Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 842

"Well, there's no one else here. You can say anything now."

After entering the inner room, Li Feng first pulled a chair for Chen Sanmei, and then said to Wang Jun.

Wang Jun looked at Chen Sanmei, who nodded with bitterness.

Wang Jun knelt down again toward Li Feng.

However, Li Feng didn't stop him this time. He just heard the sound of "puff", and Wang Jun's knees directly hit the ground.

"Li Shao, it's because I'm an asshole that this kind of thing happens. You can kill me!"

Wang Jun kowtowed while crying.

On one side, Chen Sanmei turned her head with a look of unbearable.

"Killing people is to pay for their lives. I'm not that stupid." Li Feng shook his head with a smile, and then said: "don't cry, you first tell the whole thing through the original."

"Yes, Li Shao!"

Wang Jun wiped his tears and began to tell.

Wang Jun has no culture. He can only support his family by doing odd jobs on weekdays.

Three days ago, he gambled in a casino with the help of several workers. Somehow, he owed tens of thousands of pounds in gambling debts.

The Wangs are poor, where can they afford to pay back the tens of thousands of pounds of gambling debts?

Two days later, that is, yesterday, the creditor took someone to urge the debt and threatened to cut off Wang Jun's hands and feet.

Naturally, Wang Jun's family tried their best to plead with Wang Jun. Chen Sanmei even knelt down to the debt collector, saying that she would pay for Wang Jun's life.

At this time, the creditor gave Chen Sanmei a pill, saying that as long as she took the pill and planted the blame on Li Feng, he could not only exempt Wang Jun from the debt, but also give the Wang family 100000 pounds more, and solve the problem of Wang family's household registration.

Chen Sanmei is 69 years old this year, and she is always in poor health recently. She knows that her time is running out. She can exchange her old life for a better future for the Wang family. This business is very cost-effective!

After struggling, Chen took the pill and swallowed it this morning.

After that, she rode the rickshaw to the gate of Li's traditional Chinese medicine.

As soon as Wang Jun finished telling the story, Chen Sanmei stood up trembling and then knelt down on Li Feng's knees: "Li Shao, this matter was promised by the old woman. It has nothing to do with the army. Li Shao wants to kill old lady Chong alone. Don't embarrass jun'er."


Wang Jun quickly got up to help Chen Sanmei.

"Don't come here! We are sorry for Li Shao. Even if Li Shao killed me on the spot today, I won't have any complaints! "

Chen Sanmei quickly stops the way.

"Yes, grandma!"

Wang Jun bit his teeth and knelt down again.

Looking at Chen Sanmei's grandparents and grandsons on their knees, Li Feng said with a smile: "I said that you would not kill people. Although you made mistakes first, you would not be guilty to death. If you two kneel down, we would even wipe out half of the gratitude and resentment between us."

Although Chen Sanmei and Wang Jun framed him first, they were both poor people. Although they had their hateful points, they did not have to die.

What's more, what the two men really framed is the same man as Li Feng. In this respect, Li Feng has no reason to kill them.

Hearing this, Chen Sanmei's grandparents and grandchildren are happy, but then they have some doubts.

What do you mean to smooth the half? How to smooth the other half?

At this time, Li Feng said, "tell me the information of the person who came to collect the debt. In addition After that, Wang Jun worked in my hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to pay off debts, and he was free ten years later. "

Obviously, Wang Jun was set up by someone, and the fundamental purpose of the person who set up the Bureau was to frame Li Feng, including the CBB reporter who suddenly appeared in the Chinese Medicine Museum. It should also be the same person who found him.

So Li Feng suspected that this man was the same as the one who planned the accident at the gate of osville.

Li Feng has reason to believe that if he is not found out, conspiracies and even murders against him will continue in the future. In order to kill the trouble completely, he can only do it first!

"Li Shao..." Wang Jun was eager to speak but stopped.

Obviously, the other party is very powerful. If he sells the other party, the king's family will be killed in the street the next day!

"I know what you're worried about. I can leave my words here. As long as I'm here, you and your family will be safe."

"On the contrary, if you hide all the other party's information, then your Wang family will be in danger."

Li Feng said in a deep voice.

Since the plot against him ended in failure, it can not be ruled out that the other party will kill Wang Jun and Chen Sanmei.

If Wang Jun didn't tell us, Li Feng would have no need to protect them.

Although Wang Jun's cultural level is not high, his brain is not stupid. After a little meditation, he knows how to choose: "OK, Li Shao, I say, I say everything!"

Now Wang Jun told Li Feng all he knew.

At this time, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, whether to check immediately.""Who will be involved in the mission at this time?"

Li Feng frowned slightly and said, "check it out!"

"Task: behind the scenes"

"task objective: to find out the person who set up a killing Bureau against Li Feng, a doctor in country y. if the task fails, 10 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment."

"Task reward: 1 million experience points, 5 million system points."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng couldn't help but take a puff from the corner of his mouth: "is it really related to a man?"

Most of the tasks previously released by the system were related to the goddess, but this task was released because of a man, which made Li Feng feel strangely strange.

The system has not changed its orientation, so it will be embarrassing

At the same time, the white Panamera stopped at the gate of the traditional Chinese medicine hall.

After hearing the news, the crowd immediately looked back. Then they saw Tang Qiong, dressed in beige professional clothes, walking out of the car.

All of a sudden, people's faces became strange.

Damn it. Isanya is still in the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum. Don't you think Tang Qiong is here to catch tips? Then there will be a good show!

At this time, Tang Qiong swept their faces after they got off the bus. They were surprised and said, "good morning, Miss Tang!"

"Miss Tang, how did you come here?"

"Miss Tang, I heard that Mr. Tang is discharged from hospital. Is he in good health?"

Tang Qiong, who was cold and gorgeous in front of her, just nodded to the crowd and did not answer anything. She lifted her feet and went to the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum.

At the moment of entering the Chinese Medicine Museum, Tang Qiong saw aishania standing in front of the sitting table. Her eyes were opposite, and the atmosphere was frozen for a moment.

Then, isaniah came over voluntarily, stretched out her hand and said, "are you Miss Tang? I'm isaniah, Mr. Li's assistant. Nice to meet you

When getting Li Feng's information, aishaniya had a certain understanding of Tang Qiong, so that she could recognize Tang Qiong at a glance.

Tang Qiong shook hands with her and asked, "are you the woman who came back to the hotel with Li Feng last night?"

Hearing this, all the people at the door held their breath.

Damn it, Tang Qiong is really here to catch the top. Here's a good show!

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