Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 850

"Is it a little late to surrender now?"

While speaking, Li Feng controlled the bullet in front of Eric Sari to charge forward a little, almost sticking to his forehead.

Eric Sally was stiff, and the air-conditioner on the soles of his feet whizzed up: "it's not too late. It's not too late. I'll give Mr. Li money."

This scene makes Tang Qiong look more and more strange.

Li Feng, called the most useless man in Chinatown by the residents of Chinatown, asked Eric sari, the second generation elite member of the prestigious Sari family, to raise his hand to beg for mercy, asking for money for Li Feng

This contrast is so great that Tang Qiong has a very unreal feeling.

If she had not seen it with her own eyes, Tang Qiong would have thought that someone was deliberately making fun of Li Feng.

"It's not urgent to get money or something." Li Feng took the bullet back a little and said with a smile, "in view of your rude behavior just now, I will double your punishment. Now you need to take out 20 million pounds to exchange for my forgiveness."

Eric Surrey:

Jim et al

It's not How long has it been? The ransom has risen from 10 million to 20 million?

Well, according to Eric Surrey and others, what Li Feng wants is their ransom.

As a longtime practitioner in the industry, Eric Surrey never thought he would have to pay a ransom one day.

Seeing that they did not speak, Li Feng eyebrow pointed a way: "do not want to?"

"No, no, no, yes, I will!" Eric Surrey was in tears.

Is this a matter of will or not? This is a matter of life or death!

Li Feng is so terrible that Eric saris has no doubt that Li Feng has the ability and determination to kill them.

As a precaution, Eric Surrey used the shortest time to transfer 20 million pounds to Li Feng's account.

After receiving the money, Li Feng immediately lifted control of the bullet.


All the bullets in front of Eric sari and others fell to the ground.

At this moment, Eric Surrey was mixed.

What's the name of this matter? What kind of thing can be solved without spending money, but later he has to spend 20 million pounds, plus the 10 million pounds he spent on seeing a doctor. He spent 30 million pounds here!

If he had known this, he should be respectful to Li Feng, and should not have any disrespect.

It's just too late to say anything now

"Why don't you go, or I'll give you a ride?"

When Eric Sari was feeling to himself, Li Feng suddenly said.

"Oh, no, I dare not. We can go by ourselves. We can go by ourselves."

How dare Eric Sari let Li Feng send it? In case of another moth, Li Feng would say "I, Li Feng, fight for money", then he would not have to vomit blood?

As he spoke, Eric Surrey turned and walked toward the door.

When he opened the door of the traditional Chinese medicine hall, Eric Sari saw a piece of head melon on the side and was immediately shocked.

The melon eaters, who were sticking their ears to the gate, were also shocked.

Lying trough, why does this person walk? There is no movement. People are scared to death!

No It should be that the sound insulation of Li's traditional Chinese medicine hall is too good. They have been eavesdropping on the door for so long, but they haven't heard anything inside

This, of course, has nothing to do with the sound insulation of the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, but Li Feng has laid a sound barrier around in advance.

"Fake, you..." Eric saribon was very upset. He was startled by the melon eaters and was ready to get angry.

At this time, Li Feng's quiet voice came from the rear: "they are all my compatriots. If you dare to speak disrespectfully to them, things can't be solved by money."

Eric Surrey, with a quick witty smile, said, "Dear gentlemen, I didn't scare you just now, did I?"

I'm NIMA Shentemo compatriots, I think you just take the opportunity to get some money from Laozi? I won't give you a chance!

A crowd of melon eating people hit a smart, flattered and said: "no, no."

"Mr. Surrey is very kind."

Eric Sally laughed, said a few polite words, and then led a group of people through the crowd. When they got to the car, they immediately started the car and left here. It was quite a sense of fleeing. The crowd of gourd eaters were very confused.

The members of the Surrey family, who are famous in LD, are so polite and friendly to them, because of Li Feng's words?

So What happened in the hospital just now? Why is Eric Sally so afraid of Li Feng?

"Don't ask. If you're my partner, you don't want to get into the big trouble of the Surrey family, do you?"

Li Feng saw the people's doubts, and said playfully at the moment.

On hearing this, the melon eating crowd at the door decided not to eat the melon. This is not entertainment gossip. If you know more, you will die!"Well, what Li Shao said is that we have been out for a long time and it's time to go back."

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm going to take the soymilk fried dough sticks to our family."

"Poof It's almost noon. Did you think of it? Well, go back and get ready to kneel on the washboard. "

A crowd of gourd eating people laugh and talk, have left here.

With their departure, news of Li Feng's acupuncture treatment of COPD, scaring Eric sari in a few words, and finally holding hands with Tang Qiong swept through Chinatown like a hurricane.

Of course, these are all afterwords, not to mention for the moment.

As soon as the people who eat melons go, the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum becomes empty and quiet.

"Are you still Li Feng? Why do I think that after going to China, you seem to have changed completely? "

Tang Qiong looked at Li Feng with complicated eyes and asked.

Excellent medical skills, domineering personality, the ability to control bullets If Li Feng had shown these abilities before, she would not have underestimated him.

Now think of her words to persuade Li Feng before, Tang Qiong is a little blushing for herself.

Li Feng's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "have you seen all this? It's true that the accident awakened me to a certain ability. "

It is impossible to conceal these things. It is better to tell a half true and half false lie. If he shows any ability in the future, he can apply it to this sentence.

Anyway, there is no evidence. Can Tang Qiong slice him?

Tang Qiong's heart a tight: "what ability?"

"Super power." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, playing flavor: "you can understand as omnipotent ability, only you can't think of, without what I can't do."

Tang Qiong eyebrows a jump, suspicious looking at Li Feng said: "should I believe you?"

On the one hand, aishania has become a little suspicious, so Mr. Li is not a strong warrior, but a mutant?

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to me whether you believe me or not."

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles, then waves to her and says: "OK, you have come here to achieve the purpose, should do what to go, don't affect my work."

Tang Qiong:

It's not Is Miss Ben disliked by Li Feng?!

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