Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 830

Yellow letter, which yellow letter? Is their boss Huang Xin?

Order Huang Xin to come immediately, Li Feng dare to speak with boss Huang in this tone?

At this moment, Liu Ang's mind is a little confused.

Chen Zhenjie three people are also a little confused, Chinatown who does not know the name of Huang Xin, this is a foot stomping Chinatown must shake three shaking!

Is Li Feng really calling Huang Xin?

On one side, aishania frowned slightly. She had never heard of Huang Xin, but from the reaction of Chen Zhenjie and others, we can see that Huang Xin should be a big man here.

Shit, she just wants to get close to Li Feng, and then take the opportunity to ask something and kill him. Why does Li Feng have to make so much trouble? The key is that she still pretends to be very interested in staying here.

Very depressed!

"Li Shao, you Did you call our boss just now

At this time, Liu ang looked back and asked in his voice.

"Otherwise?" Li Feng said without expression.

Liu Ang's forehead was sweating. He bowed and asked, "what's the relationship between Li Shao and our boss?"

He did lie just now. Generally, the turnover on Friday night is about 200000 pounds. He thinks Li Feng is easy to fool, so if he wants to charge him hundreds of thousands more, he can also get more commission.

If he does well, he can even put some money into his own pocket.

But now he found himself thinking things simple

"Oh, he's my new boy." Li Feng said casually.

Liu ang:

Chen Zhenjie and his three people

Other customers:

It's not It's Huang Xin. The only people in Chinatown who are qualified to accept him as younger brother are Tang Xiong and Liu Laozi!

You, Li Feng, are just the son-in-law of the Tang family, who is qualified to accept Huang Xin as his younger brother?

At this time, Liu ang was not afraid. He said in a cold voice, "Li Feng, are you insulting our boss? Believe it or not, I'll have you thrown out of here? "

"Li Feng, you are dead. How dare you say that boss Huang is your younger brother? You should wait for boss Huang's revenge!" Chen Zhenjie in the side of the cavity.

Huang Xin has a nickname called the smiling tiger. Although he is polite to others, he still smiles at you one second, and may stab you in the next.

If Huang Xin knew that Li Feng had ruined his reputation outside, he would not have let Li Feng off lightly!

"Idiot." Li Feng took a look at them, then turned his head and stopped looking at them.

People, once they have a preconceived impression, they will infer others based on this impression and do not turn back when they hit the south wall.

So Li Feng is too lazy to explain to them. As soon as Huang Xin arrives, things will be self-evident.

"Well, I think you are guilty!" Liu ang sneered.

"Yes, he is guilty." Chen Zhenjie said with a smile: "manager Liu, we might as well wait here. If boss Huang doesn't come later, you should call boss Huang and tell him what happened here."

Liu ang nodded: "don't worry, since he dares to humiliate our boss, our boss will certainly let him pay the price!"

Another five or six minutes later, a group of people came in from the door of the bar, led by yellow letter.

"Old The boss? "

Seeing the moment of Huang Xin, Liu Ang's heart was cluttered for a moment.

"Don't be afraid. It may be that boss Huang happened to come here to inspect?" On one side, Chen Zhenjie reminded.

"Yes, yes, that's possible." Thinking like this, Liu ang quickly went up to meet him and said with a smile, "boss, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Xin pushed him aside: "you go up first."

Liu Ang's mouth opened slightly and Huang Xin strode to Chen Zhenjie with a face of muddle.

It's not Is the boss for Chen Zhenjie? Chen Zhenjie so big face?

Chen Zhenjie's eyes brightened, and he rushed to meet him. He bowed his hand and said, "boss Huang, I am..."

At the same time, Chen Zhenjie quickly used his brain to think about when he saw Huang Xin last time and why Huang Xin came to him.

At this time, Huang Xin suddenly reached out his hand and pushed Chen Zhenjie aside: "you also flash away for me."

Finally, Huang Xin saw Li Feng standing behind Chen Zhenjie.

"Li Shao, are you looking for me?" Huang Xin came to Li Feng, half bowed and said with a smile.

Liu ang:

Chen Zhenjie:

Others:.... "

Horizontal trough Boss Huang is really called by Li Feng. Is he really Li Feng's younger brother?!

"Well." Li Feng nodded lightly and said, "I want to ask you, how much is the turnover of this bar every Friday night?"

Huang Xin is a little confused.

It's not You called Lao Tzu here for such a small matter? Can't you say it on the phone?Although Li Feng make complaints about his heart, Huang Xin still says as follows: "about two hundred thousand bar, no more than 300 thousand. Why are you interested in this bar?

Speaking of this, Huang Xin is a little nervous. This bar is very profitable. If Li Feng wants to buy it, he can't refuse to accept it, but he will be heartbroken.

"I don't have any interest. I just want to buy you a drink tonight."

Li Feng pondered a smile, and then looked at Liu ang in the distance: "you said that the turnover on Friday night was 50.6 million. Why is your boss different from you?"

Liu ang shuddered and said, "Li Shao, I I'm wrong. It's really over 200000, not 50, 600, 000. I I remember it wrong. "

Speaking of later, Liu ang had already put on a cry.

On hearing this, Huang Xin understood. At the moment, he rushed to Liu ang with a dart, and raised his foot to kick him in the abdomen: "lying trough, you dare to cheat even Li Shao. Are you tired of being crooked?"


Liu ang soared into the air, then fell face down on the ground, directly fell a dog to eat mud!

After a while, Liu ang covered his abdomen and said in pain, "old Boss, I didn't know you and Li Shao were friends. "

"What friend, who told you I was Li Shao's friend?" Huang Xin is in a high tone.

"Ah?" Liu angmeng, NIMA, is not a friend with him. Why do you kick me!

Chen Zhenjie and others are also confused.

At this time, Huang Xin said, "I'm not qualified to be friends with Li Shao. I'm just a follower of Li Shao. Do you understand me?"

Liu ang:

Chen Zhenjie:

Others:.... "

It's not Huang Xin's brain water, how can do Li Feng's attendant, this is so unscientific!

"Li Shao, Liu ang deliberately deceived you. What are you going to do with him?"

Huang Xin turned his head and asked politely.

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles: "this kind of small matter you make your own decisions."

"Yes, Li Shao!" Huang Xin hugged his fist and then said to Liu ang, "Liu ang, if you are disrespectful to Li Shao, you are disrespectful to me. For the sake of you having been with me for so many years, I'm just too hard for you. You should pack up your bedding and go away!"

Liu Ang's face broke down, and the whole person had no strength.

On the other side, Chen Zhenjie said with a dry smile: "that It suddenly occurred to me that there was something else at home that I needed to deal with. Li Shao and boss Huang, you can talk slowly, slowly. "

With that, he took Li Ming and Yu Lulu to leave the bar in a hurry.

On one side, isania's eyes lit up.

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