Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 926

Shouldn't you be a great person? What's the ghost of traditional Chinese medicine?

As a native Chinese, Yang Yuxuan knows that Chinese medicine is more popular as the older he grows. Li Feng looks so young that his medical skills are certainly not high.

So why does he sit in row a? Does the hospital he runs have a large scale, all over the country?

"Mr. Li is really young and promising." Yang Yuxuan first gave Li Feng a thumbs up, and then asked curiously, "what's the name of your TCM hospital? Is it a chain?"

"LD Chinatown Li's traditional Chinese medicine hall, only one, no other branch." Li Feng said with a smile.

Yang Yuxuan: You must be joking with me? "

"I don't seem to have to joke with you, do I?" Li Feng's smile did not diminish.

Yang Yuxuan nodded stiffly and looked at Tang Qiong and aishaniya: "what are the two ladies engaged in?"

"Unemployed." The two women looked at each other and replied together.

Yang Yuxuan's eyes flashed. No job means no identity. Many rich second generation don't have proper jobs. The theme of their life is to play around the world and show off their wealth.

So don Qiong and isania are rich girls?

At the thought of this possibility, Yang Yuxuan's attitude became more heated.

Li Feng's three people can't see Yang Yuxuan's purpose, but my fair lady is very fond of him. As long as Yang Yuxuan doesn't say anything out of the ordinary, he can still talk to him.

We are all Chinese. It's a great fate to meet you abroad

Yang Yuxuan's conduct is still good. Although he has the intention to have in-depth contacts with Tang Qiong and isaniah, he is a gentleman from the beginning to the end.

After all, it is the new Chinese top class fresh meat, and now in the spotlight of the media, he naturally wants to show a bit of gentleness.

Yang Yuxuan's attitude towards Li Feng is also very good. They call each other respectfully. The four chat happily.

At this time, a white middle-aged man came to this side under the stars holding the moon. Yang Yuxuan looked at him, and immediately changed his face a little: "it's Mr. ELFA of the United States!"

"Mr. Alfa of the ELFA group in the United States?" Li Feng asked with a sharp eyebrow.

"Yes, that's him. He is the 10th richest person in the world. ELFA group is a software giant in the world." Yang Yuxuan eyes dew Jingguang said.

Compared with the super rich with tens of billions of dollars, his top class fresh meat from China is not on the stage.

Li Feng nodded. He knew about Erfa. After all, he was a man who had been in the forefront of the world's rich list for a long time.

Alfa's full name is Thomas ELFA. He founded ELFA software service company 30 years ago. Under his leadership, Erfa has developed rapidly and quickly became the third largest software company in the world.

In last year's rich list, ELFA ranked tenth with a fortune of 51.1 billion dollars.

Contrary to his bright identity, ELFA has also done a lot of absurd things, such as drunken driving and hitting people, threatening with guns, holding illegal salons, racial discrimination, cheating in marriage

It's just that he is too rich. In America, money means everything. So even if he is involved in lawsuits, he can still be chic all over the world.

The people around ELFA are also rich people from all walks of life, but their assets may not be as much as erfah's, so Erfa is the sun, and they are just some planets revolving around the sun.

"Why, how can there be Chinese people here?"

ELFA was about to walk to row a No. 8 position when he found four people of Yang Yuxuan, and immediately frowned and stopped.

"Mr. ELFA, the man in the white suit is Yang Yuxuan, the spokesman of JM in China."

A rich man with knowledge of the situation whispered.

"Well, it's just an actor. It's funny to be placed in such a front position!"

ELFA scolded discontentedly, then looked at Li Feng: "what are they two people for?"

"The man seems to be a Chinese medicine doctor in Chinatown. There are many rumors about his magical medical skills on the Internet, but I personally think it's a hoax. Everyone knows it's not reliable."

As for the white dress She seems to be the business manager of Youlan group and a small role, but the young master of the gulit family has been pursuing her

The rich man who knew the situation whispered.

ELFA was stunned at first, and then said angrily, "is Norton out of his mind, and has arranged for two unknown people to sit here?"

If you let Yang Yuxuan sit in the front row, he can understand that, after all, it is good for JM business. But what are the ghosts of TCM and business manager?

People of this status are not qualified to meet him on weekdays, but now they want to be equal with him?

More importantly, they are all Chinese!

Is Norton trying to humiliate him?Enraged, ELFA strides toward Yang Yuxuan.

When Yang Yuxuan saw that erfajiang was coming towards him, he stood up in fear and excitement and said, "Mr. ELFA, I'm Yang Yuxuan. I'm glad to meet you!"

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair. Every time you make friends with a rich person, you will get more opportunities. Even if the other party refuses to help yourself, it is a matter of great face to speak out.

But Alfa's attitude was cold: "I'm not happy to see you at all, so Would you please change your position

"What?" Yang Yuxuan was a little confused. He didn't remember that he had offended each other, so why did ELFA treat himself like this?

"Don't you understand? Well, I'll tell you the truth ELFA sneered and pointed to Yang Yuxuan, Li Feng and Tang Qiong: "I don't like to sit so close to Chinese people, so please change your position, otherwise I will be unhappy, and the consequences of my unhappiness will be very serious."

He didn't come here to give Norton face. Frankly speaking, Norton is not qualified to give him face. The wealth gap between them is too big.

Alfa came here for a woman, Tiffany Elsie.

As a super rich man, ELFA has a wide range of hobbies, including luxury cars, luxury houses, private airplanes, all kinds of luxury goods and beauty!

Many Hollywood actresses have had an indistinct relationship with alfa. Tiffany Elsie, known as the world's first supermodel, is naturally one of Alfa's goals.

However, Tiffany Elsie's family is superior, and she is also rich in money. She is not very fond of the married alfa and has refused his kindness several times.

Alfa is not a man who gives up easily, so this time he comes again

"This..." Yang Yuxuan's face was a little ugly.

Although Erfa didn't make it clear, the discrimination against the Chinese was obvious.

If it was someone else, Yang Yuxuan would refute it fiercely, but he was one of the top ten richest people in the world He didn't dare.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly patted him on the shoulder and sneered, "ELFA, right? If you don't want to sit in this row, you can change your position and let us change our position Ha ha, dream

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