Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 844

Li Feng's face changed slightly, and his heart rate suddenly accelerated.

Besides, Tang Qiong's personal charm is really a hit.

Now the question is, if he agrees to Tang Qiong's conditions, what reward will Tang Qiong give?

"Do you keep your promise ahead of time?"

Li Feng took a deep breath, pressed his heart and asked.

Tang Qiong blushed and shook her head I mean I can show up in public hand in hand with you. "

Li Feng:

It's not Is that a condition? Just hand in hand. Have you ever held a woman's hand?

Perhaps seeing Li Feng's surprise, Tang Qiong blushed and said, "you Don't think I'm playing you. I'm serious

"All right." Li Feng spread both hands, some helplessly said: "but I think the conditions you give are not directly proportional to what I pay."

Just holding hands, he is going to give Tang Qiong a part of the opportunity to make money? Then her hands are too valuable!

"But But I've never held hands with another man

Tang Qiong said with some embarrassment.

She also felt that her conditions were too much, but she could not make any more concessions for the time being

"Oh?" Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, directly on Tang Qiong on the heart reading.

Although he has been married with Tang Qiong for half a year, he does not know much about Tang Qiong. At least, he is not very clear about whether Tang Qiong has ever been in love.

In country y, a country with a very open ethos, a 26 year old woman who has never held hands with a man It can be said that it is extremely rare.

"Well Tang Qiong didn't lie. She really didn't hold hands with a man

Under the mind reading technique, Tang Qiong's real thoughts can be seen at a glance.

Of course, this does not include Tang Qiong holding hands with her grandfather and father when she was a child

Li Feng frowned slightly: "holding hands in front of the public In the eyes of your parents and parents, we have already filed for divorce. Are you afraid that they will notice something wrong? "

Tang Qiong shook his head, half self mocking and half self mourning, and said, "it doesn't matter. They don't care about my happiness. I don't need to act with them."

Obviously, my parents have already made up Kyle Gullit's idea. If she doesn't act, she will be forced to marry Kyle Gullit as a victim of family interests.

She married Li Feng, at least Li Feng was not able to let her do things against his will, but Kyle Gullit was different, in front of Kyle Gullit, she had no qualification to resist.

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "that is to say Are you going to war with your family? "

Tang Qiong shook his head and said, "the war is a little serious. I just don't want to do anything more and listen to the good girl arranged by my family. So Li Feng, do you agree to my terms? "

Li Feng looked at Tang Qiong for a while, then said with a smile: "yes, but cooperate with me. I need to control the initiative."

Tang qiongxiu eyebrow a pick: "for example?"

Li Feng thought for a moment and said, "let's set up the company together. I'll pay 51% and you'll contribute 49%. I'll be responsible for negotiating the details of cooperation with oswelli. You'll be responsible for the market development here, including all the procedures that need to be completed at the initial stage of the company's establishment."

Tang Qiong was stunned for a moment. Under normal circumstances, the proportion of capital contribution equals to the proportion of shares. Li Feng's contribution of 51% is equivalent to holding 51% of the company's shares, which will allow him to dominate the management of the company's affairs in the future.

"I think it's better for us to contribute 50% each." Tang Qiong thought for a while and then said.

Although she also wants to hold the dominant power of the company in her own hands, she knows that Li Feng can't agree with her. It's better to hold 50% of the company's share first, and then she will find the opportunity to make additional investment and get the dominant power of the company.

"Don't even think about it." Li Feng directly shook his head and refused: "if you haggle with me again, we don't need to talk about our cooperation."

"I..." Tang Qiong was angry in her heart. After a while, she vomited out a turbid airway: "OK, do as you say."

Next, the two men discussed some details, and after the decision was made, Tang Qiong would go out first.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly said, "have you forgotten something?"

"What?" Tang Qiong looked back in doubt. When she saw Li Feng's right hand, she immediately blushed and said, "now we're going to lead Hand in hand? "

"Otherwise? I've already promised to cooperate with you. Well, you don't want to go back on your word? " Li Feng mocked.

Tang Qiong's face changed a little, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "who wants to go back on your word? What you say is the water poured out. I only hope you can fulfill your promise."

Li Feng shrugged: "don't worry, I always keep my promise."


The voice falls to the ground, Tang Qiong gently grasps Li Feng's right hand.Starting with gentle, just like a piece of fine jade, Li Feng couldn't help but feel lost in his face.

See, Tang Qiong pretty face slightly red remind way: "go."

Li Feng this just returned to God, also did not feel embarrassed, performance a smile way: "good."

Voice landing, Li Feng led Tang Qiong out.

At the door, the people who eat melons do not eat the melons they want, so they are not willing to leave here.

"Why hasn't Li Shao been out for so long? Isn't Li Shao unable to get up?"

"What can't get up? Don't drive casually, OK?"

"Shit, are you full of Ollie in your head? What I'm talking about is that Li Shao can't get up by kneeling on the washboard! "

"Shit, I thought you said Li Shao and Miss Tang Oh, it's a misunderstanding

Isania, who stayed here:

It's not Do these gourd eating people talk so dirty? She is still here!

At the time when people ridicule Li Feng, Li Feng takes Tang Qiong's hand and walks out from inside.

All of a sudden, the hall of the hospital is quiet!

The melon eating crowd at the door rubbed their eyes one after another.

Just after rubbing their eyes, a crowd of gourd eaters still saw Li Feng and Tang Qiong hand in hand, and then there was a sound of air conditioning.

Lying trough, what did I see? Tang Qiong, who had never been touched by Li Feng, actually held hands with Li Feng!

And after Li Feng took the blonde to the hotel!

What does Tang Qiong mean? Should she show her ownership of Li Feng in front of aishania? No, everyone knows that Tang Qiong doesn't like Li Feng at all!

Just as the crowd was confused, a shrill brake sound suddenly sounded from behind.

When they looked back, they saw a number of black Jaguars parked at the gate of the traditional Chinese medicine hall. Then a group of white men in black came out of the car. Then a middle-aged white man who looked a little weak just walked out of the car in the middle.

Then, the men in black, guarding the middle-aged man, walked into the traditional Chinese medicine hall and yelled: "who is Li Feng? Come here to see our boss, hurry up!"

Tang qiongxiu eyebrows a pick, look ugly way: "Li Feng, bad thing, these people in black are LD Sally family people!"

The role of the sari family in LD is equivalent to that of song Wanjun in the Pearl. The difference is that the sari family is famous in the whole western society!

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