Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 849

The melon eaters at the door gasped.

I'm NIMA Li Feng, is this the rhythm of Eric Sari? Where on earth did he come from to say that!

Tang Qiong only felt a black in front of her eyes and wished to draw a clear line with Li Feng immediately.

It's not Elder brother, do you know exactly what the sari family is for? People have been tired of saying these words decades ago. They have been knocking on the head of the sari family. If they spread out, they can't make people laugh?

Eric Surrey couldn't help laughing. "You're the first one to threaten me at LD. You're good. You're really good."

Jim and others were also angry with Li Feng and laughed: "Huaxia boy, you are in your head. How dare you threaten Mr. Surrey?"

"Shepard, I want to shoot you in the head!"

"Boss, give orders. I can't help but blow his head!"

Wipe, in LD, they always threaten others and collect protection fees from others. When have they been threatened by others?

Now as long as Eric Sari says something, they will start to kill Li Feng, and there will be no hesitation!

As for whether there will be any trouble later

Ah, this is Chinatown. Originally LD police don't like to come here for inspection. They are members of the Surrey family. They just kill a Chinese in Chinatown. There won't be too much trouble.

"Don't be impulsive." Eric Surrey shook his head and laughed, and said to Li Feng, "you are a talent. Your joining will make the Surrey family stronger, so I can forgive all your previous disrespect."

"But my patience is also limited. Before I get completely angry, you'd better agree to my terms, otherwise The consequences are serious! "

Tang Qiong was relieved for a moment, and then he would try to persuade Li Feng again.

However, Li Feng directly spread his hands and said with helplessness: "that is, there is no need to talk about it? In fact, I really don't want to do it. You forced me. "

Voice landing, Li Feng gently pushed to the door.

The melon eating crowd at the door only felt that a strong wind swept over them and pushed them directly out of the door.

Then, Li Feng hooked his finger, and the two doors of the hospital were closed with a "bang", and the bolt on the door was pushed up with a "click", as if someone had made a fool of himself.

What Eric sarry and others saw was a moment of disbelief.

Tang Qiong covered her mouth with her hand and her face was full of horror.

That is, in broad daylight, there are many people around, otherwise Tang Qiong would really think that he met something unclean.

At this time, Li Feng said: "don't say I don't give you a chance. I'll give you three seconds. After three seconds, I'll start to attack without any difference."

Jim and others looked at each other, and then asked Eric Sally for instructions. Eric Sally guessed that the scene just now had something to do with Li Feng, and then he yelled, "do it!"

With his roar, Jim and others took out their pistols and pulled the trigger at Li Feng.


The pistol with muffler made a dull sound, and the bullets poured down to Li Feng like raindrops.

"Ah Tang Qiong let out a scream. She squatted on the ground with her head in her hands and then went to look for a shelter.

But just then the gunfire stopped.

"This What is the situation? "

"Damn it, it must be my eyesight. It must be so!"

"It's incredible. It's a miracle!"

The exclamations of Jim and others rang from the opposite side.

In doubt, Tang Qiong looked up and saw Eric Surrey, Jim and others. They all looked at the front with their mouths wide open, as if they had seen something incredible.

This picture makes Tang Qiong even more puzzled. What is it that makes such big people as Eric Sari have such an expression?

At the moment, Tang Qiong followed the eyes of Eric Surrey and others, and then she saw a scene that will never be forgotten.

In the middle of the air in front of Li Feng, more than a dozen bullets were spinning at full speed, but they were not allowed to enter. It was as if they were stuck in an invisible wall!

Looking at Li Feng, he put his hands in his pockets, and his expression was indescribable and playful.

"My God..."

Tang Qiong exclaimed and covered her mouth. Her eyes were startled.

She couldn't understand why such a thing happened. Was it Li Feng who did it, including that the door was suddenly closed and the bolt was suddenly pushed up just now?

Now the question is, how can Li Feng do this? Is he a man or a ghost?

When Tang Qiong was shocked, Jim on the opposite side could not bear the current pressure and roared: "I can't stand it!"


A couple of shots!

Different from before, this time Jim didn't aim at the trigger pulled by Li Feng, but opened fire at random under the psychological collapse. Two bullets went straight to Tang Qiong below.Tang Qiong was frightened out of color.


With a sigh and a move of his right hand, Li Feng's two bullets, which went straight to Tang Qiong, took a turn in front of her and flew to Li Feng's body, floating in the air above Li Feng's palm.

As for the other bullets, like those before, they kept spinning and stopped in front of Li Feng.

Tang Qiong only felt the heart in the air fell to the ground!

"Three seconds. It's my turn to fight back."

Li Feng raised a sarcastic smile around the corner of his mouth. With a stroke of his finger, all the bullets suspended in front of him turned around.

"Shoot! Shoot

Eric Sari stood on his head and gave the order to shoot.

His men pulled the trigger like a reflex!


At the same time, Li Feng's finger stroke, the bullets suspended in front of him all rushed forward.

"Bang" "bang" "bang"

Li Feng's bullets with genuine gas and those shot by Jim and others met with each other. After making a dull sound, these bullets rushed to the forehead of Jim and others, and then stopped in the frightened eyes of Jim and others.

Even in front of Eric Sally, who was hiding behind Jim, there was a bullet!

It's like a gun fight in the middle of a story. The bullet swerved around Jim's defense and flew in front of Eric Surrey's face!

"My God!" Tang Qiong felt that she was out of words and could not say a second sentence except "OMG".

How can Li Feng be so strong? Is he a mutant like wanciwang who can control all metal products?

Until now Tang Qiong understood why Li Feng had the courage not to pay attention to the sari family. In front of such a strong personal strength, the notorious Sari family seemed not so terrible

Eric Surrey also raised his hands directly and said in horror, "Mr. Li, I was wrong. I surrender!"

Nima, if he had not experienced a lot of big waves, he would have been scared to pee at this time! Li Feng is so terrible!

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