Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 839

A luxury villa in the suburb.

A young white man in a white family suit is sitting on a sofa with a tablet computer and watching a live Internet show.

If you take a closer look, you will find that what he is watching at the moment is the white beauty reporter's interview with Li Feng.

When he saw Li Feng advertising in front of the camera for Li's traditional Chinese medicine hall, his face became dull for a moment, and then his face showed a look of rage!

"Fake fake fake!"

In his fury, the man threw the tablet computer to the ground, jumped up from the sofa and stepped heavily on the tablet.

"Click" a crisp sound, tablet computer in this person's violent stampede directly into pieces!

After stepping on the tablet computer, the man's mood was more or less calm. He first paced back and forth in the living room, puzzled and whispered: "why didn't that accident kill him? Why is the poison in Chen Sanmei's body removed? "

"Why is he shameless enough to advertise his traditional Chinese medicine hall with the help of this webcast? Lao Tzu's deliberate plan of killing the Bureau helped him publicize it for free? Fake

If there were people in the upper class of country y, they would recognize that the young man was Kyle Gullit, the young master of the gulit family.

All of a sudden, Kyle Gullit stopped, took out his cell phone and made a call: "Hello, the action is temporarily cancelled!"


Tang family residence.

Because Tang Xiong had just been discharged from hospital, Tang Fei and others came here early in the morning. On the one hand, they chatted with the old man to relieve boredom. On the other hand, they also wanted to observe the state of the old man at any time to avoid accidents.

In the living room, Tang Fei, who is brushing INS, inadvertently saw the live webcast of CBB, and immediately ordered in.

When she heard the beauty reporter said that there was a medical accident, she immediately cried out with schadenfreude: "everyone come to see, Li Feng has caused great trouble, he has cured the dead!"

A shout, Tang family all rushed to the living room.

"I'll go, won't I? Li Feng, that quack doctor really cured the dead?" Tang Longxing, the first to arrive here, asked in a rush.

Tang Fei took a look at him and sneered: "brother, you also say he is a quack. It is news for him to cure and save talents! It's just a routine job to cure the dead! "

"Ha ha, this silly 13, this time it's a big problem!" Tang Long has always held a grudge against Li Feng's slapping him. After hearing the good news, he was quite refreshed.

Tang Fei, Tang Jian and others also came here. They couldn't help but smile when they heard the conversation between brother and sister.

Yesterday, Li Feng made a lot of remarks here, and their hearts were also extremely unhappy. Now they heard that Li Feng had an accident, that feeling It's like having an ice cream in summer. Don't mention it!

Only Tang qiongxiu frowns slightly. No matter how much I hate Li Feng, a major medical accident is a tragedy. How can these people make fun of such a tragedy?

Soon, people gathered around Tang Fei and watched the live broadcast with interest.

Then the painting style suddenly changed. The so-called dying patient was cured by Li Feng!

See here Tang Fei et al's facial expression is some not good-looking, but then Li Feng's sweeping work directly let Tang Fei and others want to run to the screen to give him a beating.

Oh, my God, how can we suddenly start advertising? Can we still have a face?!

When the advertisement is over, Tang Fei and others can't help calling to make an appointment Oh, no, it's Li Feng.

"Shit, I finally understand. Where is the webcast? It's just that he combined with CBB to make an ad on purpose. I don't know how much money he spent on this advertisement. It's shameless. It's really shameless!"

"Tang Qiong, you are lucky to divorce him, otherwise our whole Tang family will be ashamed of him!"

"What nine turn God needle? If he had this ability, he would have been famous in Chinatown for a long time!"

"Well, although he laughs happily today, he will draw the list in the future! Wait, his tricks will come to light sooner or later! "

Tang Fei and others said indignantly.

Only Tang Qiong's eyes flashed, no words.

In order to make Li's Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine famous? In other words, Tang Fei dare to say so. Most people even dare not think so.

CBB is the largest media organization in the UK and has great influence all over the world. Will such a media organization help a small hospital to advertise?

It's impossible to think about it with your toes!

Moreover, it is really weird. It is estimated that some people want to punish Li Feng, but this plot has been disintegrated by Li Feng.

"Forget it, close it quickly. It's annoying to see him!"

Tang Long didn't want to see Li Feng's proud face again and said in a cold voice.

Tang Fei's face was ugly and nodded, and she turned off the video.

At this time, Qiu Rong said, "Xiao Qiong, has the general manager Li of osville not replied to your SMS?"Tang Qiong heart a tight, show eyebrow micro wrinkling way: "well, has not given me a reply."

Hearing this, Tang Long said directly, "depend on it, those who call Li Feng are not good things."

Tang Fei and others nodded with the same feeling. Ma De, Li Feng is too special. He doesn't send messages or call back!

"If you can't reach him again, you'll have to try to contact Mr. Kyle gullet."

Qiu Rong sighed and said with some meaning.

As soon as he said this, Tang Fei and others all shut their mouths and looked at Tang Qiong one after another.

Tang Qiong's face changed slightly, and then she said in a deep voice, "Mom, I won't go to Kyle gullet."

Tang Fei and others frown slightly and persuade them: "Xiaoqiong, you Lan group is facing a huge dilemma. If you don't try to find a way, you Lan group will go bankrupt. At that time, let's not talk about enjoying the rich clothes and luxuriant food. I'm afraid there will be no chance for you to sit here talking and laughing."

"Yes, little Joan, Kyle Gullit has always been in love with you. If you call him, you Lan's difficulties will be solved."

"Enough!" Tang Qiong snorted coldly, glanced at the crowd and said, "I am a person, not a commodity. I can't sacrifice my happiness for the sake of family interests."

Tang Fei and others have some ugly faces.

"Little Joan, you are so wayward Qiu Rong will give Tang Qiong a lesson as soon as she pats the table.

At this time, Tang Jian quickly pulled her, and then said with a smile: "Xiaoqiong, I'm your father. Of course, I don't want you to sacrifice your happiness. In this way, you can try to contact Li Feng. If you can talk to him about cooperation, you don't have to go to Kyle Gullit."

Tang Qiong nodded: "OK, I'll try to contact him later."

She has her own plan. It's not convenient to call in front of people.

"Don't wait a moment. Call him now. You can drive it outside and we can help you out." Tang Fei said in a deep voice.

Although Tang Fei can't guess Tang Qiong's real purpose, he doesn't want to let Tang Qiong's contact with Li Feng completely out of his control!

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