Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 834

"Can this pill really make me a normal person?"

Isania's breathing was a little short.

"Of course." Li Feng shrugged.

Isanya wanted to tell her about the life potion now, but the next moment she shook her head and said, "no, if I return to normal, my master will find out, and then my family will always be in danger."

Li Feng can see at a glance that she is a blood clan, and the master can see at a glance that she has got rid of the curse of the blood clan. At that time, what kind of crazy actions will the master make?

"Don't worry. Leave your family's safety to me. As long as I'm here, they will be safe."

Li Feng was playing with pills, playing with the taste: "only one chance, it depends on whether you can grasp it."

Isaniah struggled for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "OK, I say."

Just like Li Feng said, there is only one chance. If she missed this time, she will fall into the decline forever.

She would rather believe Li Feng once!

"In fact, I don't know much. I only know that life potions are made from blood of blood group and other things, which can stimulate the potential of human life."

"Life potion is only effective for people who are seriously ill or seriously injured, but not very effective for those who naturally come to the end of their lives, because they only stimulate potential, contain illness or heal wounds, and are not really able to extend life."

"In addition, once the life medicine is used continuously for more than 10 days, once it is stopped, it will have irreversible consequences."

At this point, there was a look of panic on her face.

"What are the consequences?" Maybe Li Fengjian has the answer.

"The consequence is People who use life potions grow bat wings, fangs and sharp, curved nails

Life potions are similar to Chuyong, which inject the blood of blood clan into the body of ordinary people.

The difference is that the blood of blood group contained in life potion is very rare, which can not achieve the effect of complete replacement. Therefore, ordinary people will not become blood group after using life potion, but their body will change under the influence of blood group blood.

"So it is." Li Feng murmured to himself.

The last time he faced doctor George, he read the result from George's mind.

"If there are such serious side effects, and they will be revealed in just 10 days, why do you have to make every effort to promote life medicine?"

This is the most incomprehensible place for Li Feng.

Any business that wants to do for a long time must be honest, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. Once a scandal breaks out, the pharmaceutical enterprise will not be far away from bankruptcy.

Although the blood clan is not a pharmaceutical enterprise, since they are engaged in this business, it should not be to make quick money, but to have a deeper purpose.

After all, it is said that the blood clan is not short of money

"For control." Isanya's eyes coagulated and she said in a deep voice: "only the continuous use of life potions can cover up the changes in the body."

"The people who can afford life potions are big people. They certainly don't want others to regard them as monsters. In order to cover up the changes in their bodies, they must use life potions constantly."

Hearing this, Li Feng understood: "and the blood clan is the only one who can produce this kind of medicine, so the blood clan can control these people by this means."

As ashaniya said, 100000 pounds of life potion is not affordable to anyone, either super rich or a giant.

What a huge force it will be if we control all these people in our hands?

This is only in country y. if the blood clan spreads life medicine to the whole world I can't imagine the consequences!

"Who is leading the plan, your master?"

Li Feng pondered for a moment and asked.

Isania shook her head. "He's just one of the leaders. As for the others I don't know. "

She is just a new blood group, can know these things also because she cut off some threats for her master.

Li Feng nodded and pondered, "tell me where your master is hiding."

"Ah?" Isanya was stunned at first, then said in horror: "I advise you not to make his idea. He is the prince of blood. Although you are very strong, you are certainly not his opponent."

Just now Li Feng caught her with only one move, but in aishaniya's opinion, Li Feng's pressure on her is much less than that on his master's.

"How can you be so sure I'm not his opponent?" Li Feng laughed: "because I look too young?"

Isaniah looked at him for a moment, nodded and said, "this is part of the reason. The more important reason is He is a strong SSS + level, is the world's several strong, and you It should only be SS level. "

Li Feng:

What's the SS level? I'm a real demigod medium strong man. Does this woman look down on me? OK, I will surprise you in the future!Secretly make complaints about it for a while, Li Feng laughs, "your vision is this!"

While speaking, Li Feng gave a thumbs up to aishania.

But he wondered why she believed he could protect her family if she thought he was not her master's rival? This is not a contradiction.

Aishaniya heard the irony in Li Feng's words and was puzzled for a moment.

Li Feng didn't want to explain to her again, so he handed the Guiyuan pill to ashaniya: "well, since you have told me the information about life potion, I will naturally keep my promise. Now this Guiyuan pill is yours."

Aishaniya took Guiyuan Dan with trembling hands. After seeing Li Feng, she ate it under Li Feng's encouraging gaze.

Soon, she felt a heat flow in her blood vessels. Under the impact of this heat flow, some dark red impurities were forced out of the body.

Suddenly, a sweet smell of blood filled the room.

The process was painful, like countless tiny knives swimming in her veins, leaving her pale, sweat mixed with red impurities attached to the lining of the clothes.

But she was strong enough to hold on to her teeth.

I don't know how long after that, the blood clan breath of ashaniya completely disappeared, and her realm also fell from S + level and became an ordinary person.

At the same time, a sound system prompts: "Ding, congratulations to the host, the task of" breaking the curse "has been completed, and the task reward is being issued..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, 2 million experience points, 5 million system points and 10 conquest points."

Host: Li Feng

level: semi divine level (medium)

experience value: 18.025 million

System score: 197 million

conquest points: 1277

skills: Shenwei, Xushen, stepping on the sky seven steps, chopping sky sword, empty space flash, square inch, green mountain guard, Tiangang 36 moves, fury, exploration Cloud Hands

Tasks to be completed: regret the beginning

while Li Feng was checking his personal attributes, ashaniya suddenly said, "I really recovered to be an ordinary person?! Oh, my God, it's incredible

Li Feng quit the system and said with a smile, "you should thank yourself for taking the opportunity, but you'd better take a bath first."

Even though she was wearing a tight leather jacket, some red sludge like impurities were still exposed along the neckline and cuffs.

Aishaniya is a Leng first, after discovering her own situation, she immediately blushes and goes to the bathroom.

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