Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 831

Is the boring game finally coming to an end? This is really wonderful!

For ashaniya, it doesn't matter whether Liu ang, Chen Zhenjie and others are beaten in the face by Li Feng. What matters is when she can return to the hotel with Li Feng

"Li Shao, are you satisfied with the way I deal with Liu Ang?"

Huang Xin turned his head and asked politely.

"Well, you did well." Li Feng nodded lightly.

"Thank you very much, Li Shao." Huang Xin was happy in his heart, and then turned his head and called out, "Li Shao said that all the guests in the bar are free of charge tonight. Would you like to thank Li Shao quickly?"

Once this is said, the bar is quiet.

Then there was a burst of thanks.

Until now, we finally believe that Li Feng really took Huang Xin as his younger brother. I believe that after tonight, this matter will spread all over the Chinatown, startled to the chin!

"Li Shao, I'd like to leave it to me. You must not pay the bill. If you pay the bill, you look down on my yellow letter!" Huang Xin turned his head and said with a smile.

Li Feng pondered with a smile: "why, I still need other people to send auxiliary attack? Do you despise me

Huang Xin took a look at aishania and understood Li Feng's intention. At the moment, he slapped himself: "Li Shao, look at my mouth. I'm really sorry. The matter of paying for the bill is of course who is rich in assets and who is coming You'll pay the bill later. I'll withdraw first. "

In a simple word, Huang Xin gave Li Feng an assist without a trace.

Of course, there are women who don't worship money in this world, but a considerable number of women still like rich men, which is an indisputable fact.

After Li Feng nodded his approval, Huang Xin left the bar with people.

"Li Feng, what do you do? Why is boss Huang so afraid of you?"

Isaniah shook her glass and asked suspiciously.

Li Feng looked directly into her eyes and said with deep meaning: "I am a doctor, a doctor who controls the life and death of others."

Ashaniya's eyes brightened: "so powerful? Is it traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine? "

"Traditional Chinese medicine." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and asked for a martini from the bartender. Then he said slowly, "what's your name, what's your occupation? How come you've never seen you in Chinatown before?"

"My name is isania. I'm a killer. I'm not a Chinatown resident." Isania put down her glass and said with a smile.

Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick: "killer?"

On the other side, the bartender and the waiter were all stunned.

Are there any killers who say they are killers? That killer is too unprofessional!

What's more, this woman looks delicate. Where does she look like a killer without blinking an eye?

"Hmmm ~" isaniah gently raised her bangs and said in a charming way: "the killer who kills men's hearts."

The bartender and the waiter were speechless.

The emotional family is in tune with Li Feng. The level of this brother is high.

"I see." Li Feng pondered over a smile, took isaniah's left hand and said, "I don't know if Miss aishania is interested in my heart?"

As he spoke, he put ashaniya's left hand on his heart.

On the other side, the bartender and the waiter give Li Feng a thumbs up in their hearts. They are worthy of admitting boss Huang as his younger brother. It's hard for ordinary people to make friends with her!

There was a flash of cold light in her eyes, and then she said with a smile, "if I'm not interested in your heart, I won't sit here drinking with you."

"Yeah..." Li Feng flashed his eyes and handed the bank card to the waiter behind the bar: "how about we go back to the hotel together after I pay the bill?"

Ashaniya looked down shyly and said, "I'll listen to you."

After the bar, the waiter and the bartender have been in a state of muddle.

Lie trough, Li Feng really want to take this blonde to the hotel? The blonde agreed? Amazing news!

Tomorrow will be the busiest day in the history of Chinatown!

Soon, 210000 pounds was transferred and the bill was finished.

Li Feng got up, took isania's hand, and walked out of the bar under the complicated gaze of all the customers in the bar.

Ten minutes later, Li Feng took ashaniya back to the executive suite he had opened in a five-star hotel.

"Miss aishania, would you like to take a bath first?"

After entering the room, Li Feng can't wait to ask.

"No hurry to take a bath." Isanya loosened Li Feng and played with the smell: "before taking a bath, I have a few questions to ask you. You must answer them truthfully."

Li Feng eyebrow tip a pick, smilingly said: "if I don't answer, what do you want to do to me?"

"I will..." Aishaniya raised her hand and pressed it on Li Feng's heart, sticking it to Li Feng's ear and said, "dig out your heart!"

A stream of hot air blew on Li Feng's ears, which made him itch in his heart. At the moment, he said with a smile: "really? Then you dig one. "That is to say, he has been baptized by Wei Bingqing and song Wanjun, or he will have to do something to isaniah by blowing his ears.

"Do you think I'm kidding you?" Isania laughed.

This man is really idiotic enough to think that a beauty of her level would casually come to the hotel with the man who met for the first time?

"Isn't it?" Li Feng raised a mocking smile, said: "I am a man, you are a woman, you can't beat me."

"Even if I'm the champion of the world, I can't be the champion."

"So powerful?" Li Feng asked with exaggerated expression.

"Hum!" Isanya was too lazy to talk to Li Feng again. She asked in a cold voice, "tell me, how do you know the side effects of life potions?"

"Well?" Li Feng frowned slightly: "are you looking for me for this?"

He thought that isania was sent by the people who planned the car accident, but he didn't think it was for the sake of life potion.

"Otherwise?" Isanya sarcastically said: "with you this kind of trash also want to attract me? You are not narcissistic, you are a real idiot

"Well, if you talk, it's too much of a personal attack?" Li Feng had no fear on his face, then looked up and down at aishaniya and asked, "which organization do you belong to

"Damn it, I'm asking you now! Answer me

At the same time, a breath of S + level erupted from ashaniya.

After this breath appeared, he went straight to Li Feng and tried to press Li Feng to the ground.

Just let aishaniya feel unbelievable is that Li Feng just like no sense of the general standing in place, not to mention lying down, even the knee did not bend!

"How could that happen?" A bad premonition arose in isania's heart.

At this time, Li Feng stepped forward, looked into aishaniya's eyes and said, "it's a very interesting breath. It's not a crazy warrior or a werewolf, but a special kind of blood force Let me guess, are you a blood clan in legend

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