Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 910

Luo Tianzheng, Liang Yuxin, wanzidao, Huang Weizhong, Wang Yuanliang, Bai Xuelian, and the six elders of Jiuyou sect came together and called for the patriarch.

After the six people, Jiuyou sect disciples came to gather. Soon after the six people, they were full of Jiuyou sect disciples. There were a large number of people in Wuyang and Wuyang, roughly thousands of them.

These are the family background of Jiuyou sect. There are six semi gods and thousands of supreme level strongmen!

looked at these nine awesome disciples who were kneeling before themselves. A heroic spirit rose up in Li Feng's heart. There were so many disciples of the force. A senior blood clan in the district was still not a bullet.

"Very well. It seems that you have not forgotten me. I am very relieved."

Li Feng two hands back behind, said happily.

"Master, you are joking. Even if we forget ourselves, we can't forget you. You are our great patriarch, and we will carry forward Shenzong under your leadership."

Huang Weizhong directly flattered him.

Wang Yuanliang was unwilling to fall behind and said: "yes, Lord, since the last farewell, the high image of the patriarch has often hovered in my mind, flying and flying all the time..."

Luo Tianzheng and others, one step behind, have tens of thousands of horses galloping by.

What are you, little bee or butterfly? Even if you want to flatter the patriarch, can you make it more reliable?

"What are you trying to express..." Li Feng is a little melancholy. Why doesn't he have such a high level of culture? He is so embarrassed to flatter

"I mean The Lord is God in my heart. I can only look up to the Lord. " With a dry smile, Wang Yuanliang explained: "my cultural level is not high, and I can't accurately express my respect for the patriarch. But no matter what, you are the old man in my heart!"

As he spoke, Wang Yuanliang gave Li Feng a thumbs up.

"Laoliu, what do you mean? Does the LORD look very old?" Luo Tianzheng turned his head to Wang Yuanliang and said indignantly.

"Of course not, I'm honorific!" Said Wang Yuanliang, choking his neck.

has the final say that he would not dare to fight Luo Tianzheng, but now the sage is Li Feng's final rule. What does Shen Zong dare to do to him without Li Feng's permission?

Luo Tianzheng arched Li Feng's hand and looked at Wang Yuanliang and said, "it's not good to be called respectfully. The patriarch is obviously elegant and elegant, with jade trees facing the wind, looking like Pan'an, feeling more than Song Yu, and being talented than Zijian! Don't these sound more comfortable to the patriarch than the old man does? "

"I..." Wang Yuanliang was speechless and resentful.

Damn, he just suffered from the lack of culture!

Li Feng waved his hand and said with a smile: "OK, OK, you don't flatter me. I still have a very clear understanding of how many catties I have."

Although it's nice to be touted by Luo Tianzheng, these elders, he's here to do business. How can he waste his time on it?

"Yes, Lord!" Luo Tianzheng and others responded respectfully.

After that, Li Feng walked through the crowd and went to the meeting hall first.

Soon, Li Feng sat in the seat of the Council hall. Luo Tianzheng and other five elders sat on both sides of him. Bai Xuelian poured a cup of tea and sent it to Li Feng.

Li Feng nodded with satisfaction, drank a mouthful of tea and moistened his throat. Then he said, "I have an important task for you this time. I hope you can complete it."

"We will try our best to fulfill the order of the Lord, and we will never die!" Luo Tianzheng and others shout in unison, and the sound shakes the roof.

In fact, Luo Tianzheng and others have been in high positions for a long time, and they are not those who are willing to help others to work hard, but Li Feng is not in the category of "others".

Li Feng is the person who controls their life and death. If they answer slowly or make Li Feng dissatisfied, a word from Li Feng will kill them!

"Die forever?" Li Feng mouth a hook, complexion play flavor: "as long as you really surrender to me, want to die hard!"

Luo Tianzheng and others were surprised for a moment, but it was hard to die? What does Li Feng want to express?

"Do you remember Feng Dehai, Wei bin and Qiu Biao?" Li Feng knocked on the table, half smiling.

Luo Tianzheng and others nodded blankly. Of course, they remember that this was their elder martial brother, but they were all killed by you. What do you want to remind them now?

"They are all meritorious officials of Jiuyou sect." Li Feng put down his cup and sighed.

Luo Tianzheng and others took a turn of the tongue and said, "you should not be here to say irony?" However, since Li Feng said so, they could only agree.

"Since they are meritorious officials, they should not die!" Li Feng seems to be some heartache said.

Luo Tianzheng and others are really confused, so Li Feng wants to make a self-criticism, just like an ancient emperor, to punish himself?

But Li Fengtu did not want to revenge Feng Dehai, even if they had They don't have the guts!

At this time, Li Feng said: "so I decided to give them a chance to be reborn. On the one hand, it was to make up for my mistakes, on the other hand, it was also to add three powerful fighting forces to our Shenzong."Like a thunder in the ear sounded in general, Luo Tianzheng and others only feel that the mind is shaking!

Rebirth? Did they hear it wrong, or did Li Feng slip his tongue?

"It's unbelievable?" Li Feng's mouth hook up a play of arc, domineering side leakage said: "this is the ability of your Lord."

After that, Li Feng takes out the ring of Feng Dehai, Wei bin and Qiu Biao. If you look at it carefully, you will find that they are still stained with blood.

Luo Tianzheng and others are confused and take out their rings And then, can you bring the three of them back to life?

Li Feng would have been able to make complaints about the nine ways if he had mastered the order.

"Next is the moment to witness miracles."

Li Feng did not explain much. He directly exchanged 30 million system points for three resurrection pills, and then crushed them one by one.

"Hum" "hum" "hum"

three rings of white light fell on the three storage rings. The blood stains on the rings were melted and disappeared by the white light, and finally turned into three lights, which reflected on the open space not far away from Li Feng.

A minute later, Feng Dehai, Wei bin and Qiu Biao's bodies came together.

"Lying trough?"

Luo Tianzheng and other six elders directly burst into rude words. Then they rubbed their eyes and looked at them again. They saw that Feng Dehai had opened their eyes.

"Here is Conference hall? "

Feng Dehai's three woke up in a daze. When they found out where they were, a smart man sat up, and then the three of them saw Li Feng sitting on the throne.

"Is it you?"

When enemies meet, Wei bin and Qiu Biao are all killed by Li Feng. The moment they find Li Feng, they will attack Li Feng.

Only Feng Dehai was stunned for a moment. Then he got up and knelt on his knees and said, "my subordinate, Feng Dehai, the four elders of Shenzong, have seen the Lord!"

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