Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 899

It's your stuff. It's obviously a gulit family thing, OK?!

Felite Gullit is going to be laughed at by Li Feng. Before he started to fight, he took the property of the Gullit family as his own. What do you think he can beat himself?

"It seems that you have confidence in your own strength." Philite Gullit sneered and said with cold eyes, "as long as you can beat me, you can take whatever you want here, but if you lose in my hands, your two women will be mine."

Philite Gullit has been closed for a long time. At first sight of the two top beauties Tang Qiong and aishania, he immediately changes his mind. He has made plans. After killing Li Feng, he will take Tang Qiong and aishaniya to his own closed house!

Tang Qiong and ashaniya became nervous immediately. They would rather be with Li Feng than be missed by this bad old man!

If Li Feng knew the idea of the two girls, he would be confused. Could you not use the word "Ningke" to describe me? Am I so bad?

"You think it's beautiful."

Li Feng also laughed. He didn't do anything to Tang Qiong and aishania. The bad old man still wanted to think about these two flowers? Want to fart to eat!

"Only the beauty of thinking can make life go. If the imagination is not beautiful, then how dark this person's life will be." Said philite Gullit with a sigh.

Li Feng:

I'll go. What he said is reasonable. I can't refute it?

It's not You said that you should be a good master, not only do you want to be a part-time philosopher, but also give others a way to live?

"Well, for the sake of what you're saying, I'll give you a decent death later."

Li Feng vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas and said slowly.

He has not played with a demigod for a long time, but the breath that philite gullet showed just now is only in the middle of demigod, which is equal to him. When his cards are all open, philite gulee is not his opponent.

Of course, people can't be confident blindly. Li Feng has also made a plan for failure, that is, to drive invincible and transport, and take Tang Qiong and aishaniya on the road.

"Then I'm a little sorry. You're not going to die for it, because this is the property of our Gullit family."

People watched Li Feng two people in this mutual harsh words, felt great pressure.

It's very frightening, right? They only hope that the two will fight quickly and then win or lose as soon as possible. This is too much ideological pressure!

When the dialogue is over, there is no need to say more. They both have a tacit understanding and go out together.

Of course, in order to ensure the safety of Tang Qiong and aishania, Li Feng took two women to go out together. As for Tang Xiong and others Live and die.

However, Li Feng underestimated Tang Xiong's skin thickness. When he left, Tang Xiong and others followed him. No matter what Li Feng's attitude towards them, at least he didn't want to kill them like the Gullit family.

After Li Feng and philite Gullit stood face to face 10 meters apart, Tang Qiong, aishania, Tang Xiong and others stood 100 meters behind Li Feng.

This is what Li Feng asked them to stand so far away. Two semi God level strong men can shake other people to death just because of the breath fluctuation. If they are not far away, they must die in a large area.

As for Hannah Gullit and others also stood a hundred meters behind philite Gullit. Fortunately, the manor area is large enough, if the ordinary villa does not have such a large yard.

"I haven't played with a demigod for a long time. This feeling really makes my blood boil."

Philite Gullit grinned nervously, then his breath rose, and a towering shadow appeared behind him.

This virtual shadow is full of Qi and blood boiling around the body, and a strong smell of blood rises from the scene.

Until this moment, Tang Xiong and other people realized the power of martial arts. All of them opened their mouths and exclaimed, "my God, this must be a joke?"

"Why does this kind of thing appear? Is it something that people can do?"

"The devil, he must be the legendary devil!"

At this moment, the Tang family were frightened, and then they deeply regretted.

If we had known that philite Gullit was so fierce, they should have been a little far away from Tang Qiong and ashaniya just now. This should not be too obvious!

Now the question is, is it too late for them to return to the Gullit family? Which big man can point out the maze? Wait online. It's urgent!

On one side, Tang Qiong, aishania's face also showed dignified color.

However, there was no struggle in their hearts. Since they came here, they believed in Li Feng. If Li Feng was defeated, they would not have any complaints.

I made an appointment Ah, no, it's the way I choose. I have to walk on my knees!"Father philite is mighty!"

"Long live father philite!"

The people of the Gullit family were all fighting like chicken blood.

Just now they were pressed too hard by Li Feng. At this moment, philite Gullit let them see the hope of victory, and their anger finally burst out.


Li Feng snorted coldly, his breath also burst out, a towering virtual shadow appeared behind him.

Tang Xiong and others who are struggling to stand over to the gulit family are stunned and lie in the trough. Li Feng is so fierce?! It's a mess!

"Damn it, you are also a demigod?"

Philite Gullit was not calm again. He thought that even if Li Feng was a monster, he would be a semi God. He never thought that Li Feng was the same as him!

Is there such a bully?

"Surprise or surprise, surprise or happiness?"

Li Feng grinned, then reached out and took out the Shenwu sword. At the same time, the Shenwu armor appeared and was immediately put on by him.

At this moment, Li Feng is like a god of war holding a long golden sword. Tang Qiong is dazzled.

As for Tang Xiong and others have been shocked speechless, now the situation has completely subverted their imagination, the three views are particularly broken!


Philite Gullit was furious, his hands clenched hard together, and the next moment, he put a pair of pinkies on his hands.

This pair of boxing sets exudes red metallic luster. There are root metal spines standing on the surface of the boxing sets. If such boxing sets are hit on the body, whether the bones will be broken or not will be put aside first, and the flesh and blood will certainly be pierced with many holes.

If there is any poison on it, it will be more invincible.

"Die for me!"

Felite Gullit quickly smoothed the distance of ten meters and hit Li Feng with a punch before and after he arrived!

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