Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 905

Special fate of God? Is it fate?

We've never met before!

For the sake of a person who has never met before, I want to ask you what you are trying to do?!

For a while, Tang Qiong was choked by Li Feng for a long time and couldn't speak.

On one side, aishaniya covered her mouth after a short period of stupidity and said with a smile: "Mr. Li is really humorous, so cute!"

Tang Qiong:

God is so humorous, is this a lovely thing? I think you have become Li Feng's brain powder, it must be so!

"Well, this is really a special fate. I happened to go back to osville that day and saw the accident."

"In order not to make you too sad, I decided to pretend to be Li Feng first..."

See two women do not believe, Li Feng can only force to explain.

"Ha ha." Tang Qiong laughs, can you lie a little bit more false? I want to ask!

"You ha ha what, I really don't want to make you too sad."

Li Feng said with some guilty heart.

Tang Qiong sneered again: "how do you explain that you know he is also called Li Feng? Well, I called Xu Shuang by his name, but How do you explain that you know so much personal information about Li Feng

After the accident, Tang Qiong did not introduce her family to Li Feng, nor did she tell her that he had a Chinese medicine clinic in Chinatown.

However, after Li Feng came to country y with her, she seemed to know everything. She didn't call her family by the wrong name, nor showed any flaws.

This is very difficult to understand!

Li Feng pondered for two seconds: "because I can't predict?"

Tang Qiong:

Isaniah: --

He's afraid he didn't take them both for fools?

Very angry! A little bit crazy!

If you don't get a satisfactory answer, you'll be crazy, OK?!

Li Feng is also very melancholy ah, this is the system of the pot, he does not want to recite, but he can not say ah!

"Well, it's much more complicated than you think, so it's not the time to tell you. Wait until the time is right."

Tang Qiong did not believe: "really?"

"It must be true, or why don't I tell you?" Li Feng shrugged.

Tang Qiong thought about it for a while, and thought that what Li Feng said was reasonable, at least logically, it was smooth, but she always felt that something was wrong

"Well, why are you not sad to learn that Li Feng is dead?"

At this time, Li Feng asked.

Tang Qiong pondered for two seconds: "because he died right?"

Li Feng:

Isaniah: --

Tang Qiong is not sad, but this feeling is very slight. In addition, her focus is entirely on Li Feng, so the emotional fluctuation comes and goes quickly.

It's not that she's too cold-blooded, but what Li Feng did before her was so disgusting that she couldn't really cry for him

"Ding, congratulations to the host," no more loading, showdown. "The task has been completed, and the task reward is being awarded..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have gained 1 million experience points, 3 million system points and 20 conquest points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the goddess of Zhengfu Tang Qiong's progress has been improved, and the current progress is 49% (getting better)"

"Ding, congratulations to the host. The current progress is 49% (getting better)"

"eh?" Li Feng couldn't help but wonder.

The mission was completed? Tang Qiong's progress has not been improved, that is to say, he has been alienated?

Even the progress of isanya's formal clothes has also been improved. We should know that although she was very grateful and adored to him before, she was more like a bull and a horse in the next life.

So Is it a bonus to restore the original appearance?

"Sure enough, beauty is justice."

Li Feng has some narcissistic thoughts.

Host: Li Feng

level: semi divine level (medium)

experience value: 22.525 million

System score: 34 million

conquest points: 1357

skills: Shenwei, Xushen, stepping on the sky seven steps, chopping sky sword, empty space flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, cloud exploration Hands

Tasks to be completed: none

after looking at his personal attributes, Li Feng quit the system and solemnly said, "there is something I want to tell you..."

"Are you going back to China?" Tang qiongxiu eyebrows a pick, directly interrupted.

Li Feng is a Leng first, then wry smile way: "you can not guess anything, this will let me very have no face."Tang Qiong's face changed slightly. I don't know why. After Li Feng admitted, she suddenly felt a pain in her heart. Didn't she give up parting?

At this time, isania asked uneasily: "Mr. Li, can you take me to China? My parents have gone to China. If you want to go, I'm not interested in here..."

"If you will Of course. " Li Feng said with a smile.

For him, there is no pressure to bring ashaniya back to China. Even if she doesn't have any work in China, he can support her.

I can't eat. It's good to have a look

Tang Qiong's face changed again and she blurted out: "you can't go!"

Li Feng and aishaniya looked at her in surprise.

"That I mean Li Feng and I have not completed the divorce procedures. If you leave, I will not be a widow. " Tang Qiong blushed, then forcefully explained.

"Er..." Li Feng's face became strange. This question was ignored by him: "how about I go through the divorce procedures with you?"

Tang Qiong's face was stagnant, then yawned and said, "I'm a little sleepy. Let's talk about this topic tomorrow morning."

Then she got up and went back to the bedroom.

"I think sister Tang Qiong just made an excuse to keep you, and didn't really want to divorce you."

Aishaniya looked at Li Feng strangely and said.

Li Feng said, "but I didn't marry her either..."

"Do you want to marry sister Tang Qiong?" Asked isania.

Li Feng is stunned. If he wants to marry Tang Qiong, he will Miss Tang Qiong.

When Li Feng was in a daze, he suddenly found that his contact with Tony black was broken, and then EVA's contact with him was also interrupted.

More than a dozen seconds later, Dylan Austen and his contact also interrupted!

After Dylan Austen was taken as slaves, Li Feng established a wonderful relationship with the three of them. Through this connection, Li Feng could control their life and death.

Now that the connection is broken, there are only two possibilities. One is to remove the three people's slavery marks, or someone will kill them!

"You go back to your room first and I'll go out."

Voice landing, Li Feng did not wait for aishaniya to give a response, got up and went out of the apartment.

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