Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 851

My dear, I am also the first beauty in Chinatown at least. What do you mean by your disdain?

If you wake up to your superpowers, you can dislike me, right?

Li Feng's words are three true and seven are false. Tang Qiong, who is deceived, believes in it

"OK, I'll go through the preliminary procedures for registering the company. If you need your cooperation, I will inform you at the first time."

Tang Qiong took a deep breath and pressed down her displeasure.

Li Feng nodded: "yes."

Li Feng's short reply made Tang Qiong feel depressed again. After a long time, she glared at Li Feng and said, "go home and sleep at night. Don't go to the hotel."

Li Feng: No, aren't we divorced? I'm going back to sleep, isn't it revealing? "

On the other side, isania:

What's the divorce? What's the secret? Why can't I understand?

"If I think about it, I will say that the court has rejected our divorce application. Otherwise, my parents will find a way to let me marry Kyle gullet."

Tang Qiong said without expression.

In fact, Tang Qiong's plan was to continue to drag on as agreed with Li Feng before, until the two of them developed the company.

But after seeing Li Feng's powerful strength, Tang Qiong changed her mind.

Is it better for Li Feng to attract the firepower of his parents and Kyle Gullit to leave enough time and space for their development?

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, and then shake his head: "I don't want to go back to give your mother foot washing water."

"Don't go back to the villa, go to my apartment. Remember, no more hotels. " Tang qiongda took a deep look at aishania, then turned and left the hospital.

No more. Pamela's driving away from here.

"Mr. Li, what does Miss Tang mean? What divorce, villa, apartment? "

Ashaniya asked in doubt.

Li Feng's eyes flashed, complexion complex said: "villa is Tang Qiong's parents' residence, I have been living there with her since marriage, that apartment is Tang Qiong's own property."

So Tang Qiong asked him to go back to his apartment, was he implying something?

"Then you divorce Miss Tang..." Isanya had a sense of breaking the casserole and asking the truth.

"Do you want me to divorce her?" Li Feng looked directly into aishaniya's eyes, and his tone was very playful.

"Ah?" Isanya was stunned at first, then turned over her head with a reddish complexion and did not speak.

Although there is no saying in country y that it is better to demolish a temple than a marriage, she also knows that it is not good to persuade people to divorce.

But After these two days of getting along with each other, aishania has a good feeling for Li Feng

Li Feng's eyes flashed. His face was a little strange.

So the charm of the young master has reached the level of attracting the crooked fruit girl without relying on her appearance?

Cough, this is really It's exciting!

After this period of fermentation, CBB video has become more and more influential on the Internet. Even as far away as China, many people know that LD Chinatown has a traditional Chinese medicine doctor with a needle like God.

Although most people are skeptical about this, they can't stop people who are eager to see a doctor. Not long after Tang Qiong left, several patients made a special trip here to see Li Feng.

At the same time, in that gloomy castle.

The old man in the tuxedo sat on the skull seat and murmured with gloomy eyes: "isaniah has betrayed me? Unforgivable! "

"Blake, you go to Chinatown, kill Li Feng, and bring ashaniya back here. Remember, I want her alive!"

The faint sound reverberated in the hall.

Then, a red haired middle-aged man kneeling on one knee in front of the old man in a tuxedo gets up and strides out.

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