Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 900

Philite Gullit is also a Western crazy soldier, with high blood, high attack and high defense. In the same realm, once he is approached by a Western crazy soldier, he will be crushed and beaten.

So in the discovery of Li Feng and his realm of the same situation, philite Gullit directly chose close combat.

To his surprise, Li Feng didn't dodge or even retreat. He just stood and looked at him, as if he had been frightened by his sudden approach.

"Is this Chinese man a waste of the strong in the outside and the dry in the middle?"

There was a flash of light in philite gullet's mind.

He has long heard that Huaxia has a kind of art of filling the top, which can impart all his life skills to others, so that he can quickly create a strong young man.

However, the disadvantage of doing so is that there is a realm, but there is no corresponding actual combat experience.

All the strong men who can grow up to be masters have experienced many battles, and every higher level of the realm has experienced more battles.

In the same realm, one side has no actual combat experience, while the other side has rich experience, so the gap will come out.

In this way, Li Feng was so young that he became a semi God level strong man, and there was an explanation!

When philite Gullit secretly congratulated himself that he could seriously injure or even kill Li Feng, there suddenly appeared a circle of green peaks around Li Feng.

At the moment, philite gullet was shocked, afraid that this was some strange trick with great lethality.

However, at this time, he was already on the point of arrow and had to send it. At the moment, he clenched his teeth and hit Li Feng in the face.

The corner of Li Feng's mouth aroused a sneering smile, which was also a blow to philite Gullit's chest!

"For injury?"

This scene made Hannah gullet scream.

The other members of the Gullit family were also in a state of exclamation, but there was also a hint of joy on their faces.

This is just like an assassin meeting a soldier in an online game. The assassin gives up his best assassin and sneak attack, and turns to be just like a soldier. It's so stupid!

A soldier's flat chop can kill you half a tube of blood, and an assassin's flat chop can just break the soldier's defense. It's not called replacing injury with injury, it's self seeking death!

However, as soon as the gleeful look on the faces of the gulit family members emerged, they heard two muffled sounds: "bang" and "bang". Philite Gullit was blasted out by Li Feng with a fist. However, Li Feng was still standing in the same place and did not step back!

"Lying trough..."


"Fa Ke Mo Ze! How could this happen? "

A kind of gulit family members are very confused. They say that the soldiers and assassins are fighting each other. Why are the assassins not involved, but the soldiers are sent out?

Hallucination, must be hallucination!

Or it's that old ancestor philite wants to retreat and give Li Feng a sudden blow when he thinks he's going to win.

When the members of the Gullit family were in doubt, philite Gullit, who was in the air, began to spit blood!

This scene directly made Hannah gullet and others scared to urinate. Did Li Feng seriously hurt the old father of philite?

Ha ha, I have a sentence MMP do not know when to say improper!

"My God Mr. Li is really strong! "

"Am I right? Li Feng won so easily?"

Isanya and don Qiong look at each other, and they see the color of surprise from each other's eyes.

Tang Xiong and others are also confused.

Although they have realized that Li Feng is powerful, but philite Gullit looks more powerful. After all, his age is there.

But is this face-to-face Kung Fu, it seems that the more powerful philite Gullit was beaten to vomit blood?

Special turning point!

Just as the crowd was confused, philite Gullit stopped the upside down and forced himself to stand still. He asked in astonishment: "Damn, how can you be so strong?"

"Where is that?" Li Feng shakes his head and smiles, and then Xu Shen raises his right foot.

People in the Gullit family thought he was an assassin, which was really too low on him. Let alone the invincible aura, they said that the Castle Peak guard he used just now was not comparable to ordinary warrior players.

Is the skill that can resist ten times of the same level strong person's all-out strike is playing with you?!

In addition to the one blow that can seriously injure a strong man of the same level, philite Gullit is sorry for Li Feng's rebellious skills if he is not seriously injured.

See Li Feng using the virtual God, philite Gullit also did not dare to hesitate, control behind the virtual God will use the kill move.

But before he had any action on his side, Li Feng's right foot of empty God had been lifted into the air: "step on the seven steps of heaven!"


a big foot that blocks the sun appears, and then it falls like a meteor at philite Gullit.Felite Gullit was shocked and wanted to dodge at the moment. However, Li Feng had already used the hourglass. In addition, he had the ability to lock in the attack by stepping on the sky in seven steps, which made him unable to dodge at all.

Terrified, philite Gullit went into a frenzy, and at the same time hit the big foot which covered the sky. At the same time, the empty God behind him also gave a blow.


with a loud noise, the big foot disappeared, and a terrible energy wave spread in the air.

They only felt that there was a gust of wind blowing from the ground, which made Tang Xiong and others stagger.

"It looks very powerful, but in fact it's just that!"

Felite Gullit breathed a sigh of relief, the big foot gave him a lot of pressure, did not want to be smashed by his fist, it seems that Li Feng is not better.

At this time, the gulit family side sounded a burst of "grandparent mighty" voice.

Just as philite Gullit was planning to use the support of his descendants, Li Feng's breath soared two times in a row, and was equal to him again.

Then, Li Feng behind the empty God again raised the right foot, and then slammed down!

Philite Gurley was stunned, and the same trick was often repeated with another blow.

However, he was injured. This is the second step of seven steps. Li Feng also used fury and rampage. His power is more than doubled?

Felite gullet couldn't smash the big foot with one punch from the imaginary God behind him!


there was a huge foot shaped hole on the ground, and the dust was flying!

Before all the gulit family exclaimed, Li Feng Xu Shen raised his right foot again and stepped down!

The third step, the fourth step, after stepping on two feet in succession, Li Feng scattered the empty spirit behind his back, and said, "it's unbearable!"

There was silence in the field!

After a while, Hannah gullet summoned up his courage and went to the foot shaped pit and looked down. Then he was shocked and cried out, "father philite!"

In Hannah gullet's sight, philite Gullit has turned into a ball of meat pie, dead can not die again!

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