Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 838

All the people at the door were in a state of confusion.

I'll go. We all saw what happened to Chen Sanmei just now. It's just that she may die at any time.

Then Li Feng took the silver needle and gave her acupuncture for a few times, and then she turned ruddy and could speak. Could she still go to the fifth floor in one breath?

This is incredible!

Opposite, Wang Jun cried with joy: "grandma, are you really OK, grandma?"

Chen Sanmei looked at Wang Jun and Li Feng. She immediately realized where she had come. She changed her face and said, "I I'm not taking medicine... "

Wang Jun quickly reached out to cover her mouth and said in a quick voice, "grandma, Li Feng cured you."

As he spoke, he kept winking at Chen Sanmei.

Chen Sanmei looked at Li Feng with consternation. At last, she said with complicated complexion: "thank you very much, Doctor Li."

People at the gate are more and more puzzled. Most people are rescued when they are dying. Metropolis is very happy and even crying with joy. However, Chen Sanmei does not show much joy.

And the "I'm not taking medicine" that she didn't finish?

What kind of medicine to drink? Did Li Feng prescribe the medicine or Poison?

It's weird. It's weird!

"Granny Chen, don't thank you. It's the doctor's bounden duty to save the dying and heal the wounded. No matter how you took the poison, you were sent here by Wang Jun, I can't help you."

Li Feng light a smile, have deep meaning to say.

Chen Sanmei didn't expect Li summit to say so. She sat on the doctor's table for a moment and was speechless.

Just then, the middle-aged man who was praised by Li Feng suddenly raised his hand and asked, "Li Shao, what acupuncture method did you use just now? Why didn't we see you use it before?"

Li Feng's eyes brightened, turned to the man and said, "this old man asked well!"

"I'm just feeling it." The middle-aged man touched his bearded chin and said with a smile.

"It's just a matter of feeling and asking, but it's the key point. This is the eye of old man!" Li fengchong's thumbs up.

The middle-aged man began to drift again


It's not If you want to play business, you can play with each other, but can you change the time? Damn it, we all want to know the answer to the question!

"It's very simple. The acupuncture method I use is the jiuzhuanshen needle handed down by Li Jiazu! This needling technique needs to be practiced on the dummy for 9999 times before it can be regarded as an introduction and can only be used on patients

"The reason why I only use this needling technique today is that I only completed 9999 practices last night."

Li Feng turned his right hand behind him, glanced at the audience and said in a deep voice.

The elegant middle-aged man showed respect on his face. After taking a deep breath, he gave Li Feng a thumbs up: "Li Shao, you are Lying trough

The man didn't finish speaking, he was pushed from behind. One fell to the ground and felt two people running on his back.

"Who's pushing so much Lying trough

The middle-aged man stood up to scold, and then he saw a white beauty in a black dress with a microphone, and a strong white man carrying a camera.

After seeing the situation clearly, the middle-aged man closed his mouth.

The other party's posture is a reporter. He'd better not make trouble for himself. If he suffers from a little loss, he will be lucky.

"Hello, are you a doctor in this Chinese Medicine Museum?" The white beauty then handed the microphone to Li Feng.

Li Feng frowned slightly: "are you..."

"We are CBB reporters. We heard that there was a major medical accident in this Chinese Medicine Museum, so we came to interview."

After that, the white beauty scanned the audience for a week, and then frowned slightly: "the informant said that there was a patient who was about to die. Where is that patient?"

Li Feng looked at Wang Jun and said with a smile: "did you find it?"

Wang Jun smiles awkwardly and shakes his head.

This reporter was not really called by him, but he did know that they would come. Not only the reporter will come, but also the police will be present later.

This was originally a perfect ambush against Li Feng, but now it seems that this ambush is bound to become a joke.

"Sir, can you answer my question first?"

Seeing Li Feng ignore himself, the white beauty's face showed a displeasure color.

"No problem." Li Feng nodded, then pointed to Chen Sanmei and said, "this granny Chen is the dying patient you mentioned."

White beauty:

What? The old lady looks very healthy!

"Sir, are you trying to hide this medical accident? If that's what you think, you're wrong. State y is a society ruled by law. Any crime can not be hidden. Besides, there are so many witnesses here. "The white beauty gave a contemptuous smile, then turned to look at the people at the door, showed a professional smile and asked, "gentlemen, ladies, who can bravely stand up and expose this quack lie?"


The middle-aged man bravely stood up and pointed to Chen Sanmei and said, "she is the dying patient!"

There are tens of thousands of white beauties running by!

My mother said to expose the lie of quack doctor, but this man told the lie again. He is idiotic?!

At this time, the crowd at the door nodded and agreed: "he is right. This old lady Chen is indeed a dying patient who was saved by Dr. Li Feng with magical acupuncture."

"Yes, Dr. Li's medical skills are really amazing. We watched helplessly as he rescued an old woman who was dying. Before, people often said that Chinese medicine was extensive and profound. I didn't believe it. Now I believe it."

White beauty:

What kind of acupuncture? How can it be saved? Can you stop calling Chinese medicine here? I want to hear that's not it!

"Cough." Li Feng coughed several times, raised his hand and pressed down: "everyone, be quiet."

Suddenly, Li Feng asked, "reporter beauty, are you live or recorded?"

The white beauty took a deep breath: "webcast, what's the matter?"

"That's good." Li Feng laughed. Then he went to the front of the camera, took out the silver needle from his arms and said, "Hello, everyone, my name is Li Feng. I'm a Chinese medicine doctor. Just now, a dying patient came to my TCM Museum Granny Chen, please stand up a little Yes, look at the camera. "

"Did you see that? This granny Chen was in a very serious condition before. I found out her condition and the cause of her illness with the method of observing, listening, asking and cutting in traditional Chinese medicine, and then used the ancestral nine turn needle... "

"After my unremitting efforts, Granny Chen recovered and did not use any drugs during the whole process. This is the charm of traditional Chinese medicine."

"Dear audience friends, if you are suffering from a disease, do not hesitate to go to Li's traditional Chinese medicine hall, 225 Chinatown. My assistants and I will serve you wholeheartedly and make an appointment Hotline..."

Looking at Li Feng's face is not red, breath is not panting for his own traditional Chinese medicine hall to do the advertisement, all people are in a state of muddle!

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