! Then please, Mr. Phil Alfa nodded and backed away.

At the same time, the waiter standing behind Tiffany stepped forward and stood in front of Alfa, who was naturally ELFA's bodyguard.

What ELFA has just done must not be seen by outsiders. It is the simplest way to disguise his bodyguard as a waiter.

"Are you going to deal with me?" Li Feng looked at Phil and asked.

"Well, although you don't admit it, my intuition tells me that the changes in Miss Tiffany are related to you. As long as you are done, Miss Tiffany can be hypnotized by me again."

Phil sneered and pulled out a dagger from his back.

"Oh?" Li Feng's eyebrow pointed out: "are you going to use this dagger to deal with me? Don't you forget that I just finished two retired Marines before I came here. "

"Ha ha, Marine Corps..." Phil shook his head and laughed, scornfully said: "this can only be used to scare ordinary people. In my eyes, I can kill a squadron of Marines without blinking an eye."

Li Feng pondered for two seconds: "then your eyes are not sour?"


I told you that I killed a marine in a squadron without blinking. Did you ask me if my eyes were sour? Can't you focus on something else?! Normal people don't think that, OK?!

The number of a marine squadron is 182. 182 soldiers with strict training and excellent weaponry are enough to win a small-scale war.

Of course, Phil said he would be killed in the face of 182 Marines with all kinds of weapons when facing the other party's unarmed.

"If you don't blink for a long time, you'll get dry eye disease. It's a disease. You have to treat it." Li Feng said earnestly.


Tiffany finally couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile.

The atmosphere is really tense, but she just can't help it. Dr. Li is so humorous. No, I have to laugh a little more.

Alfa's old face was black and blue.

Phil is a fool. Why do you talk so much to this Chinese? Just do it!

Phil is also very angry, he is clearly in the side to explain how strong he is, as a result, Li Feng there became dry eye disease.

SHENTE dry eye disease? Laozi is a strong martial arts! I don't blink for three days and three nights. I won't get dry eye disease, OK?!

"Huaxia boy, you have successfully angered me. Are you ready to accept the cruel reality?"

Phil picked up the dagger, put it on his mouth, and said with a grim smile.

"Er Is there no poison on this dagger Li Feng thought of a tease GIF that he had seen before. A robber danced with his dagger when he knew that the dagger was poisonous. He added a dagger and then hung up.

Well The woman in the other camp is also a little bit of a secondary. Her focus is not that the other side is a robber, but that the other side is very handsome when dancing

"Hum, are you an idiot? Of course, there is no poison on this dagger. Do I dare to add some?"

Feldut was so angry.

"Oh, then I don't have to worry about it being poisonous." Li Feng nodded, looking more relaxed than before.

Phil: huh

Did I take the initiative to expose something?

"Phil, what else do you say to him? Get rid of him ELFA couldn't see it anymore and roared.Phil nodded, raised his dagger and stabbed Li Feng in the chest: "go to death!"

To be able to join the Super Energy Bureau, Phil is not only powerful in hypnosis, but also has reached the level of B +. It is because of the B + level of combat power that he can say the crazy words that one man kills a marine in a squadron.

Phil's move was as fast as a gust of wind. ELFA and others only felt a flower in front of their eyes, and the dagger came to Li Feng.

"Ah! Be careful, Mr. Li! " Tiffany was scared to cry out, and at the same time covered his eyes with his hand, for fear that he would see Li Feng's blood splashing on the spot.

ELFA clenched his fists and was so excited that his eyes turned red. He seemed to see the picture of Li Feng being stabbed in the chest by a dagger and falling into a pool of blood.

But the next moment


a crisp sound!

Then there was a "click" sound of bone fracture.

"Ah! My wrist is broken

Phil let out a pig like howl and fell to his knees.

ELFA's pupils are wide open: "how can it be?"

His bodyguard's face changed dramatically, and then he took out a desert eagle with muffler from his arms and pulled the trigger at Li Feng.

"Bang" "bang" "bang" "bang"

Gunfire and sparks!

"It's so dry..." ELFA clenched his fists and made a surprise.

At the next moment, however, ELFA seemed to be punched in the air, and the whole person was in a daze!

The bullets that hit Li Feng did not penetrate his body, but stopped in front of Li Feng like an invisible wall.

If the bullets were not spinning, ELFA would have thought it was a special illusion!

"No more tricks?"

Li Feng looked down at Phil, who was kneeling on the ground, and then looked at the panic stricken ELFA and his bodyguards, mocking.

No one answered him, all of them stood in the same place like a ghost, with their mouths open enough to jam an apple!

Ding, Ding, Ding

At this time, the momentum of the bullet was exhausted, and it dropped to the ground one after another.

It was as if he had been pounding directly on Alfa's heart, and his body was shaking with it!

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