Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 909

At this time, it was 16:00 p.m. Shangjing time. Because Li Feng had been away for more than half a month, Wei Bingqing and song Wanjun were not at home, but stuck to their posts.

Only Li Yuan, sitting alone in the huge living room, fiddling with flowers, chasing the latest hit TV series.

This kind of life is still very comfortable

At this time, a black crack appeared in the living room. Li Yuan was surprised and then stood up in surprise: "Xiaofeng is back?"

She's also experienced a space transfer, so up to what this scene represents.

The voice fell to the ground, and a crackle broke out in the black crack. Tang Qiong and isania appeared in Li Yuan's sight.


Tang Qiong didn't expect that a strange woman would appear in front of her. She immediately screamed and then hid behind Li Feng.

It was only when she turned her head that Li Feng is missing?

What about the one who closed their eyes and handed them clothes when they came out? What about others?

When the black crack disappeared, Li Feng saw his mother in the distance at a glance. He was scared to use the invisibility.

Although he was brought up by Li Yuan since childhood, he can't afford to lose this man now!

On the other side, Li Yuan didn't expect two strange beauties to appear in front of her. After a short period of confusion, she said strangely, "you Are you all Xiao Feng's friends? "

Tang Qiong wanted to cry without tears and nodded: "yes, sister, what is the relationship between you and Li Feng?"

Li Yuan seems to be about 30 years old. Tang Qiong doesn't know that she is Li Feng's mother. It's OK to call Li Yuan elder sister

Li Feng in the state of seclusion

It's not Tang Qiong, you are deliberately trying to take advantage of me. Before I pretended to be your husband, you want to be my aunt now? Do you want to be so cruel!

It's better for ashaniya. She hasn't made a sound since she came out.

Because Li Feng is very faithful to close his eyes, so he did not find the status of isania at the moment.

I saw ashaniya's face confused, her face was written with three words - who am I? Where am i? What am I doing?

"Well I'm Li Feng's mother. " Li Yuan looks very strange.

Tang Qiong's face is even redder. This beautiful woman who looks about 30 years old is actually Li Feng's mother?

God, I just called her sister What a shame!

"Well, that You two just wait here. I'll get you two clothes

When Li Yuan coughed, she had to leave the land of right and wrong first. At the same time, she secretly decided to call Li Feng and ask him why she didn't say hello to her in advance before sending others home, so that she didn't say nothing about her precautions, and she didn't know the identity of the two girls.

It's passive!

"Thank you Auntie. " Tang Qiong wanted to cry again.

Just called someone else's elder sister, and then changed my name to call someone else's aunt, I'm too difficult!

With a smile, Li Yuan turned and walked to the second floor.

Not long after she went upstairs, two sets of clothes suddenly appeared on the floor in front of Tang Qiong and aishania. Tang Qiong took a close look and found that one of them was the one she put in the trunk?

So this suit of clothes was lost by Li Feng. What about Li Feng people?

"Well, don't look back. I'm right behind you. You put on your clothes quickly. I promise I haven't opened my eyes."

At this time, Li Feng lifted the reclusive skill and reminded him.

Tang Qiong also had no time to ask, quickly picked up the clothes and began to wear them. On one side, isania also recovered from shock and began to wear clothes with a red face.

Soon, the two women were dressed.

Just at this time, Li Yuan, with two sets of clothes, came down from the second floor.


After seeing that the two women had put on their clothes, Li Yuan was a little confused. Then she saw Li Feng standing not far behind the two girls, with her eyes closed, which made people laugh.

"You boy, how can you go home without saying hello in advance?"

Li Yuan asked in a funny and angry way.

Li Feng kept his eyes closed and said, "er It's urgent... "

"What, in danger?" Li Yuan asked with concern.

"No, no, I'm so good. How can I be in danger?" Li Feng hit a ha ha, skip this topic to ask: "Mom, you are at home alone?"

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Li Yuan didn't ask: "well, Bingqing, they all go to work. Do you want me to call them and ask them not to come back tonight?"

She is still not clear about the identity of Tang Qiong and aishania. In order to avoid the fire in Li Feng's backyard, she is also a broken heart.

Li Feng couldn't guess Li Yuan's intention. At the moment, he was embarrassed: "no, no, I miss them very much. Let them all come back. Anyway, this villa is quite large and can live in."

He can't guarantee anything else. At least up to now, the relationship between him and Tang Qiong and aishania is quite pure. There is no need to worry about Wei Bingqing and their jealousy.Besides, it can't be concealed. The more it is covered up, the more difficult it is to explain clearly.

"That Li Feng, we've got them on. You can open your eyes. "

When Tang Qiong saw Li Feng's eyes closed, she was moved and amused. At the moment, she reminded her.

But she has some doubts. Who are the "they" in Li Yuan's mouth and what is the relationship between them and Li Feng?

"Oh, oh, it's done." Li Feng answers in a hurry, then slowly opens his eyes, looking a little flustered.

"This silly boy, it's a good way to pick up younger sister."

Li Yuan is from the past, from the expressions of Tang Qiong and aishania, we can see that the two women have a little meaning for Li Feng.

In other words, Li Feng's women have been a lot of it, she is a bit of a mother can not see it.

However, when Li Yuan thought about it, if she had more girlfriends, she would be able to spread more branches and leaves. When she thought of the scene in which a group of little grandsons and granddaughters would turn around her in the future, Li Yuan felt that her son had done a good job.

After some self introduction, Li Yuan finally knew the identity of Tang Qiong and aishania. What Li Feng had done during the half month since he disappeared was also shown to Li Yuan like a movie under the narration of the two women.

When Wei Bingqing and others came back in the evening, Tang Qiong and aishaniya realized that Li Feng had so many hot women, and all kinds of tastes were in their hearts for a time.

When Wei Bingqing and others saw that Li Feng had brought two sisters back, including a blonde, they all began to make Li Feng kneel on the washboard.

Li Feng saw the situation and said quickly, "well, I have something urgent to deal with. You can talk first and don't have to wait for me at night."

With that he also disregarded the reaction of the girls, and rushed out of the villa, and flew to Gufeng Town, Xishan province.

After more than an hour's flight, Li Feng arrived at his destination, crushed a crystal stone and entered jiuyouzong.

Along the way, he saw Li Feng's members of Jiuyou sect calling for the patriarch. Li Feng responded with a smile, and then flew into the air and yelled, "my Lord is back. Don't the six elders of Jiuyou sect come out to meet you?"

After that, Luo Tianzheng and others rushed out of the courtyard behind the hall. After that, they knelt on their knees and cried, "welcome the return of the Lord!"

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