Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 845

Li Feng also heard of the name of the sari family, and frowned slightly for a moment.

Huang Xin in Chinatown is good enough? There are casinos, restaurants, bars, KTVs, and hundreds of kids.

But in front of the main members of the sari family, Huang Xin did not even have the qualification to give them shoes!

The sari family is well-known in the western world, and some of its members have even been blacklisted in some countries, and they will never be allowed to enter the country, which shows their destructive power.

However, the sari family rarely appear in Chinatown, and they seem to have little friendship with the Tang family. Why can Tang Qiong see that they are members of the sari family at a glance?

Perhaps to see Li Feng's doubts, Tang Qiong whispered: "look at that middle-aged man, his collar embroidered with the symbol of the Sally family."

Li Feng concentrated his attention and saw a middle-aged man embroidered on his collar Hellhound?

Crouching, the sari family has a strong taste. It even uses the hell three headed dog as the family symbol. Compared with the three family and rattan family, which use crane and xianteng as family symbols, the sari family's aesthetic outlook is really unique.

"Fake! I'm talking to you. Are you so deaf? "

A man in black scanned the room and roared angrily.

Li Feng frowned slightly: "Sir, this is the hospital. It needs to be quiet."

"Well? Are you talking to me The man looked at Li Feng and grinned grimly. Later, when he came to Li Feng, he wanted to reach out and grab Li Feng's collar.

Li Feng's eyes are cold, he wants to give each other some color to see.

Tang Qiong was worried about Li Feng.

Isanya turned her mouth, and her eyes showed a mixture of scorn and ridicule.

Just then, the middle-aged man suddenly said, "Jim, don't be impulsive."

With that, he coughed violently.

The man in black called Jim stopped immediately, turned and said, "yes, boss!"

"Are you Dr. Li Feng Li? I'm Eric Sally. Nice to meet you. Cough, cough

Eric sari, the middle-aged man, walked up to Li Feng and held out his right hand.

Li Feng looked at his right hand, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, you covered your mouth with this hand when you cough just now, so I don't want to shake hands with you."

Eric Surrey:

His men:

Tang Qiong:

It's not This is Eric Surrey, an elite member of the Surrey family. Even if the city council members are here, they dare not give him face!

If you don't respect such people, you will be killed!

"Fake, do you know who you're talking to?"

"Damn chinese, are you tired of living?"

"Shepard! I'm going crazy. Someone should humiliate Mr. Surrey. I'm going to kill him! "

Eric Sari's men, like cats who have been trampled on their tails, are clamoring to kill Li Feng. One man in black even opened his suit and exposed the black objects behind his waist.

It was obviously a pistol!

Just as the situation was about to get out of control, Eric sarry suddenly raised his hand and said, "that's enough! Just give me a break

As soon as he spoke, all his men shut up.

"Mr. Li is a doctor. In the eyes of doctors, any unhealthy behavior should be avoided. I can understand that." Eric Surrey chuckled, then held out his left hand and said, "I washed my hands before I went out."

Li Feng looked at his left hand, then shook his head and said, "sorry, I don't have the habit of shaking hands with people with my left hand."

Tang Qiong only felt that just put down the heart was again mentioned to the throat.

It's not Big brother, can you stop trying on the verge of death? This is the second generation elite member of the notorious Sally family. You are just deliberately insulting him. It will kill you to do so!

"What do you say, say it again?" Eric Sally couldn't believe his ears.

If Li Feng refused to shake hands with him just now, but he could explain it by paying attention to hygiene. This time, Li Feng told him that he didn't want to shake hands with him.

Does Li Feng know what the consequences will be?

"Don't say good words twice." Li Feng's mouth a hook, playing flavor: "if Mr. Surrey has nothing else to do, please go back. You can see that I'm very busy. I really can't afford to entertain you."

"Asshole, I'll kill you!" Jim roared and took out a dagger to kill Li Feng.

"Jim! Step back

Eric Sally let out a low roar.

Jim turned his head and looked at Eric Sally with a deep sense of incomprehension.

"Did you not even listen to me?"

Eric Surrey glared at him and asked in a cold voice.

"I dare not!" Jim quickly lowered his head and retreated."Hum!"

Eric Surrey snorted coldly, then put on a smiling face and said to Li Feng, "Doctor Li, just now my staff are making a lot of noise here. How offending. Please don't blame Mr. Li."

Tang Qiong breathed a sigh of relief.

It's obvious that Eric Sari has a desire for Li Feng. Before achieving the purpose of this trip, Eric Sari should not fall out with Li Feng.

As long as she asks Li Feng to talk nice to Eric Surrey later, things will be eased

"You are sick."

At this time, Li Feng suddenly said.

Tang Qiong felt that she was almost in a coma.

I'll go, brother. Do you have to die like this? You have to break through the death line, right?

The melon eating crowd at the door couldn't read it anymore. They didn't know what it was to try crazily on the edge of death. They understood Li Feng's work today.

Jim and others were going to take out a gun and beat Li Feng into a beehive.

But Eric Sally suddenly raised his hand to stop them. Then he said to Li Feng, "can Dr. Li cure you?"

The tone is very polite.

"Yes." Li Feng nodded and then held out a finger: "but I want this number."

"A million pounds?" Eric Surrey said tentatively.

At the door, a crowd of gourd eaters immediately took a breath of air conditioning. Some people could not help saying, "what Li Feng wants is not 1 million pounds, but 100000 or 10000 pounds!"

These people at the gate can watch the bustle for such a long time. Naturally, they are not big people, and their horizons are not high.

In their opinion, 100000 pounds is astronomical, 10000 pounds is normal. Eric sarry directly calls out 1 million pounds. Isn't this looking to be the big loser?

Even Tang Qiong couldn't help pulling on Li Feng's clothes, indicating that he should not talk to Eric sari and have a good relationship with him, which is good for their future development in LD.

However, Li Feng shook his head and mocked, "a million pounds? You're sending out beggars. I'm talking about ten million pounds

The whole audience is quiet!

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