Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 841

It's not What does Li Feng mean? What does it mean to cooperate only after divorce? How does he have a feud with the Tang family?

"Mr. Li, what do you mean?"

Tang Fei's face sank and asked in a cold voice.

Youlan group is also a second-line cosmetics agency in country y. Li Feng doesn't cooperate with Youlan group. Instead, he cooperates with a waste. He thinks he has too much money, right?

On the phone, Li Feng sneered: "literal meaning."

Tang Fei couldn't hear the irony in Li Feng's words. At the moment, he said in a cold voice: "Mr. Li, you don't know. This Li Feng is a complete waste. You can cooperate with him and it is clear that you will take money to get rid of it."

"On the contrary, our Youlan group has been deeply engaged in the cosmetics agency industry for many years, and has very rich experience. As long as president Li cooperates with us, I can guarantee that Mr. Li can make a lot of money!"

Tang Fei's brother and sister give him thumbs up.

Dad said these words clearly, more and more negotiation expert demeanor.

"I'm not interested in making money now. For me, making a billion pounds a day is just a small goal, but..."

"I am very loyal. Although Li Feng is not a friend of mine, he is a good friend of my college diehards. I was very angry after hearing his experience in the Tang family, so I couldn't cooperate with Youlan group."

"And You're just the general manager of a small company. Are you here with me to drag NIMA? "

"No, I'm shaking my head."

With that, Li Feng hung up the phone.

Tang Fei:

Tang Long et al

Horizontal trough Were they despised and humiliated just now?

And What kind of thing shakes his head? What does NIMA mean?

"Lying trough, I said Li Feng is not a good thing? Who does he think he is? What qualifications does he have to direct our Tang family's housework? How dare you scold my dad? He is not in LD. If he is here, I will take someone to kill him immediately! "

Tang Long patted the tea table with all his strength, and scolded angrily.

"Damn it, is he crazy to cooperate with Li Feng's rubbish? What's the waste? If you want money but no money, if you don't have contacts, is it so easy to act as a cosmetics agent? Believe it or not, Li Feng can't even handle the import procedures?"

Tang Fei said with the same fork.

Not only the brothers and sisters of Tang long, but also the Tang family and other people are not disdained. The Tang family is the leading family in Chinatown. Let alone the respect of thousands of people, at least in Chinatown, they are sought after. How ever have they ever been so angry?

Of course, the more important reason is that they are in the Tang family mansion and on their own territory, and Li Feng is far away in China, and he can not feel the great energy Li Feng has in China.

Tang Qiong shook her head and sighed.

She doesn't think that Tang Fei and others are qualified to say three to four to Li Feng. This is the man who led osville to develop into a hundred billion enterprises. He holds the trump brand product tongyanshui. In the future, Li Feng may even become the richest man in the world!

Tang Jiaman has a fortune of 1 billion pounds. If you change it into tongyanshui, you can only buy 50 bottles. It is ridiculous to say that Li Feng has a bad head.

However, Li Feng even wants to cooperate with Li Feng, which is quite unexpected to Tang Qiong.

"It seems that I'm going to talk to Li Feng." Tang Qiong whispered to herself.

She also thinks that Li Feng has no ability to sell oswelli products in country y, which requires extremely complicated procedures and huge investment in the early stage. Li Feng is obviously unable to do these two points.

So Li Feng must need her to join!

"Hum, I know. No wonder Li Feng said we would regret it. It turns out that he was playing this idea!"

At this time, Tang Jian suddenly clapped his thigh and said.

"I understand too. Li Feng wants to take oswelli's agency and ask us to ask him!" In any case, Qiu Qiong asked her not to understand her, but she didn't understand it

"Yes, even if we are so frustrated that we can't get along in Chinatown, we should never ask Li Feng!" Tang Fei said angrily.

Of course, what he said was just angry words. The skinny camel was bigger than the horse. Even if the Youlan group went bankrupt, with the wealth accumulated by the Tang family over the years, they could still live a life of luxury.

But what Tang Fei doesn't know is that there is a law in China called Zhenxiang law. The more you say you don't want, you'll say it in the end How delicious!

Tang Qiong looked at them and nodded silently.

Tang Jian sighed a sigh of relief, then frowned and said, "now it seems that the cooperation between Youlan group and oswelli is not possible. Now we have only one way, that is, to find Casley."

Tang Qiong knew what Tang Jian was trying to do, so she called out in discontent, "Dad!""Little Joan, I don't mean to ask you to go to Kyle Gullit, but I want to release the news of your divorce from Li Feng." Tang Jian said with a smile.

As soon as he said this, Tang Fei and others lit up their eyes and clapped their hands and said, "wonderful, this is a wonderful idea."

With Kyle Gullett's obsession with Tang qiongzhi, as soon as the news is released, he will certainly take the initiative to show his kindness to the Tang family. At that time, the re cooperation between Youlan group and kessley will be a natural result.

Tang Qiong's eyes flashed, and her face was expressionless: "it's rather stuffy here. I'll go out for a walk."

After that, she didn't care about the reaction of Tang Jian and others, turned around and walked out of the living room.

A few minutes later, a white Porsche Panamera drove out of the Tang house and headed for the middle of Chinatown.

Li Feng hung up the phone and came back: "grandma Chen, Wang Jun, do you have anything you want to tell me?"

"Why What do you say? " Wang Jun's face was unnatural.

"You haven't thank Li Shao yet." The middle-aged man who was praised by Li Feng for his literary talent reminded him at the door.

As soon as Wang Jun patted the forehead, he suddenly realized: "yes, yes, I was negligent. Thank you very much, Li Shao."

While speaking, Wang Jun would kneel down on Li Feng's knees.

However, Li Feng held out his hand and said with a smile, "thank you in no hurry. Now you need to explain to me why grandma Chen would take poison."

Hearing this, all the people at the gate were interested.

At first, few people believed Li Feng said that Chen Sanmei was poisoned, but after seeing Li Feng save Chen Sanmei with acupuncture, most of them believed it.

Now the question is, is Chen Sanmei taking poison or being persecuted?

Could it be that Wang Jun deliberately poisoned Chen Sanmei in order to blackmail Li Feng's huge sum of money?

"This Li Shao I... " Wang Jun was eager to speak but stopped.

"Follow me to the inner room." With that, Li Feng looked at aishaniya: "you stay here, no one is allowed to go inside without my permission."

Aishania hastened to answer, watching three people into the interior.

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