Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 843

Isania's expression was slightly embarrassed.

When people in Y open up again, they are asked by their wives whether they went to the hotel with their husbands. This feeling is indescribable.

"It looks like you."

Don Qiong shakes her head and smiles. She looks at aishania in surprise.

In fact, the Tang family heard that Li Feng took a blonde to the hotel this morning. Because Tang Qiong and Li Feng were divorced, the Tang family didn't make too much comment on it, but they didn't believe in the high beauty of the said blonde.

Shit, how can Li Feng, who is such a trash, catch a beauty in the bar, or a white beauty? The rumor is too exaggerated!

Now Tang Qiong saw it and knew that there was nothing false about it. This woman was really beautiful. Even Tang Qiong felt surprised when she saw aishania.

"Yes, it's me." Ashaniya nodded, then whispered, "in fact, nothing happened between me and Mr. Li..."

The faces of the people at the door suddenly became strange.

Dutchma went to the hotel together, and nothing happened. What happened to the three-year-old?

Of course, Tang Qiong didn't believe it, but she didn't get entangled in this issue and asked directly, "where's Li Feng?"

People at the door thought that Tang Qiong would get angry directly, but she was so calm and surprised for a moment.

"He's in there." Ashaniya subconsciously replied.

Tang Qiong nodded and raised her feet to go inside.

Aishania's face changed slightly, and she quickly moved sideways to block Tang Qiong: "Miss Tang, Mr. Li has an order. No one can go in without his permission. Please wait outside."


At the door, people couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

I wipe, my concubine stopped the maiden in the palace. Is it so critical? This time, Tang Qiong should be angry!

However, to everyone's surprise, Tang Qiong actually found a chair and sat down. It seems that she has to wait patiently for Li Feng to come out.

"I wipe it. Is this really Tang Qiong

"Isn't it said that Li Feng's status in the Tang family is very low, and he has to bring foot washing water to his mother-in-law at night. He made such a serious mistake that Miss Tang didn't get angry?"

"Maybe it's the quiet before the storm. We'll watch it here."

A crowd of gourd eaters whispered.

At the moment when people were confused, Li Feng took Wang Jun and Chen Sanmei out of the room. Seeing Tang Qiong sitting in a chair, Li Feng couldn't help being stunned. Then he said with a strange look: "how did you come?"

Tang Qiong took a look at Wang Jun and Chen Sanmei, then turned to Li Feng and said, "I have something to ask you."

Li Feng Mei pointed out, probably guessed the purpose of her coming here, turned around and said, "Granny Chen, you go back first. Wang Jun remembers to come here to work tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Li Shao!" Wang Jun and Chen Sanmei turn to leave here.

After going out, they were surrounded by melon eating people: "Mrs. Chen, what's going on here?"

"Who on earth poisoned you?"

"Wang Jun, do you want to work in Li's traditional Chinese medicine hall? What's your salary?"

In the face of people's inquiries, Chen Sanmei and Wang Jun responded with a smile and did not give any answer.

Finally, the two passed through the crowd and disappeared around the corner.

In the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, Tang Qiong looked directly into Li Feng's eyes and asked, "have you really saved old lady Chen with acupuncture?"

"Don't believe it?" Li Feng's mouth raised a mocking smile.

"Half convinced." Tang Qiong said without expression.

If Li Feng cured Chen Sanmei with pills, Tang Qiong believed it. But if Li Feng cured Chen Sanmei with acupuncture, she didn't believe it.

"Then you can ask the melon eaters at the door." Li Feng pointed to the door and said.

The crowd at the door said:

It's not Can we not say that we are gourd eaters, it will appear that we are doing nothing

Tang Qiong raised her eyebrows and looked at the crowd at the door.

"Miss Tang, Li Shao's medical skills are really superb. Chen Sanmei almost died when she came. As a result, Li Shao used a silver needle to give her acupuncture for a while, and Chen Sanmei woke up!"

"Miss Tang, you can see Chen Sanmei. She looks ruddy and full of air. She doesn't look like a seriously ill person."

At the door, everyone called for Li Feng's miraculous medical skills.

Tang qiongxiu eyebrows a pick, look back surprised at Li Feng.

So many people are willing to testify to Li Feng, which is really beyond Tang Qiong's expectation.

"Don't look at me like that. I'll surprise you a lot later." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said playfully.

Tang Qiong slowly and expressionless nodded: "I am looking forward to it."

Li Feng didn't expect Tang Qiong to give such an answer. He was a little surprised for a moment. After a long time, he said with a smile, "you come to me to inquire about my medical skills.""Yes, but I want to talk to you alone about the next thing." Tang Qiong looked at aishaniya beside her eyes and said with deep meaning.

Li Feng nodded: "OK, you and I go inside."

Hearing this, the gourd eaters at the door are not happy. Don't, we still want to see how you can solve the problem of taking a beautiful woman to the hotel. What's a quarrel when you close the door?

Li Feng, who cares about these melon eating people's ideas, now he takes Tang Qiong and enters the room in the eyes of the people.

"Why did you bypass me and talk to Mr. Lee of osville directly about cooperation?"

Once inside, Tang Qiong asked in a cold voice.

"You don't seem to be qualified to question me." Li Feng turned to face Tang Qiong.

Tang qiongxiu frowned slightly. Even though she had already known that Li Feng had a calm and domineering side, she was still a little uncomfortable.

After a long time, Tang qiongcai said, "we have already talked about it before. You help me to get the opportunity to cooperate with oswelli, and I...."

At this point, Tang Qiong shut her mouth.

It takes a lot of courage to say that you regard yourself as a trading condition. Tang Qiong has no courage to say it again.

Li Feng pondered with a smile: "but now I have isanya. How many advantages do you think you can have compared with her?"

Tang Qiong's complexion was stagnant, then coldly hummed: "the man really likes the new and dislikes the old!"

Li Feng shrugged and did not refute.

After a long time, Tang Qiong vomited out a puff of turbid gas, squeezed out a smile and said, "is it You don't want me? "

At the same time, Tang Qiong took off her coat and untied the top two buttons of her white shirt, which added a bit of charm.

As I said before, Tang Qiong is extremely cold and gorgeous in front of people, and suddenly shows her charming side, which makes her charm soar!

Even though he had experienced the baptism of the best beauties such as Wei Bingqing and song Wanjun, Li Feng still felt his heart missed a beat at this moment!

At this time, Tang Qiong said, "as long as you agree that we can set up a cosmetics agency together and represent all the products of osville, I will..."

At this point, don Qiong shut her mouth.

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