Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 925

A few minutes later, Luo Tianzheng closed the door of the traditional Chinese medicine hall and blocked Tang Xiong's painful voice outside. Then he turned and clapped his hands and said, "boss, what I did just now is OK?"

After Wu Zhongxiong's order, he was even more reckless.

It's real. It's like throwing garbage.

Of course, Luo Tianzheng has no intention of killing people. Although he uses a lot of strength, he puts a layer of true Qi barrier on Tang Xiong and others. It will only make Tang Xiong and others feel the pain of their heart, but not their lives.

"Ha ha." Li Feng sneered twice. After seeing Luo Tianzheng's hair, he took back his eyes and said, "remember, although you are playing the staff of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, you don't need to bring tea and water to the patients here, just keep calm."

However, the elder of jiuyouzong started to serve people. Luo Tianzheng, these people can really do it.

"Yes, yes, yes, I understand!" Luo Tianzheng wiped his forehead with cold sweat and quickly agreed to come down.

Li Feng nodded, turned and walked back to the doctor's desk and sat down. Then he looked at the door carefully.

With the blessing of perspective eye, Li Feng saw Tang Xiong and others support each other and leave in despair. There was no resentment or unwilling expression on his face, only fear and regret.

They thought that they would lower their body and take the initiative to find Li Feng. Li Feng would be more or less soft hearted. They did not think that Li Feng's heart was as firm as a rock, so they were thrown out directly.

In this way, their relationship with Li Feng was completely broken.

No one knows where the Tang family will go in the future. Tang Xiong and others have a dark cloud in their hearts, which makes them breathless.

Not long after Tang Xiong and others left, JM employees arrived here and respectfully put down three invitation letters.

Three days later.

LD, H Avenue, sun never sets, Art Center entrance, red carpet, media gathered.

JM's spring show was held here. At the moment, quite a number of celebrities were on the scene. They saw the luxury car driving to the red carpet, the door opened, and the brightly dressed guests walked out of the car, facing a flash bombing.

Then, with a refreshing smile on their faces, these guests stepped on the red carpet in the face of long guns and short guns. When they got to the middle of the red carpet, they had to stop for a while and put a few poses. After the media reporters had finished filming, they continued to walk forward and walked into the art center.

Among these guests, there are many stars and rich people from all over the world, as well as local celebrities of country y.

Nearly 100 meters away from the Art Center, there is a Porsche Panamera. Li Feng sits in the driver's seat and looks at the bustling scene ahead, frowning slightly.

He took Tang Qiong and isania to watch the show, but when he got here, he suddenly hesitated to go in.

Although he is wearing the face of his friend with the same name, he is not willing to take photos on the red carpet, especially with two beautiful women

"Eh, that seems to be a male star in China. What's his name By the way, Yang Yuxuan! His name is Yang Yuxuan. It seems that he is a new fresh meat in China. He is very popular. "

When Li Feng hesitated to go back, Tang Qiong suddenly exclaimed.

Li Feng's face changed slightly: "do you still care about China's entertainment industry?"

Tang Qiong was stunned at first, then blushed and said, "I have a lot of feelings for Huaxia, and I have registered on Weibo..."

"I see." Li Feng nodded to show understanding.

Speaking of Yang Yuxuan, Li Feng has heard about it, not because he is concerned about the entertainment industry, but because Yang Yuxuan is an artist of Xingfeng entertainment.

Li Feng will naturally pay more attention to things related to his own women.

As Tang Qiong said, Yang Yuxuan's popularity in China is very high, and he has entered the top popular list. This time he came to the JM show because he has just become the spokesman of JM in China.

As for the others Li Feng is not sure. After all, he is not a fan of Yang Yuxuan.

"Mr. Li, are we going to walk in like this? It's so shy. "

Isanya's face was red, but she was eager to try.

Which girl has no dream of princess? In the final analysis, she is only a 20-year-old girl. Naturally, she likes to participate in such occasions.

"Well If you don't want to go with me Li Feng thought about it and said.

It doesn't matter if he's here to play.

"Well Forget it. I'm not a star. It's strange to walk up. " Said isanya.

"Actually, I don't like walking on the red carpet either..." Tang qiongxiu frowned slightly: "but I really want to watch this show, so Li Feng, can you ask Mr. Norton to let us in through the back door

"By the back door?" Li Feng has a sharp eyebrow and a strange complexion.

I feel very excited when I think of going through the back door with two pretty girlsWait a minute. What the hell? Tang Qiong only said to go through the back door of the art center!

"Well, yes, I'll call him now."

Li Feng quickly convergence of mind, took out the mobile phone to call Norton.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Norton's warm voice came: "Mr. Li, are you at the scene? Do you need me to send someone to pick you up?"

"Well The front is too busy. We want to go through the back door... " Li Feng said his purpose.

Norton naturally agreed to this. Soon, some staff members found Li Feng, took them to the back door, and walked into the show smoothly.

At the moment, the stage of the show has been arranged, and many guests have been seated on both sides of the T-stage.

Li Feng took out the invitation and took a look at it. Then he began to look for it according to the above standard position.

"Well Row a, 12 seats There it is. "

After finding the right position, Li Feng put the invitation back in his coat pocket, and then he took the two women to row a, seat 12.

Because the three invitation letters were sent together, the seats were naturally next to each other. The two women's seats were 13 seats in row a and 14 seats in row a.

When Li Feng three people came to their seats, they found that Yang Yuxuan was sitting in row a, seat 11, next to Li Feng!

At this time, Yang Yuxuan also saw the Three Li Feng. First, he glanced at Li Feng, and then he was attracted by Tang Qiong and aishaniya.

Tang Qiong and aishania were originally the best-selling beauties. In order to participate in today's show, they dressed up specially, which can be described as radiant. Even if there are lots of beautiful women in the show, the two women are also the most attractive ones.

"Hello, I'm Yang Yuxuan. Nice to meet you."

After Li Feng's three people came over, Yang Yuxuan got up at the first time and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, Li Feng."

Li Feng shook hands with him with a smile.

Then Yang Yuxuan reached out to Tang Qiong: "beautiful lady, can I get to know you?"

Tang Qiong looked at him for a while and said with a smile, "of course, my name is Tang Qiong, but I don't like shaking hands with the opposite sex."

Yang Yuxuan, a gentleman, smiles and looks at aishania, who also introduces herself without shaking hands with him.

Yang Yuxuan was somewhat dissatisfied in his heart, but on the surface he said enthusiastically: "I didn't expect to meet Chinese compatriots here. I'm really happy. By the way, Mr. Li, what do you do?"

In his mind, to be able to sit so far in front of the show must be some great man.

Li Feng said with a smile: "I am a traditional Chinese medicine, in Chinatown opened a Chinese Medicine Museum."

Yang Yuxuan:

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