Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 904

Li Feng fell into silence.

Obviously, Tang Qiong really guessed his real identity, but he didn't know how sure Tang Qiong was about it.

Now the question is, will he take this opportunity to admit it directly? If he admits, Tang Qiong has become estranged from him or even turned against him. Won't the mission fail?

After all, it was he who cheated Tang Qiong first, and his name was the same as that of his brother, who was still dead. Who would not accept this matter when he came.

Although he can bear the penalty of deducting 6 million system points for task failure, he has never failed in the task since he became the host of the system.

When Li Feng tangled up, the sound of water in the bathroom suddenly stopped, and Li Feng's face suddenly became strange: "is ashaniya trying to eavesdrop on my conversation with Tang Qiong?"

In fact, when aishaniya entered the bathroom, Li Feng found that the bathroom door was not closed. It was not Li Feng who went to check on purpose, but he did not hear the "click" sound when the door was closed.

At first, Li Feng thought that isania was careless. Now it seems that Ashaniya was completely intentional. She just wanted to eavesdrop!

"Why is this girl so gossipy?"

Li Feng couldn't laugh or cry. He wanted to put a circle of real gas barrier around him, but he gave up after thinking about it.

Always let isania know about it. She can eavesdrop if she wants to, lest he explain it to her alone in the future.

"As you can guess, I am Li Feng, oswelli's boss."

After Li Feng pondered for a while, he decided to have a showdown.

If he denies it this time, he will admit that it will be a slap in the face?

If you have to do all kinds of tasks, admit it.

This time it was Tang Qiong's turn to be stunned: "can't it be? I'm just making a wild guess. How can you really be him?"

At the same time, there was a low breath in the bathroom, just like someone covered his mouth in time.

Although the movement is not big, but it can not escape Li Feng's ear power capture, even Tang Qiong heard, but her attention is all on Li Feng, so did not care.

Li Feng:

What do you mean, I admit you don't believe it?

"Why can't I be him?" Li Feng took a deep breath and asked in a strange way.

"If you were him, where did Li Feng go before and stay in Huaxia?" Tang Qiong thought and said.

Li Feng pondered for two seconds: "if I said he was dead, would you believe it?"

"Dead?" Tang Qiong opened her eyes and said in disbelief, "did you kill him? Why do you do that? "

“……” Li Feng was speechless at first, and then said with a bitter smile, "why should I kill him? He died in that traffic accident."

Tang Qiong fell into a muddle: "you mean The car accident in front of oswelly? "

"Yes." Li Feng nodded.

"No way, Li Feng has survived that accident!" Tang Qiong looks unbelievable.

She was the witness of the accident, and she knew perfectly well whether Li Feng had died in the accident.

"Do you think I'm fast?" Li Feng sighed and asked.

Tang Qiong blushed and chatted well. Why did she suddenly start driving?

Even if Li Feng didn't use mind reading skills for Tang Qiong, he might have guessed what Tang Qiong was thinking. For a moment, Li Feng said with some melancholy: "I'm not talking about that aspect, but about my speed It's the speed of running and punching. "

"Ah, you mean this..." Don Qiong was embarrassed and said, "well, it's fast. It's the fastest man I've ever seen."

Li Feng:

It's not Are you alluding to something? I can't stand this injustice!

After a while, Li Feng took a deep breath: "it is because I am fast that I can replace Li Feng when you are completely unable to react."

Tang Qiong Leng for a moment: "that he was replaced by you where?"

Li Feng said that she can understand every word, but combined together, she is a bit muddled, can not understand ah!

Li Feng sighed: "I hope you are well prepared."

"What?" Tang Qiong was a little puzzled, but the next moment she was frightened and exclaimed.

In the open space of the living room, a corpse suddenly appeared out of thin air. It was obvious that the corpse had been dead for a long time. Even if Tang Qiong was not a forensic doctor, he could also distinguish it from his appearance.

What shocked Tang Qiong even more was that this was Li Feng she knew!

So what he said is true, Li Feng has died in the car accident, and he is oswelli's

At this time, Li Feng took off the mask and revealed his true colors. At the same time, he restored his voice and said, "now do you believe what I said?"

When Tang Qiong was shocked and lost consciousness, a cry suddenly came from the bathroom door: "my God How handsome Mr. Li isLi Feng's mouth a draw, some helpless to turn to look, just saw wrapped in bath towel of ashaniya is a face of flower crazy phase standing at the door.

In shock, Tang Qiong also turned to look at the past, and then her expression became extremely strange.

The corpse on the floor of the living room turns a blind eye, only Li Feng's beautiful face in prosperous times, isaniah, can you not be so crazy?

But then again Li Feng is really handsome. It's much better than Li Feng before.

Although Li Feng showed a lot of extraordinary things in front of her during this period of time, which made Tang Qiong feel a little good about him, but he didn't like it. The biggest reason is that level of appearance.

There is a saying that starts with appearance, falls into talent, and is loyal to character.

If you can't make yourself satisfied with your appearance, you won't have a beginning

Not to say how ugly Li Feng looked before, but his natural appearance made Tang Qiong feel nothing.

After Li Feng restored his original appearance, Tang Qiong immediately felt a lot more pleasing to him. When he thought about what Li Feng had done before, Tang Qiong's affection for him began to increase sharply.


Li Feng coughed and put the dead body of the same name into the system backpack, so as not to continue to frighten the two women.

After finishing this, Li Feng waved to aishaniya: "it's so tired to stand there eavesdropping. Come here and listen."

Aishaniya pretty face a red, clever incomparable went to Li Feng side standing.

Tang Qiong looked at two people strangely, then looked at Li Feng with burning eyes and asked, "why do you pretend to be Li Feng?"

Everything has to have a motive. She is not related to Li Feng, and she has never met. Why does Li Feng change her face and follow her?

Things that don't make sense!

Aishaniya also looked at Li Feng with a puzzled look. After this time of getting along with each other, she got a general idea of the relationship between Tang Qiong and Li Feng, so she was also curious why Li Feng did this.

Li Feng pondered for two seconds: "must it be a special fate?"

Tang Qiong:


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