Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 908

Ten minutes later, Li Feng returned to Tang Qiong's apartment.

To his surprise, both Tang Qiong and isania were sitting in the living room, apparently watching TV, but their attention was not on the TV.

At the moment he entered the door, the two women turned their heads in unison.

"Er..." Li Feng was frozen at the door for a while. After a long time, he said strangely, "why haven't you slept?"

"Sister Tang Qiong came out of the bedroom when she heard you go out. She was very worried..." Before isanya finished speaking, Tang Qiong pinched her.

Li Feng's face was even more strange. Tang Qiong was really interested in him. But now it's not the time to think about it. He said, "there is something I want to tell you. I met a strong enemy, so I need to go back to China immediately."

"Ah?" Tang Qiong and aishania's faces changed dramatically.

Although Li Feng said very simple, but the two women know that the "strong enemy" must be Li Feng can not fight, otherwise with Li Feng's character will not be in such a hurry to leave.

"Well, let's get the air tickets."

Tang Qiong is worthy of being a strong woman in business. She has no hesitation at all, so she has to take action.

In fact, when aishaniya said that she would go to China with Li Feng, Tang Qiong was moved. In the past, she pursued economic poison. The fundamental reason was that she wanted to get out of the control of Tang Xiong and others.

Now that she has cut off the relationship with the Tang family, she is not in a hurry to make money.

What's more, she was adopted by Tang Jian from Huaxia. Her biological parents are in Huaxia. Although she hasn't had time to ask the details of Tang Jian's adoption, it's OK to go to Huaxia and ask again.

In addition, she has a feeling for Li Feng. How can she watch Li Feng only bring ashaniya back to China?

On one side, isania's face was a little ugly: "but I haven't applied for a visa yet..."

She is not like Tang Qiong flying around the world. Before that, she only went to other European countries for tourism, and had never been to China. To go to China, she needed to apply for a visa, which was quite cumbersome.

Tang Qiong's face also became anxious: "what can we do, or let's go to the neighboring countries to hide?"

When the two women got angry because of the visa issue, Li Feng went to the two women and said, "you don't need to apply for a visa. I can take you directly."

"Is it a private plane? Wow, Mr. Li is really good. I've never been on a private plane before! "

Aishania was so excited that she almost took off.

Li Feng said strangely: "er I don't have a private jet, and even if I do, you need a visa to get in. "

Did he break ashaniya's fantasy? What an embarrassing feeling

I want to buy a private plane after looking back and forth.

"How are you going to take us back to China and smuggle in?" Tang qiongxiu frowns slightly. Although she doesn't like this way of smuggling, she can't tangle with them at this time, as long as she can safely arrive in Huaxia.

Besides, with Li Feng around, she doesn't have to worry about the legendary snake heads.

"What do you steal? I'll take you to fly directly It seems that flying is not very good. It's too far away. You can't stand it. How about direct space transmission? "

Li Feng touched his chin and said to himself.

"Space Transmit?! "

Tang Qiong and isania looked at each other in horror. Some of them couldn't believe their ears.

Space transmission. Ah, they only saw such scenes in science fiction movies. How could they be in real life?

"Well, you're right. It's space transmission. In a few seconds, I can take you to Huaxia 10000 kilometers away, but this method has a side effect..."

make complaints about Li Feng's ability to restrain his mind.

Damn it, why does every transmission have to produce a moth with broken clothes? Is it OK for Tang Qiong and ashania to accept?

"Is it really possible to teleport? It's not a game?"

Tang Qiong still can't believe it.

"Since Mr. Li said yes, it must be." Isanya now blindly believes in Li Feng, so she is more concerned about: "what are the side effects?"

"Well After the transmission, your clothes may be gone. " Li Feng thought for a while and decided to tell the truth, so as not to end the transmission. When the two women found something wrong, they thought it was he who deliberately played tricks. It was cold.

"Clothes No more? "

The two girls are so confused.

What is clothes gone? How can clothes be lost? What are they all about?

So Li Feng is deliberately teasing them?

"Well, I'm not kidding you. Space transmission may be accompanied by space turbulence. Clothes may not be as tough as your body. That's why this happens."

Li Feng explained with some embarrassment."Will the body not be harmed?" Tang Qiong asked slightly worried.

"No, I've teleported with others many times, which I can assure you." Li Feng vowed to say.

Seeing Li Feng so determined, the two women no longer doubt that, after all, Li Feng has shown many miracles, and the space transmission can also be justified.

But the two girls are still a little embarrassed. After all, the three of them are transmitting together. Isn't Li Feng seeing all of them after the transmission?

Isanya was eager to try, but Tang Qiong couldn't accept it

Li Feng said with a smile: "don't worry. After the transmission, I will close my eyes and leave time for you to get dressed Well, I have space and equipment to help you with your luggage. "

"Now I'll give you 30 minutes to pack up, and in 30 minutes we'll start delivering."

Without hesitation, the two women went back to their respective rooms and began to pack.

Thirty minutes later, the two women were carrying large bags and small bags, and one of them came out of the room with a luggage.

Li Feng's mouth a draw: "so much luggage?"

"Well It's just the necessities of life Tang Qiong said with a reddish complexion.

Aishania also nodded: "it's really just some necessities of life So much, Mr. Li should be able to take it with him? "

Curious, Li Feng looked at the luggage of the two men with a perspective. He found that there were some cosmetics, clothes, accessories and other things in it. Only personal documents, bank cards, cash

But Li Feng turned to think, clothes and cosmetics are not women's necessities of life? I'm afraid you can't live without these women, right?

"Well, yes. Give it to me."

Li Feng took the luggage from the two women's hands, and then put them all into the carry on system backpack.

After finishing these, Li Feng took two women's hands and used group space transmission.

A black light flashed by and the three disappeared.

In the next moment, a black crack appeared in the living room of No.1 villa in Yipin Jiangnan, the Pearl City of China.

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