Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 837

"Sleeping trough! Pain Pain, pain, pain

Wang Jun just felt that a pair of tongs pinched his wrist, which would break his wrist. He cried out in pain.

Until then, aishaniya found that Li Feng had walked out from behind the table and stood beside her, and the hand holding Wang Jun's wrist was Li Feng's!

At the door, the crowd could not help rubbing their eyes.

Just now their attention was focused on Wang Jun's hand, so they didn't see how Li Feng came out of the sitting table.

But when Wang Jun started, Li Feng was still sitting behind the medical table. In less than a second, he came to the front and grasped Wang Jun's wrist. It was incredible to think about it!

"If you say you are cheap or not, you have to be good at pushing other people's little girls. If you don't push to the right place, it's not too much to say that you are scum."

At this time, Li Feng clenched Wang Jun's wrist and said.

On one side, aishania's pretty face was slightly red, and her eyes toward Li Feng had a little bit of bitterness.

Even if everyone saw it, don't say it in public. It makes people feel embarrassed.

"Shit, who's the scum? You're the scum!" Wang Jun was extremely ashamed and angry, so he had to pull his hand back.

However, no matter how much strength he used and his face turned red, his hand was still held by Li Feng, and he couldn't get rid of it!

This discovery made Wang Jun's face look even more ugly. Before, he did not specially compete with Li Feng, but deliberately bumped into Li Feng's shoulder while walking.

At that time, Li Feng was almost knocked out by Wang Jun, so in Wang Jun's impression, Li Feng was a scholar who had no strength to bind a chicken.

But now he found that Li Feng's strength could crush him!

Nima, I haven't seen you for a few days. Did Li Feng take Dali pills?


just when Wang Jun was shocked and lost consciousness, Li Feng suddenly raised his hand and slapped him in the face.


Isaniah covered her mouth and exclaimed.


The crowd at the door could not help but take a breath!

Lying in the manger, hitting people if they don't agree? Li Feng was not so grumpy before!

"It's just that your heart is not clean, even your mouth is not clean. Wang Jun, you are really dirty."

At this time, Li Feng released Wang Jun's right hand and said.

Wang Jun was beaten a little muddled, and it took a long time to come back to his senses. He was frightened and hissed at the bottom of his voice and said, "who is dirty?"

"Of course it means you." Li Feng sneered and pointed to Chen Sanmei, who was put on the table. "She didn't have this symptom because she drank the medicine I prescribed, but she took the poison!"

Wang Jun's face changed dramatically!

The crowd at the door could not help but exclaimed: "what, Chen Sanmei turned into this way because she took poison?"

"Why does Chen Sanmei take poison? Is it not good to live?"

"This is not the key to the problem, the key is who let Chen Sanmei take poison!"

"This old man said it well!" Li Feng turned to look at the man and said with a smile: "the rest is not important. What matters is who let Chen Sanmei take the poison!" The middle-aged man of

spoke with a red face and then arched his way to Li Feng. "Li Shao loves it," I said freely.

"You can say this kind of profound remarks casually. My brother's eyes are really vicious and his literary talent is brilliant." Li fengchong gave a thumbs up.


Wang Jun:


It's not It's acceptable to describe the fierce eyes, but it has a wool relationship with literary talent. Do you want to flatter me accurately, OK?!

The middle-aged man's face turned red again.

No matter how bad Li Feng's reputation is, he is also the son-in-law of the Tang family, and he is just an ordinary wage earner. Let Li Feng boast about it, and it's just a word to describe it - gone with the wind!

At this time, Li Feng then asked: "since the old man can have this understanding, the old man's heart must have some guess on the poisoned person?"

The man was stunned at first, and then he said in a concentrated way: "Chen Sanmei is very kind to people at ordinary times. After so many years, she hasn't heard who she's been red faced with. She can rule out the situation of hate killing."

"Since it's not vendetta, it's profitable to poison Chen Sanmei, so whoever makes the most profit in this matter is most likely to be the one who poisoned Chen Sanmei."

After listening to this man's story, all the people watching at the gate fell into deep thought.

Let's not say anything else, at least this guy's analysis is quite in place, so who makes the biggest profit in this matter?

"If I remember correctly, just now Wang Jun said that once Chen Sanmei died, she would ask me to compensate one million pounds..."

At this time, Li Feng suddenly said with deep meaning.

As soon as the words came out, all the people watching the excitement at the door suddenly realized!

I see! I see!Wang Jun even poisoned his grandmother for money, saying that he was an animal and insulted the word "beast"!

"Nonsense! I didn't! No way Wang Jun quickly denied: "this is my grandmother, I am a filial son, if I poison her, then I become what? Animals are not as good as animals

Hearing this, everyone at the door fell into a state of meditation.

Indeed, although Wang Jun is fond of gambling, he is indeed filial to his grandmother, which is known to all residents of Chinatown.

"Did you really not poison Chen Sanmei?" Li Feng looked at Wang Jun and used the mind reading technique to him.

"No, absolutely not!" Wang Jun strongly denied it, then pointed to Li Feng and said, "it's clear that there is something wrong with the medicine you prescribed. Don't try to deny it!"

"I see." Li Feng's eyes flashed and he said with a smile, "Wang Jun, I'll ask you again. Do you want your grandmother to live or do you want the one million pounds?"

Wang Jun's face changed slightly, and then he roared: "of course, I want her to live! My grandmother has brought me up since I was a child. I haven't had time to be filial to her

Speaking of this, Wang Jun's eyes are ruddy.

Li Feng gazed at him for a while, and after a while, he said with a smile: "OK, then I will save her!"

After that, Li Feng took out a bag of silver needles from his arms, took out the longest silver needle, and then went to Chen Sanmei.

"He Is he acupuncture Chen Sanmei? "

"I haven't seen him give acupuncture before."

"If Chen Sanmei dies when he gives acupuncture to Chen Sanmei, he will jump into the Yellow River and can't wash it clearly!"

At the door, people could not help but sweat for Li Feng.

"Shit, Li Feng, what are you doing?"

Wang Jun did not expect Li summit to suddenly give grandma acupuncture, stupefied after the rush to stop.

Li Feng tou also did not return to say: "want to let your grandmother live, give me honest stand there!"

After a meal at the foot of the king's army, he gritted his teeth and swore a word secretly. As expected, he did not go forward again.

Under the public's gaze, Li Feng holds the silver needle in his hand tightly and twists slowly. Chen Sanmei's face slowly becomes a little bloody.

A few minutes later, Chen Sanmei suddenly half sat up and spat out a mouthful of black blood!

Then, Chen Sanmei opened her eyes and said, "I Where am I? "

The scene was quiet at first, and then a cry came from the door: "Damn it, Chen Sanmei is really alive!"

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