Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 927

Alfa couldn't believe his ears.

He was turned down? And is it so justifiable and fearless to refuse him?

Ha ha He hasn't come across such an interesting thing for a long time!

"Do you know who Mr. ELFA is, sheat?"

"How dare you refuse Mr. ELFA, when he tells you to give you face? Do you know what the consequences are? "

"Huaxia boy, I don't care who you are. If you offend Mr. ELFA, you must be ready to be punished!"

Before he could say anything, the rich people around him took the lead in helping him fight against injustice.

Li Feng laughed: "it's just one of the top ten richest people in the world. What can't be refused?"

The world's 10th richest man is a big man that most people can't afford, and can really kill people with money.

However, compared with the gulit family, such a character is a little bit of a witch. Apart from other things, the gulit family can crush him, let alone the force value of the gulit family.

Li Feng is a character who can almost destroy the gulit family. He really doesn't pay attention to Erfa.


Those who heard this could not help but take a breath of air.

In their position, too many bullish characters have been seen, but it is the first time that Li Feng talks so forcefully.

How much wine did you drink? Why don't you add some cephalosporin? Drink it to death!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Alfa looked up and laughed.

Since he became famous, his temper is getting bigger and bigger, and his behavior is more and more arrogant and despotic.

One is that he really has strength, and the other is that other people are used to him and coax him. Li Feng is the first person who dare not take him seriously after knowing his identity.

"Mr. ELFA, I think this Chinese is a madman. You really don't have to be angry with a madman."

"Phil, aren't you confident? Please remove the word "feel". He is a madman

"The man who dares to speak to Mr. ELFA like this is not a madman. What else can he be?"

"Hey, Huaxia boy, if you don't want to commit suicide on the street, you should apologize to Mr. ELFA and get out of here!"

ELFA's rich friends have threatened Li Feng.

When the guests nearby heard this, they could not help but mourn for Li Feng in their hearts.

Yang Yuxuan looks pale, although Li Feng's words make him feel very angry, but this is very dangerous, OK?!

In the entertainment industry, he has heard a lot of legends related to the rich. Some of the elders in the circle offended the big boss carelessly, and were blocked, planted, framed and imprisoned, and even died of accidents!

That's not careful to offend each other, such as Li Feng, who deliberately offends in death It's close to death, isn't it?

In the distance, the media in the field also noticed the situation here. The long guns and short guns were all aimed at this side.

Some media reporters who are not afraid of death even touch it quietly, in order to get the first-hand information!

The super rich Alfa Ben is a character who often goes on the hot search, and the Chinese star entertainer is also a big news point. There is a conflict between them. The news itself is explosive, OK!

"A bunch of idiots." Li Feng shook his head and mocked, "you should be glad that I haven't really got angry, so Get out of my sight as soon as possible, or the consequences will be serious. "

Yang Yuxuan shuddered and turned to look at Li Feng: "Mr. Li Is that really all right? "

"Of course." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, and his face was light.

Yang Yuxuan takes a puff from the corner of his mouth, and then looks at Tang Qiong and aishania, hoping that the two women can persuade Li Feng not to continue pretending to be forced.

But who knows that the two women's expressions are the same, without any consciousness of being in the danger center!

"Good, Huaxia boy, you're dead!"

ELFA extended his finger to Li Feng, and then he would call his bodyguard to come in and punish Li Feng severely.

Of course, he knows what kind of impact this will have, but it doesn't matter. He has a lot of money, and then he can take the money to settle the matter.

No matter what, he won't swallow it easily!

Just as the situation was about to get out of control, Norton, who received the notice, quickly walked over: "Mr. ELFA, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. This is Mr. Li Feng. This is Mr. Li Feng. He sold" Sanders' summer "at Degas auction house for 200 million pounds some time ago."

"What, is it him?" The face of the rich around ELFA changed slightly.

They are all rich circles. What happened at the degas spring auction has been widely spread, but they didn't expect that the Chinese rich in the rumor was the ordinary young man in front of them.

Yang Yuxuan's face changed dramatically.I said, how can the Chinese medicine in the small traditional Chinese Medicine Museum sit in such a front position? It turns out that Li Feng is a hidden super rich man!

But Compared with ELFA, Li Feng seems to be a lot worse? But if Mr. Norton comes forward, the conflict between the two should be resolved peacefully, right?

"So what? If he's rude to me, I'll have to deal with him. Otherwise, how can I get involved in this circle?"

ELFA didn't care.

Norton's face changed slightly. After a long time, he said with a bitter smile: "Mr. ELFA, please give me a face. No matter what kind of misunderstanding you have with Mr. Li, don't let the contradiction intensify now. Let's wait until the show is over, OK?"

ELFA looked at the more and more media reporters gathered around him, and then looked at Li Feng, who was sitting in his chair. Finally, he nodded and said, "OK, I'll give you a face. I'll wait until the show is over."

The voice fell to the ground. ELFA did not look at Li Feng. He turned around and sat down in front of seat 8.

Other rich people glared at Li Feng fiercely and found their own seats to sit down.

A storm suddenly dissipated into the invisible

The media reporters gathered around let out a sigh of disappointment, and it was about to break out a big news. As a result, it was over. Walter, what can I do!

After a group of media reporters looked at Norton bitterly, they scattered and went looking for other news points.

Yang Yuxuan was relieved and felt powerless all over.

He has made a decision to leave here as soon as possible after the show is over, so as not to be affected!

Norton wiped his forehead with cold sweat, then looked at Li Feng with complicated complexion and said, "Mr. Li, you should be more careful."

His original intention is to make friends with Li Feng and get a bottle of Tongyan water. However, Li Feng has caused so much trouble. It's really Bad luck.

However, Li Feng and master Gullit can still live to the present, which also shows Li Feng's strength from the side. Therefore, he will not have a hard relationship with him until he has to.

Li Feng nodded with a smile: "thank you very much for the reminder from Mr. Norton."

Norton nodded and walked away quickly.

Not long after the situation subsided, the lights were dim and the show was about to start!

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