Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 846

"One Ten million pounds? "

"My God, ten million pounds, nearly 100 million yuan in Chinese currency!"

The melon eaters at the door were all frightened by the number. They thought Li Feng was crazy and asked for 10 million pounds to open his mouth!

Even Tang Qiong felt a little inconceivable. This is Eric Surrey. He usually asks for money from others. Li Feng opens his mouth and asks him if he wants 10 million pounds. Will it make him angry?

Well Speaking of anger, Li Feng has already angered Eric Sari many times before.

No, she has to find a way to calm Eric Sally's anger, or Li Feng will die.

"Persuade Li Feng to give up collecting medical fees? It should work. " When Tang Qiong pondered a little, she had a decision in her heart.

"Ten million pounds..." Eric Surrey's pupils shrank and sneered, "so Dr. Li is 100% sure that I will be cured?"

Even for Eric Surrey, 10 million pounds is a lot of money, and it would be painful for him to take out so much money.

But ten million pounds is not much more than a complete cure for one's own disease.

"I can't say it's 100 percent. I'm at least 99.99 percent sure." Li Feng said with a smile.

Tang Qiong:

Isaniah: --

Others:.... "

So Li Feng said this for modesty or to pretend to be 13?

Eric Surrey's eyes flashed: "do you know what I have?"

"Of course I know. Otherwise, how dare I say that I have a 99.99% chance to cure you?" Li Feng shrugged and said.

Tang Qiong was shocked and turned to look at Li Feng.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a look, hear, ask and say, this Tang Qiong knows, but Li Feng just use "look" to see what disease Eric Sari has? Too much cattle break!

"Oh?" Eric Sari changed his color slightly and asked in a deep voice, "then tell me what I'm sick with. As long as you're right, I'll make you an offer."

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "really?"

"Of course." Eric Sally nodded.

Under the complex gaze of people, Li Feng said: "COPD."

As soon as this was said, there was a brief silence in the field.

Then, some people can't help but take a breath of cold air.

COPD is a very terrible respiratory disease. It is difficult to breathe at ordinary times. Even if you climb the stairs, you will be panting. The death rate and disability rate are very high.

What's more, there are no cases of COPD cured in the world so far, which can only slow down the development of the disease.

Eric Sally's pupils shrank, and then he looked up and laughed: "ha ha ha ha ha ha, you are worthy of being a miracle doctor. You can see what I have at a glance. Cough, cough, cough."

Later, Eric Sally began to cough again.

Tang Qiong's beautiful eyes twinkled at Li Feng, and his medical skills were so wonderful as to reach this point? Why has he never been seen before?

Wait Since Li Feng knew that Eric Sarid had COPD, why did he say that he could be cured with 99.99% confidence? This is a world medical problem!

If Li Feng can cure COPD thoroughly, what kind of fame and fortune will he get?


After a long time, Eric Sally stopped coughing and calmed down again, and then he said with a smile, "OK! Since Dr. Li has such insight, I will promise you to make an offer! But What if Dr. Li can't cure me? "

Li Feng directly shakes his head: "this kind of possibility almost does not exist."

"Good one hardly exists!" Eric Sally clapped his hands and laughed, and his cough came back.

In fact, patients who go to see a doctor are not afraid that the doctor is too confident, but they are afraid that the doctor is not confident. The rest is left aside. Li Feng, a doctor who is so confident that he can give patients a lot of confidence and hope, which is very good for the treatment of the disease.

Li Feng eyebrow tiny frown: "OK, you don't be happy too early, lest the lung cough out."

On hearing this, Eric Sari stopped laughing, took a deep breath and calmed down his mood. Then he lowered his posture and asked, "Dr. Li, when shall we begin treatment?"

He has been suffering from COPD for more than a year, and going to the top hospital in Y country can only slow down the disease, but not completely cure it.

This morning, he happened to visit ins and saw the live report of CBB. At that time, he was attracted by the treatment process described by Li Feng. Now he decided to come here to have a try.

Yes, it's a case of emergency.

But after this confrontation with Li Feng, Eric Sari suddenly felt that hope was greatly increased.

"Treatment can be started at any time, but I have a habit of collecting money before treating. If you want me to treat you right now, put 10 million pounds into my account first. "With that, Li Feng took out a bank card from his arms and handed it to Eric sari.

Eric Surrey:


It's not What's the first thing to charge for and then treat? If it is a common fever, cold, first charge money also first, but this is 10 million pounds!

Tang Qiong only felt that her eyes were dark and almost fainted.

Just now, she was trying to persuade Li Feng not to charge Eric Sari's medical fees. As a result, Li Feng had to collect 10 million medical fees before he went to see Eric Sally. He was going to offend Eric Sally in his death!

"Li Feng, come with me." Tang Qiong took a deep breath, ready to call Li Feng aside and explain the seriousness of the matter to him.

"If you have something to say here." Li Feng was somewhat indifferent.

Tang Qiong's eyes were fixed, and then she whispered: "Mr. Eric sarry is very famous in LD. You can be flexible in terms of medical expenses. For example, you can charge him after seeing a doctor and make sure it is effective. Or A little less. "

Eric sarillo nodded in favor.

Hum, this woman is quite sensible and knows that he is not an ordinary patient. Now Li Feng should know what kind of attitude to face him?

Eric Surrey's face lit up with pride at the thought.

At this time, Li Feng said: "it doesn't matter. No matter what his status is, he is a patient in my eyes. It's a matter of course to pay for seeing a doctor. Even if the general barrel of state y comes, how much should he pay or how much he has to pay!"

Tang Qiong supported her forehead with her hand, and her heart uttered a painful chant.

Eric Surrey's pupils shrank: "are you serious, Dr. Li?"

"Of course, if you don't have enough money, go back and raise money first. Don't waste my time here." Li Feng said he would put the bank card back in his pocket.

At this moment, Eric Sally suddenly grabbed the bank card and said with a smile, "it's only 10 million pounds. I can still afford it, but If I am not satisfied with Dr. Li's treatment later, the consequences will be very serious. "

At this point, Eric Sari's face had already shown a light killing intention.

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