Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 833

Pressing down his doubts, Li Feng asked, "ashaniya, how long ago did you become a blood clan?"

Ashaniya was stunned at first, then sneered, "it's none of your business!"

"Learning and using now? Learning ability is very good. " Li Feng pondered a smile, and then said with a cold face, "are you afraid that I will kill you in a rage?"

"Kill me if you dare." There was no fear on ashaniya's face, but there was a lightness about to be liberated.

Li Feng Mei pointed out: "you really want to die in your heart, don't you?"

Since the system has given the task of breaking the curse, it shows that ashaniya also has this wish.

After all, it's the goddess of salvation system. With ashaniya's appearance and figure, she can definitely be classified as a goddess. Therefore, the system will not give tasks against the wishes of the goddess.

Contact aishaniya's expression at the moment, Li Feng is more firm in his heart.

Aishaniya did not expect Li summit to say so, for a while, he was stunned on the spot.

"What would you think if I said I could help you get back to normal."

Li Feng ponders a little bit, simply directly with aishaniya showdown.

"What?" Isanya was shocked, then shook her head and said, "impossible, no one can do this, absolutely impossible!"

The curse of blood clan is given by the God. Who can lift the curse unless the god hands it in person?

"Didn't you buy Li Ning?" Li Feng said with a smile.


It's not What's Li Ning? What does this have to do with Li Ning?

"Li Ning, everything is possible!" Li Feng said with deep meaning.

Isaniah: --

What kind of stem is this? I can't get it at all!

At the moment of ashaniya's stupidity, Li Feng scattered his cloud finder.

At the moment of recovering her freedom, isaniah was stunned again, and then she said in surprise: "have you met blood clan before?"

"No, you are the first." Li Feng understood what eisaniya had doubts about, and explained at the moment: "however, I have met Western crazy soldiers and werewolves. Your breath is different from these two types, but the smell of blood is very rich, so I guess you are a blood clan."

While speaking, Li Feng went to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of Hennessy. After opening it, he poured two glasses. He came back and handed it to ashaniya. Then he said, "now you can tell me your story. I'd love to listen to it."

Aishaniya looked at Li Feng for a while, then said, "you are very strange."

"What do you say?" Li Feng took a drink and said with a smile.

"Knowing that I am hostile to you and want to hear my story, how do you know I will tell you?"

"And how do you know I want to die?"

Isania took a sip of the wine and wondered.

There are so many doubts in her heart that Li Feng always feels like he can see through her mind.

"Intuition." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "now the opportunity has been given to you. It depends on whether you want to grasp it or not."

Isaniah, struggling, finally said, "OK, I say."

"When I was 18, I attended a graduation party organized by my classmates. After the party, I met an old stranger on my way home."

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick: "he is blood clan, and then gave you first embrace?"

Isanya looked at him in surprise, then nodded and said, "yes, he took me to an ancient castle, gave me the first hug, and made me a new blood clan."

"Since then, I have been his servant and have done a lot of bad things for him."

"Have you ever thought about getting out of his control?" Li Feng didn't ask what bad things she had done, but what could he do if he asked. Did he kill aishaniya?

At least Li Feng can see the self reproach of aishania, which shows that she has conscience in her heart.

Isanya sighed: "of course I do, but he is a blood prince with great strength. He threatens my family's life. I can only obey him."

Li Feng nodded to show understanding and then asked, "how old are you this year?"

"How old do you look at me?" Said isania, with a charming smile.

"Looks like 20, but..." Li Feng hesitated at this point.

The appearance of the blood clan is permanent, but you can't see anything from the appearance.

"Yes, I'm 20 years old. I'm really 20 years old." Isania gently raised her forehead bangs and said with a smile.

Li Feng:

So it's only two years since ashaniya became a blood clan?

"The two years of becoming a blood clan are just a dream that I can't wake up. I want to end my life countless times, but I can't do it."

At this point, ashaniya's face showed a mixture of disgust and fear.Is it a curse to have endless life?

This problem is a false proposition for ordinary people with short life span, because no one will think that they have a long life. If they can have endless life, it is a dream ability.

But it is a curse for the blood clan who really has endless life span.

The blood clan's life is lonely and boring. If it continues year after year, it will certainly be tired of this kind of life. In the end, boredom will become fear and despair.

Even though she was only 20 years old and had only two years to become a blood clan, she had long been tired of this life.

What's more, she has to go against her own will to do some bad things, and this kind of guilt is eating her heart a little bit.

Moreover, blood only through blood to eat to get satiety, fruit, vegetables, flour products for blood is not digestible, eat it will be quickly discharged from the body.

If you don't suck blood, you won't starve to death, but you have to endure the unbearable hunger, which will force ashaniya to suck blood.

Of course, in modern society, once the blood clan attacks on ordinary people, they will be hunted down infinitely.

In order to avoid such trouble, blood clan can only buy Plasma in the black market to satisfy their satiety.

But it's very different from the feeling of taking fresh blood, just like the difference between having an overnight meal and enjoying a French meal.

After several ordeals, she tried to commit suicide countless times.

It's just that the blood clan is cursed by the gods. It doesn't matter if you want to commit suicide, but the body will not follow the instructions of the brain.

Imagine how tired ashaniya was.

"Can you really help me to become a normal person?"

Ashaniya asked expectantly, with a puff of sullen air.

"Of course." Li Feng amused a smile, found Guiyuan Dan from the system mall, spent 1 million system points to buy it, and then took it in his hand and said, "this is Guiyuan Dan. As long as you eat it, you can become an ordinary person."

"But I will not give you this pill unconditionally. You must tell me all the information you know about the life potion."

The moment Guiyuan Dan took it out, an inexplicable faint fragrance diffused in the room.

Smell this smell of the moment, aishania's heart on the rise of a strong sense of desire!

It's the desire to break the curse of blood!

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