Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 923

Amy wants to slap herself now.

How much money can he save for a month, miss?

If the young lady is angry with him, he will not only lose his job, but also compensate her with some liquidated damages.

Well It was clearly stated in the contract signed at that time that he could not cause trouble to miss. Once she got into trouble for personal reasons, he would be responsible for it

Tiffany Elsie shook her head and said with a smile: "I said that the drug was so magical. It turned out to be diluted baby lotion. In this case, the price of two million pounds was absolutely reasonable."

She took out a check from Kun Bao and handed it to Li Feng boldly.

Li Feng took the check and didn't look at it carefully. He casually put it into his coat pocket: "so we'll clear up and you can go."

"Er..." It's the first time Tiffany Elsie has met a man of the opposite sex who is in a hurry to leave. This experience is really novel.

"Mr. Li, do you have a way to buy Tongyan water?" Said Tiffany Elsie, pondering a little.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "Miss Tiffany want?"

"Well." Tiffany Elsie nodded her head and said, "the effect of Tongyan water is amazing. I want to buy a bottle for myself, but it's only sold in China, and it's hard to get it."

"If Mr. Li can buy Tongyan water, I'd like to buy it from you at a high price."

Tiffany Elsie is 26 years old. Although she usually pays attention to maintenance, the skin structure of westerners is relatively thin and easy to aging, resulting in loose and sagging, rough pores and other problems. In addition, she often participates in activities and wears heavy makeup, which does great harm to the skin.

This led to Tiffany Elsie's poor skin condition.

After the birth of Tong Yan Shui, Tiffany Elsie wanted to buy a bottle for her own use, so she even had a lot of relationships with her. However, Tong Yan Shui is a super hot item. She auctions one bottle a week, so many rich people are grabbing it. So far, she has not been able to buy a bottle of tongyanshui.

On the other side, Norton was also moved: "Mr. Li, I have this idea. As long as you can get it, I'm willing to increase the price by 20%

Now the auction price of tongyanshui is still around 200 million Chinese dollars, and the 20% increase is 40 million Chinese dollars!

Li Feng was stunned at first, then said strangely: "er To be honest, I do have a way to get Tong Yan Shui. "

Before that, he discussed with Tang Qiong to establish a company specializing in the agency of oswelli products in country y. at present, relevant procedures are being handled by Xu Shuang, Tang Qiong's assistant.

As long as the procedures are completed and the company is founded, Tongyan, Runyan and Hongyan can be sold in Y country.

"Really? That would be great! " Tiffany Elsie was overjoyed: "Mr. Li, can you get me a bottle first? I'm willing to pay a high price for it."

Because Norton was right next to her, she didn't say what kind of high price she would pay. Otherwise, she would directly dismantle Norton's platform.


Li Feng touched his chin and thought for a while. After a long time, he grinned and said, "you leave a contact information, and I will contact you when I get it."

Happy, Norton, Tiffany quickly took out the business card, seriously handed it to Li Feng.

After that, Norton pondered his tone and said, "Mr. Li, I'd like to invite you to the JM spring show three days later. Would Mr. Li appreciate it?"

"Oh?" Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, play flavor: "when time comes, there will be many celebrities present?"

Norton nodded: "yes, I invited a lot of celebrities. It will be a very good communication stage."

Li Feng is generous and can get Tong Yan Shui. Inviting Li Feng to watch the big show can not only bring a large number of orders, but also revitalize his social circle through Li Feng, killing two birds with one stone.

Li Feng thought for a moment and said, "well Get me three letters of invitation. I want to take two female friends with me

"Are the two female friends Mr. Li's confidants?" Tiffany Elsie's eyes sparkled with gossip.

No matter race, age, occupation, as long as it is a woman, there is a heart of gossip!

"Cough." Li Feng dry cough: "no, just two good friends."

He is talking about Tang Qiong and isaniah. Although he has improved the progress of the two women's formal clothes, he is still far from her confidant, so he really didn't lie.

But Tiffany Elsie is skeptical. There are a few rich people who don't have intimate friends. There are even hundreds of them who exaggerate.

Of course, she was just curious. No matter whether the two women were Li Feng's confidants or not, she didn't have much to do with her

Norton doesn't care much about this. Anyway, the venue of the big show is very large. Even if the invitation letter is sent out, as the organizer, you can add a few more."OK, no problem. I'll have the invitation sent back when I get back."

Norton smiles, chats with Li Feng, and then leaves with Tiffany Elsie.

Not long after they left, another wave of guests came.

The reason why they are guests is that they are carrying beautifully packaged gifts, and each face is full of smiles.

If it's a patient, it must be sad!

Luo Tianzheng and others rushed to meet him when he saw the situation: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Li Feng happened to enter the inner room just now and said that he wanted to make a phone call with Tang Qiong. Before entering, he specially told Luo Tianzheng and others that when a patient came, he should treat him well and not show his face.

Luo Tianzheng and other people are a response, and then they met in the secular waiters that set of customer reception process memories, now learn to use.

"Who are you, Li Feng?"

Walking in front of the old man in Tang Dynasty frowned slightly and asked.

"Our boss is on the phone inside."

Although the attitude of the old people in Tang costume seems somewhat arrogant, the patriarch has the order first, and Luo Tianzheng and others can only continue to laugh with each other.

"Boss?" The old man in Tang costume was stunned at first, then said with a strange complexion: "are you Li Feng's new employee?"

"All Chinese people But why haven't I seen them in Chinatown before? "

"Xiaofeng's method is powerful. In a few days, he asked a group of old masters to help him."

"That's right. I don't want to think about the character of Xiaofeng in our family. However, these old masters can't get on the stage. They have reduced the grade of Xiaofeng in our family. I have to give him some suggestions later."

After the old man in Tang costume, a few middle-aged men and women are commenting on Luo Tianzheng and others.

Luo Tianzheng and others were furious. However, they were very kind to the patriarch. Were they relatives?

If that's the case, they won't be able to be presumptuous.

"Well, I'd like to ask What's the relationship between them and our boss? " Luo Tianzheng asked carefully.

A middle-aged woman with a reserved smile said: "I, Wu Lin, Li Feng's mother-in-law."

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