Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 906

Ten minutes later, Li Feng flew to the sky near the old castle of Hongshan. Then he landed and walked on foot.

Either way, the man who can cut off the connection between him and Dylan Austen is at least semi divine. If he flies directly over Redwood castle, he will be easily found by the other party.

Although Li Feng was in the early stage of demigod, he was not invincible in the semi God territory. Just like Luo Tianzheng, the great elder of Jiuyou sect, who was the top semi God, he almost killed him.

If the opponent is a demigod late or even semi God peak, Li Feng has played several cards tonight, it is easy to bring him danger.

Be careful not to make a big mistake!

After another five minutes or so, Li Feng finally arrived at the gate of Hongshan castle. He did not go in at the first time, but looked inside with his perspective eye.

In his view, in the hall on the first floor of the castle, a young blonde is sitting on Dylan Austin's skull throne, and beside him stands a beautiful redhead.

Dylan Austin, the owner of the castle, is half kneeling in front of the blonde. On both sides of him, Tony black and EVA hold the same half kneeling position as if they were saluting the blonde man.

"Are the three of them really released from slavery?"

Li Feng's face was a little dignified.

"Nuyin" is a systematic product. How powerful is the person who can remove the restriction of nuyin?

Li Feng doesn't know how powerful the blonde is. At least he can't see the other side's realm, but the breath of the red haired beauty is SSS +.

Strangely enough, he did not detect any energy fluctuations in Dylan Austen.

Did the blonde put an energy barrier around his body that he didn't want to hear from Dylan Austin?

The energy barrier can not only isolate the sound, but also keep the breath from being exposed, so as to hide the realm of oneself.

Just then, the blonde man said, "this position is much better than just now, don't you say, Avril."

Avril nodded. "I totally agree with you, Senator Brad."

After hearing the conversation, Li Feng was a little confused, so the blonde man didn't lay any energy barrier?

For a time, Li Feng's heart set off waves: "the other side is actually a blood clan elder?"

From their conversation, Li Feng can get two very important information.

First, since the other party has not laid down the energy barrier, then he can not feel the breath of Dylan Austen, which means that the three of them have been killed, because the dead have no breath.

Combined with what the blonde man said just now, it is likely that Dylan Austen's posture is being put out by him.

Second, the blonde man is a blood patriarch, that is, semi God level strong.

Last time Li Feng came to Sequoia castle, Dylan Austin told him that there were also elder strongmen in the blood clan above the prince. There were nine such strong people in the blood clan.

Combined with these information, Li Feng came to a conclusion that the blonde man must have discovered the abnormality of Dylan Austen and killed them in a rage.

Because of nuoyin's tough restrictions, Dylan Austen will not betray him, so the blonde man is certainly not aware of his existence.

But with the lead of isania, the other party should be able to find him soon.

"Do you want to test his strength?"

Li Feng slightly ponders, then plans to use through the wall technique to walk in, observes each other closely.

At this time, he was still five or six meters away from the door. Li Feng remained invisible and walked quietly to the door.

Just as he was about to come to the door, ready to use the wall piercing technique, the blond man inside the door suddenly changed his face and said, "there is a guest coming!"

At the same time, he clenched his fist to the gate.


a mass of red energy rushed out, directly smashed the gate, and in a flash came to Li Feng.

Li Feng's face changed slightly. When he lifted his invisibility, he disappeared in place, just avoiding the red energy.

In the state of reclusion, Li Feng can't use body method and martial arts, which he knew from the beginning.

"Eh, what's the situation? The body method of Chinese martial arts? It's very interesting. "

The blonde man's eyebrows pointed, surprised at the same time, there is a color of interest on his face, which looks very interesting.

1 second later, Li Feng walked out of the void with a dignified face: "how did you find me?"

Even if the opponent's realm is higher than him, what he cultivates is the skills produced by the system. Naturally, he has the ability to hide his breath. With the blessing of invisibility, he will never find him unless he is higher than him!

But the other side found him, but also decided to blow out a punch, which let Li Feng very don't understand."I left a little bit of energy at the door, and when you pass by, I'll know there's a visitor."

Brad yoel pulled his hands and a thin red silk thread appeared in front of him. When he put it on the ground, it disappeared.

However, Li Feng knew that the silk thread did not disappear, but disappeared from his sight, just like his invisibility.

"I see."

Li Feng was relieved.

Although the other side's means are very clever, but as long as he does not see through his invisibility, it is OK.

"Are you Chinese? Why are you here? Let me guess You are the master of the three of them, aren't you? "

Brad huel said lazily, holding his chin in his right hand.

Li Feng's eyebrow pointed out: "it seems that you already know all about it? But I'm curious that the three of them should not be stupid enough to tell you about it, so how do you know that? "

When he took Dylan Austen as servants, he did not erase their memories, but added some memories.

So Dylan Austen shouldn't show too much of a flaw.

"It's easy, because Dylan Austin's collection is gone. He's a greedy guy. Even I can't take a precious collection from him."

"The biggest thing about me is that I want to explore all the problems to the end, but you are also very skillful. The three of them will not betray you even though they know they will die. So I am really curious about how you took them as slaves. Does Huaxia have such magical skills?"

Brad huel asked with interest.

Li Feng frowned slightly. He didn't expect that he would empty the Sequoia castle, which turned out to be the biggest flaw.


"Since they have not betrayed me, how do you know that they regard me as the Lord?" Li Feng asked in doubt.

Brad yoel spread his hands and said vividly, "we will never betray our master even if we die." that's what they said

Li Feng:

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