Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 932

Tiffany's expression became a little dull at the moment of consciousness blurring, which lasted for about a minute, and then her expression returned to normal.

Then Tiffany showed a charming expression and said, "honey, when are we going back to the hotel?"

"Did you succeed?" ELFA blurted out

"Yes, Mr. ELFA, Miss Tiffany has been hypnotized by me, and for the next 24 hours, she will treat you as the closest person you can be."

"After 24 hours, she will completely lose this part of memory, you will not have any worries."

Said the waiter behind ELFA, with a proud smile.

"Very well, you did very well! Before I go back to the hotel, I'll transfer a million dollars to your bank card. " Said ELFA, slowly, with a puff of foul air.

In order to achieve his plan for tonight, ELFA not only bought Amy for one million dollars, but also bought a world-class hypnotist, the man dressed as a waiter behind him for two million dollars.

His name is Phil. He belongs to the U.S. Super Energy Bureau. He is an expert whom ELFA met by chance.

In order to ask Phil to sell, he used to prepay a million dollars in advance, and after that, he would give Phil another million dollars.

ELFA has spent more than $3 million on a woman, which is hard for ordinary people to understand, but for the world's tenth richest person, it's worth it!

"Honey, what is he saying? How can I not understand him at all?"

Opposite, Tiffany asked blankly.

"Hahaha, honey, you don't have to worry about what he said. What you need to think about now is how we are going to spend the evening."

"Well The underwear you're wearing on the runway is very good. I've bought it from Norton. You can put it on when you get back to the hotel

There was a light in ELFA's eyes, and he said with a smile.

Tiffany, blushing, bowed her head and said, "yes, dear."

In the corner of the private room, Li Feng is photographing secretly with his mobile phone. When he sees this, he can't help but smoke from the corners of his mouth.

My special ELFA even wanted to go with him. Is it really true that he is a fellow

But he was just thinking about it, and ELFA had already put it into action. He was boastful and mean.

But then again This waiter's hypnotism is very powerful. Its effect is the same as his puppet skill, but I don't know how to relieve hypnosis.

"System, do you have a way to get rid of Tiffany's hypnosis?" Li Feng asked secretly.

"There are two ways, one is to completely relieve Tiffany's hypnosis, and the second is to change the beneficial target of hypnosis to the host. So What is the host going to choose? " The system replied.

Li Feng:

It's not System, you ya sincere it, but also to benefit from the target to me, do not know that people can not withstand temptation?

Of course, this little temptation is still difficult to read the beauty of Li Feng, but choose the first way, he always have a feeling of missing 100 million.

"How much system points does the first method cost?" Li Feng took a deep breath and asked.

"1000 system points." The system replied.

"Well Sprinkle water. " Li Feng nodded and decided in his heart.

"Honey, I can't wait to take you back to the hotel."

Alfa pulled the napkin off his collar and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"All right, honey, let's go back now."

As soon as she got up, eltiffa would smile.

ELFA, with a triumphant smile, sat in his seat and waited for Tiffany to come and lead him to his feet.

Just then there was a knock on the door, and ELFA's eyebrows pointed out: "who?"

A woman's voice rang out at the door: "Mr. ELFA, I'm the waiter in our shop. Because your consumption is up to the standard, the boss specially gives Mr. ELFA a bottle of red wine."

"No need." Alfa snorted in a very unpleasant tone.

I'm so rich that I still care about a bottle of wine from the restaurant?

"No, you need it." The girl's voice came again.


God special me "you need", you special me who is in charge of me?

Is that waiter outside growing a dog brain? No, that's insulting the dog. Her mind is full of Ollie!

"Go and open the door, bill, and I'll see who's going to give me the wine."

Alfa snorted coldly and said, suppressing his anger.


Phil, the waiter behind alfa, turned to the door and opened it. Then he was stunned.It's not It's a woman's voice clearly. Why is a man standing at the door? And the man didn't wear the clothes of a waiter. What's the situation?

"Phil?" Alfa exclaimed in disbelief, and turned to look. Then he was like Phil, and he was in the act.

In front of him is a Chinese man, and is his acquaintance - Li Feng!

I wipe, why did Li summit appear here? Didn't his two bodyguards say that Li Feng has been settled?

"Mr. Li?" Although Tiffany was hypnotized, but the relevant memory was not lost, so he recognized Li Feng at a glance.

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, then turned to look at ELFA and grinned: "surprise, surprise, surprise, sting or stimulation?"

Tiffany is a little bit stupefied. What's the surprise? She can't get a point at all.

Alfa thought it was really exciting: "Damn it, why are you here, philite, and the two of them?"

"If you're talking about the two retired Marines Then they should still be sleeping in the corner of the art center

"I don't know if the staff there will treat them as tramps and give them something to eat."

Li Feng said with a smile.

Alfa's pupils shrank: "is it you who are talking to me? Did you make that woman's voice just now? "

"Not stupid." Li Feng had a good laugh.

"Well, I didn't expect that you had so many means, but I underestimated you." ELFA took a deep breath and snorted, "since you're not hurt, we're going to write off the grudges between us. I have something to do. You can go quickly and don't waste my time."

Li Feng Mei pointed out: "you can go, Miss Tiffany must stay."

"Ha ha, why do you let her stay? Even if you are her friend, what is your right to make decisions for her? " ELFA laughed up and looked at Tiffany: "honey, tell this Chinese boy if you want to go with me or not."

Tiffany nodded: "yes, of course..."

Just then, Tiffany's face suddenly showed a daze. A few seconds later, she shook her head and said, "I What happened to me just now Why, Dr. Li, when did you come here

Hearing this, ELFA's face changed dramatically!

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