Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 835

An hour later, ashaniya came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Without the shelter of the tight leather jacket, Li Feng found that aishania's leg shape was really good. As for how to do it We can't go into details.

Seeing Li Feng staring at himself, ashaniya's face showed a blush, pretty low head.

After all, she is a 20-year-old girl. Normally, she is still a college student. It is reasonable to be thin skinned.

"All right, I'll open a room for you."

Li Feng did not stare at aishaniya any more, turned and walked out.

"Wait a minute!"

Isania suddenly stopped him.

Li Feng at the foot of a meal, puzzled to turn around to say: "what problem?"

Isania blushed again and hesitated for a while before saying, "you You don't leave. I'm alone Afraid. "

Li Feng:

What are you afraid of? You were so fierce that you would jump off the balcony just now!

However, Li Feng changed his mind and suddenly fell from an S + strong person to an ordinary person. This feeling is inevitable.

"OK, then you sleep on the sofa and I sleep in the bed." Li Feng waved his hand and went to the bedroom.

Isaniah: --

It's not I'm a woman. Can you be kind to me?

"Don't look at me with such sad eyes. You came to kill me, but I rewarded you with a valuable Guiyuan pill, so you have to work for me to pay off debts."

"Besides I've paid for this suite, and my bed is reasonable and reasonable

Li Feng saw aishaniya's bitterness and mocked at the moment.

One million system points of Guiyuan Dan, converted into Chinese currency, is 1 billion, isn't it valuable?

Of course, Li Feng won't say that because aishaniya ate this Guiyuan pill, he has gained 5 billion Chinese currency system points

Isanya didn't expect Li summit to say so. She was a bit confused at the moment.

After a long time, aishania nodded timidly: "good OK, but Mr. Li, can you send my parents to China first? It's too dangerous for them to stay in country y

The reason why she still takes Guiyuan Dan even though she thinks Li Feng is not as good as her master is that she wants Li Feng to send her parents to China.

The ancient and mysterious land of the East is a forbidden area for the blood clan. As long as they go to China, they will be very safe.

Li Feng did not expect that aishania would put forward such a request. He was a bit stunned for a moment, but then he said with a smile: "no problem."

Because aishaniya's parents are also in LD City, Li Feng took her out of the hotel and took a taxi to her home without delay.

After missing for two years, her daughter, who was supposed to have suffered an accident, suddenly came back. I can imagine how happy ashaniya's parents are.

After that, isaniah told about where she had gone in the past two years. After learning that there was a blood race in the world, her parents were very scared.

After that, Li Feng offered to send them to Huaxia and arrange work and residence for them.

Although he didn't want to leave country y, his life safety was more important than everything. Li Feng gave them a good guarantee and directly transferred 1 million pounds to them. His parents did not hesitate any more.

A million pounds is already a lot of money for the working class. With this money, they will hardly have to work for the rest of their lives.

After simple cleaning up, they went down to the airport under the escort of Li Feng.

When they arrived at the airport, they knew that ashaniya would not go with them to China.

Another tug, finally or in Li Feng's strong guarantee, aishaniya's parents agreed to her stay with Li Feng.

After watching them board the flight to the Pearl, she said, "thank you, Mr. Li. You saved our family."

"No need to say thank you. In the future, you just need to work hard for me." Li Feng pondered and said with a smile.

"Well, I will work hard for Mr. Li, and I will never let him down." Said isanya earnestly.

Li Feng saved her life, but also arranged her parents clearly, which made isanya willing to work for Li Feng.

Even if Li Feng had an idea for her, she would not have any feelings of resistance.

Of course, if only there is no conflict, there will be no others for the time being.

It's just

"Mr. Li, what can I do for you?" Isania said curiously.

Li Feng's eyes flashed and said with a smile: "my Chinese Medicine Museum still lacks a receptionist."


The next morning, Li Feng took ashaniya to Li's traditional Chinese Medicine Museum in the middle of Chinatown.

This traditional Chinese medicine hall is the family's ancestral industry. When Li Feng was still alive, his business was extremely hot. Many patients came to visit him every day.After Li Feng took over, his business was very good at the beginning, but as his poor medical skills were exposed, the business of the traditional Chinese medicine Hall fell sharply. Only three or two patients came to see the doctor every day.

These three or two are also black families in Chinatown, who can not enjoy the medical insurance of country y.

"Mr. Li, why do you come to the traditional Chinese Medicine Museum when you are so rich? As far as I know, the business of this Chinese medicine hall is not good." Isanya was puzzled.

"Don't give me face. Just say it's bad." Li Feng pondered a smile, then said: "people live always have to do something, once idle down on the waste."

At the same time, Li Feng suddenly remembered that when he just met Su Tong, Su Tong also asked him a similar question.

Now think about it as if yesterday, inexplicably some miss.

Just before they arrived at the gate of the traditional Chinese medicine hall, customers who had breakfast in a Chinese restaurant across the street put down their bowls and chopsticks one after another and looked at it from here.

"I'll go. It's true that the rumor is true. Li Feng has a beautiful blonde with her."

"The cattle have criticized the cattle. Is Li Feng openly wearing a green hat for Tang Qiong?"

"If the Tang family knew about this matter, I don't know what reaction they would make, and there will be a lively look."

As Li Feng expected, after a night's fermentation in the bar last night, it has spread all over the Chinatown. Most residents of Chinatown know that Li Feng took a blonde to the hotel.

In addition, Huang Xin became Li Feng's younger brother, and Li Feng made a great success in the casinos and won Liu Zhengqing 31.3 million pounds, which was also spread in the Chinatown with the momentum of starting a prairie fire.

Originally, Li Feng was quite popular in Chinatown. At the moment, he became the "big star" that everyone was discussing.

At this time, Li Feng took out the key, opened the door of the traditional Chinese medicine hall, and then asked ashaniya to clean up. He sat behind the doctor's desk, made a cup of tea and played with his mobile phone.

Because the door was open, all the diners in the opposite Chinese restaurant saw this scene and were shocked to the ground.

I'm going to let such a beautiful woman wipe the table and mop the floor. It's so cruel!

Just when people were shocked, a young man rode a tricycle to the door of the traditional Chinese medicine hall. After stopping, he picked up an old lady with closed eyes from the back of the tricycle and rushed into the traditional Chinese medicine hall in a hurry.

"Ah, Mr. Li, come to business!" Isania stopped her work and said in surprise.

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smile rather than smile: "business? I don't think so... "


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