Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 832

Li Feng smelled a sweet and bloody smell from the breath of ashaniya, and then thought that the butler of the gulit family was a werewolf, and the blood clan, the enemy of the werewolf, should also exist.

Under the two links, Li Feng guessed that aishaniya was a legendary blood clan.

Isanya's heart set off a tremendous wave, under the oppression of her breath, Li Feng was not only unaffected, but also saw through her blood clan identity at a glance. How could this be possible?

According to the intelligence, Li Feng is a waste with high vision and low hand!

"I may have the wrong person. Goodbye."

Isaniah took up her breath and lifted her feet to leave.

Intuition told her that Li Feng was very dangerous, and if she stayed down, she was afraid that she would be eaten by Li Feng, even with no residue left!

"It's a little late to go now, isn't it?"

Li Feng body a horizontal block in front of aishaniya body, facial expression playfully said.

Ashaniya's eyes were fixed and she said in a cold voice, "do you know what you are facing?"

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "you haven't told me whether you are a blood clan. How can I know what I am facing? But no matter what I'm facing, I don't care

He is a strong man in the mid demigod period. Isanya is only S + level. The gap between him and him can be described as the difference between heaven and earth. With a little finger, he can press aishania to get up.

"Well, I don't mean myself, but the organization behind me."

As she spoke, she stepped back and was ready to go to war.

"Oh?" Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, the smile on the face is more thick: "what organization, say let me be afraid."

You know that fighting alone is not my opponent, so you should move the organizations behind you to frighten me? I really don't want to eat this!

I'm not alone, OK? I don't have any organization behind me, and it's a big organization!

What, you say dragon soul? The dragon spirit is weak. OK, I'm talking about jiuyouzong!

Seven semi God level elders and more than 1000 supreme level disciples ask you to be afraid!

Li Feng has already thought about it. In a few days, he will use group space transmission to bring some elders here and let them fight for him. He also feels the feeling of a dandy who takes his servants to the street to eat without giving money to adjust his sister at will.

"You'd better not know, because it's not good for you. Your best choice now is to let me out of here," she said with a cold snort

"And then wait for you to bring reinforcements? I'm not that stupid Li Feng sneered and then said, "come on, tell me what organization you are, what's the purpose of developing life potions. If you say that, I'll let you go. How about that?"

At first, he didn't want to tangle with the life potion. After all, it was a "conscience" drug that only cheated the rich. It was also in country y, so he had no need to meddle in his business.

But now the other party found him on the head, even if he didn't want to take care of it.

"Well, you are setting yourself on fire!"

Ashaniya snorted coldly, and then she tiptoed back like a sharp arrow.

It's an executive suite. To the south of the living room is a huge balcony with French windows. As long as she flies to the balcony, she can break the window and escape from here.

"You are very clever."

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles. He appreciates isanya's behavior.

If you don't do it, you know it's not his opponent. This woman is very alert, but

"Come back to me!"

As soon as Li Feng's right hand was explored, a huge dragon's claw went forward, and in the blink of an eye, he grasped ashaniya into his hand.


Aishania screamed and tried to break free from the shackles of the Dragon claws with all her strength, but she did not move!

The next moment, Li Feng gently back a pull, aishaniya was pulled to the body by him!

"You are a beautiful woman, but you are a thief."

Li Feng looked at his beautiful face and couldn't help reaching for a touch.

"Don't touch me!"

Isania turned her head in disgust and screamed.

At this moment, Li Feng can see that aishaniya's ears are red, and even a layer of goose bumps appear on his neck. It can be seen that Li Feng's impact on aishaniya is great.

Immediately, Li Feng raised his eyebrows and whispered to himself: "such a big reaction, she should not have been touched by a man before?"

At this time, a system prompt tone suddenly sounded: "Ding, host, you have a new task, whether to check immediately."

Li Feng immediately frowned: "this time to task, is it related to aishaniya?"

Thinking of this, Li Feng murmured: "check!"

"Task: break the curse"

"task objective: to help ashaniya break the curse of blood clan and return to ordinary people. If the task fails, 10 million system points of the host will be deducted as punishment.""Mission reward: 2 million exp, 5 million system points, 10 conquest points."

"Note: Guiyuan pill is required for this task. Please purchase it in the system mall."

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng fell into a state of muddle.

It's not Can the blood clan return to ordinary people?

Li Feng, who has seen many vampire movies, knows that there is only one way for an ordinary person to become a blood clan, that is, to accept the blood clan's first embrace.

This process is irreversible. Once you accept the blood clan's initial support, there are only two results. One is that you can't make it, and the other is to become a new blood clan.

After becoming a blood clan, he inherited the curse of blood clan - having endless life and relying on fresh blood to live.

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