Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 901

Hannah Gullit's not good. How long has it been since the last two of us have been fighting for ten seconds? Father philite will die. It's really vulnerable!

The key is the hope of their whole family. Without the check and balance of old father philite, Li Feng is not doing whatever he wants?

At this moment, Hannah Gullit hated Kyle very much. If he hadn't coveted Tang Qiong's Mei cesium, how could he have provoked a terrorist player like Li Feng?!

"Mr. Li, you've won. We've got the Gullit family!"

Hannah gullet took a deep breath, stood up and arched Li Feng.

In the distance, the other members of the Gullit family had some hope, but they all collapsed at the words.

Father philite is really cold

Now the question is, no one in the Gullit family can check Li Feng. What fate will they meet?

Or take advantage of Li Feng is still far away from them, they quickly run away?

As soon as this idea came to mind, they were mercilessly denied, let alone a hundred meters apart. Even if they were thousands of meters apart, they were not able to escape from the hands of semi gods.

"Li Feng won?"

Tang Xiong and others were stunned and overjoyed.

Although Li Feng doesn't want to see them, Li Feng obviously won't kill them. They are safe!

"How wonderful Mr. Li is!" Ashaniya held her chin in her hands, and said in a florid manner.

Tang Qiong was originally shocked by Li Feng. When she saw ashaniya, she began to draw her mouth. She was inexplicably wary.

Isn't ashaniya in love with Li Feng?!

"You are in time." Li Feng maintained the posture of two hands on his back. He stepped over the pit and came to Hannah Gullit. He stood in front of him: "you said you were going to kill me, didn't you?"

Hannah gullet said bitterly, "Mr. Li, I didn't know you were..."

a golden light flashed by, and Hannah gullet's head fell to the ground.


Tang Qiong uttered a exclamation and then covered her mouth with her hand.

Because Li Feng's back to Tang Qiong just blocked her sight, so she could not see clearly what happened, but the golden light and splashing blood let her understand what Li Feng had just done.

The man who was once labeled as cowardly by her is so straightforward to kill people, as if there is no psychological burden in general!

Is he really the same person as Li Feng in memory?

Tang Xiong and others couldn't help but shiver. Li Feng fought too much when he killed philite Gullit. Philite Gullit died in the pit again, so they didn't feel bloody at all.

But Li Feng just that sword but let Tang Xiong and others from the bone to feel the killing opportunity!

"Master of the house!"


The people in guthrit's family are deeply indignant.

Hannah Gullit is different from philite Gullit. Philite Gullit has been closed for a long time. Most of the members of the Gullit family present are only aware of his name but not himself.

But Hannah Gullett is the contemporary householder. Everyone has lived with him for a long time, and he has family ties.

"Shut up

Li Feng rushed to a member of the gulit family and said in a cold voice, "clearly we are the victims. What are you crying about here?"

If he was an ordinary man, he and don Qiong would have been poisoned by Kyle Gullit.

If he had not been an opponent of philite Gullit, he would have been the one who died now, and the fate of Don Joan and isania would have been very miserable.

So when he killed Hannah Gullit, there was no psychological pressure at all, because he was reasonable, because he had a big fist, so the Gullit family would submit to him!

The members of the gulit family did not speak. It was not that they knew their own fault, but that Li Feng was too strong. In the case of knowing that no one in his own camp could check Li Feng, he was still talking about it. He was just looking for death!

"If your master is dead, send someone who can talk to me."

Li Feng coldly swept over the members of the gulit family and said.

There was a commotion in the crowd. After a while, an old white man who was four or five points similar to Hannah guleet stepped out of the crowd and stood in front of Li Feng and said, "Hello, Mr. Li, I'm Gino Gullit, Hannah's second brother."

"Oh." Li Feng nodded calmly, and then said, "how do you plan to end this matter today?"

"This..." Gino Gullit raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Li, would you let us go?"

The other members of the Gullit family were also stunned. When Li Feng killed Hannah Gullit with one sword, they thought they were doomed to die.

I didn't think that there was no way to solve the problem. Li Feng wanted to settle the matter peacefully with them!In the distance, Tang Xiong saw Li Feng didn't kill again, so he recovered some courage. After hesitating for several times, he went to Tang Qiong and said, "little..."

Originally, he wanted to call "Xiaoqiong", but Tang Qiong glared at him and quickly changed his address: "Miss Tang, let's go and see what Mr. Li is talking about."

He didn't really wonder what Li Feng was saying to the gulit family, but now he only had a sense of security standing near Li Feng.

Who knows if there are any members of the Gullit family around? What if they are dumplingd here?

"Ha ha."

Tang Qiong let out a sneer, and then led ashaniya's hand to Li Feng.

Tang Xiong is a burst of shame and annoyance, and then sighs. He winks at Tang Fei and others, and runs after Tang Qiong.

"Sister Tang Qiong, they are following. Do you want me to scold them away?" Isania looked back and said angrily.

She has long been unhappy with Tang Xiong. Now Tang Xiong and others are following them shamelessly, which makes her angry.

Tang Qiong shook his head: "forget it, just ignore them."

Although she has made up her mind to sever the relationship with Tang Xiong and others, her memory will not disappear. Although Tang Xiong and others are not good to her most of the time, she will occasionally have some warm moments remembered by her.

As long as they don't think about themselves or Li Feng, whatever they do

Just as they came to Li Feng's back, Gino Gullit said: "Mr. Li Feng, in order to express our apology to the gulit family, we are willing to compensate you with 10 billion pounds in cash, 10 properties and 81% shares of Casley group. Do you think you are satisfied with this compensation?"

Tang Qiong:


Tang Xiong et al

They thought Li Feng was talking to the Gullit family here. It was about compensation. It was only 10 billion cash, 10 real estate properties, and 81% shares of Casley group Is it serious?

At this moment, Tang Xiong and others are crazy with jealousy and regret!

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