Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 924

"Er..." Luo Tianzheng and others are a little confused.

It's not that I don't believe Wu Lin's words, but Li Feng has too many women, so whose mother is Wu Lin?

Li Feng didn't understand the relationship between him and the Tang family when he sent it

Wu Linxiu frowned slightly: "Er, what, er, are you a new employee of my son-in-law?"

"Yes." Luo Tianzheng and others nodded in a hurry. Nominally, they were the employees of the suzerain. There was nothing wrong with this.

"Then you are not polite to us?" Wu Lin laughs angrily. Li Feng is not a capable person. How can I recruit employees who are so insightful that they don't know how to please the boss's relatives?

Luo Tianzheng and others look pale. If these people are really relatives of the patriarch, they should be more polite to them.

No, they seem to be very polite from the beginning. They didn't show any impoliteness.

What's the matter with this old lady!

"Don't know what to do?" Wu Lin laughed angrily. If you were an employee of Youlan group, she would have fired her. Keeping them would only offend customers.

Luo Tianzheng and others nodded at a loss: "you What do we need to do? "

"First take what we have in our hands, and then we can move chairs, watch tea and pour water for us."

Wu Lin hate iron is not steel said.

"Ouch." After all, Luo Tianzheng and others did not serve others. After listening to Wu Lin's words, they reacted and began to get busy.

Just as soon as they received the gift from the Tang family, they found that There are not a few chairs in the traditional Chinese medicine hall. This place is originally small, and there are few patients who come to see a doctor before.

Later, Li Feng became famous on the Internet, and he didn't have time to decorate properly.

"Forget it, let's stand for a moment. You can pour tea first and then call Li Feng out." Wu Lin said with a smile.

Luo Tianzheng and others were extremely upset, but because the other side was the patriarch's mother-in-law, they did not dare to get angry, so they could only go to one side and serve them tea and water.

If the disciples of Jiuyou sect saw this, they would be shocked.

I'll go. Seven elders and semi gods of our God sect actually serve tea and water to a group of ordinary people. It's even more crazy than mice serving as bridesmaids for cats!

"I don't understand, Xiaofeng is so powerful, how can he be willing to be a doctor in this place?"

Tang Fei shakes his head and sighs repeatedly. He has a feeling of seeing the Pearl covered with dust.

"Big brother, you don't understand. It's called Da Yin Yin in the city." Tang Jian smiles and says, "the most correct decision I have ever made in my life is to agree to marry Xiao Qiong to Li Feng."

It can be seen that Tang Jian is very, very satisfied with Li Feng.

Tang Fei curled his lips. How dare Tang Jian speak to him like that before? That is to say, Li Feng is a big tree.

Just as Luo Tianzheng and others are busy working hard, the inside door suddenly opens, and then Li Feng walks out from inside with a strange face.

After seeing Li Feng come out, Tang Xiong and others immediately stop whispering and look at him nervously.

Wu Lin even waved to Li Feng: "Hi, son-in-law, we all came to see you."

Luo Tianzheng and others are more busy because of Li Feng's appearance. This is a good opportunity to show in front of the patriarch!

Li Feng ignored Wu Lin and frowned: "I said Lao Luo, what are you doing

Luo Tianzheng was holding a teacup and said, "boss, is not your mother-in-law here? We'll treat you for a while."

As he spoke, he went to Wu Lin with a teacup.

Li Feng's mouth corner a draw: "she said is it?"

"Ah?" Luo Tianzheng is stupefied, feeling this old woman is not the patriarch's mother-in-law, he was cheated?

The great elder of Shenzong was cheated by a bad old woman?

Luo Tianzheng is so sad and angry that his whole body is shaking. The water in the teacup splashes down in a wordy way. Finally Bang, a crisp sound, the cup was directly pinched by him!

Hot tea poured on his hand, but he did not even respond.

He said that this pain in the wind and rain is nothing Yes, compared with being cheated by a silly old woman, it's nothing to be poured with hot tea!

In order to avoid Luo Tianzheng's embarrassment, they all put a layer of noise barrier around them. In the eyes of Tang Xiong and others, wanzidao and others all laughed silently.

This picture is very happy

However, Tang Xiong and others are not happy at all, because Li Feng's attitude towards them is really a little cold, did not see that he did not even look at them after he came out?

At this time, Wu Lin said with a dry smile: "Xiaofeng, we came here to apologize to you, but also specially brought you a gift."

While talking, Wu Lin picked up a bag, took out a Thermos Pot and said, "this is the nutritious porridge I cooked for you. It's still hot. Drink it while it's hot."

Li Feng looked at her like a smile: "Ms. Wu Lin, you really don't have to do this.""In the past, we didn't do well. Now we realize our mistakes. Xiaofeng, please give us a chance to start afresh." Wu Lin blinked her big watery eyes and prayed.

"Yes, Xiaofeng, after we went back, we seriously thought about it. Before that, we really had lard in our hearts. We didn't find your good. We regret it!" Tang Jian sighed again and again, and finally he slapped himself.

Tang Xiong also sighed: "Li Feng, blood is thicker than water. Even if we had any misunderstanding before, you and Xiaoqiong are still our family. If you don't remember villains, please forgive us this time."

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "forgive?"

"Yes." Tang Xiong nodded and said painfully, "whenever I think of all the things before, I will blame myself for not sleeping well these days."

"So I made up my mind to take you and Xiaoqiong home. Of course, I don't just talk about it. As long as you two go back, I can immediately give you the position of chairman of Youlan group, even the shares of Youlan group."

Li Feng's eyes flashed: "so big?"

"It's not enough to show our sincerity." Tang Xiong sighed.

In fact, he just said it, because he knew that Li Feng didn't like these things. As long as he could impress Li Feng and reestablish the relationship between his family, they could get all kinds of benefits from Li Feng.

However, he only lowered his posture and showed his sincerity. Li Feng was not moved.

Young people, you should always be thinner!

"Oh, but I don't want to accept your sincerity. Immediately disappear from my eyes, and do not appear in front of me again, otherwise Not only will Youlan group go bankrupt, but your life safety will not be guaranteed. "

"Lao Luo, throw them out."

Li Feng waved his hand, just like waving away some flies.

Don't you smile? It should also be based on the premise that the other party is human. Tang family are bastards who don't want family affection for the sake of interests. It's not too much to say that they are animals. Li Feng doesn't have any ideological pressure when he looks up.

Luo Tianzheng is grieving and indignant. After hearing this, he immediately grinned and walked slowly to Tang Xiong and others

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