Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 827

"It's a blonde..."

Li Feng used his perspective eye to look at red DB11, and saw clearly isanya sitting in the car.

Long blonde hair, delicate face, and explosive figure under red skin suit, all exude unspeakable charm.

What makes Li Feng feel wrong is that this woman exudes a strange smell, which is not like the power of Western Qi and blood, nor the power of Japanese eight Qi, nor the true spirit of China, but a breath that Li Feng has never seen before.

Because of this, Li Feng didn't feel the other party's existence for the first time. Only when he carefully observed the other party, could he distinguish how strong the breath was.

"S +" Li Feng's eyes flashed and he began to ponder over the origin of the other party.

The car accident at osville gate must have been premeditated. The news that Li Feng did not die must have been known by the person who planned the accident. It is very likely that the other party will send a killer again.

"It's a pity that they don't know that Li Feng is not Li Feng before..."

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles, turns and walks to the distance.

In red DB11, isania's face was a little suspicious.

Just now, when Li Feng looked at this, she had a feeling of being completely seen through!

"Li Feng's feeling just now must be an illusion of intelligence!"

Ashaniya exhaled a puff of turbid gas.

After Li Feng walked far away, aishania simply got out of the car and followed up.

Half an hour later, it was late.

Li Feng finally found a five-star hotel to check in, but it was still early. After checking in, Li Feng came out again. After that, he entered a nearby bar.

Isania, who was following her, flashed her eyes. After a while, she followed her into the bar.

This bar is an old bar in Chinatown. The boss is Huang Xin.

The size of foreign bars is generally small. This bar is also the same. The number of customers in prime time is just over 100. At this moment, it is just at the beginning of the reception that the number of customers in the bar is 50-60.

Li Feng walked into the bar and went straight to the bar. After sitting down, he asked for a martini and tasted it alone.

At this time, a piercing cry sounded from a card seat: "Oh, isn't this the son-in-law of the Tang family, Li Feng, big young? You don't give your mother-in-law foot washing water at home so late and run to the bar for what? You're not afraid that your mother-in-law won't let you in?"

There was light music in the bar, and the customers who drank were talking in a low voice, so the strange cry was clearly heard in the public ears.

Then the customers in the bar burst into laughter.

I don't know how Li Feng brought foot washing water to his mother-in-law. In a word, it has become a talk among the residents of Chinatown after dinner. From time to time, he makes fun of it for a while.

For this reason, some parents educate their sons to marry their daughters-in-law in the future. Otherwise, they will go to the women's home and get angry.

Li Feng put down his glass and followed his voice. He saw a young man with brown hair looking at him with provocative eyes.

Li Feng's eyes flashed. He raised his glass and motioned to him. Then he continued to turn his head to drink.

Chen Zhenjie, a brown haired man, owns a Chinese restaurant. He has several branches in the state-owned y. his family has tens of millions of pounds.

Chen Zhenjie and Li Feng are high school classmates. When they went to school, Chen Zhenjie often bullied Li Feng. Later, they went to different universities.

When Li Feng graduated from University, he went back to Chinatown to open a Chinese Medicine Museum, and Chen Zhenjie returned to Chinatown to become the manager of his Chinese restaurant, preparing for his future inheritance.

Both of them are in Chinatown. Naturally, they can't avoid meeting each other. Relying on their own family's money, Chen Zhenjie always makes a mockery of Li Feng every time he sees him.

However, after Li Feng married Tang Qiong, Chen Zhenjie was depressed for a period of time.

I'm NIMA, Li Feng. How can he de marry a fairy wife like Tang Qiong? It's not flowers on cow dung?!

However, after the news came out that Li Feng gave his mother-in-law foot washing water and Tang Qiong would not let Li Feng touch him, Chen Zhenjie's mentality was instantly balanced, and he used this to ridicule Li Feng every time he met.

Seeing that Li Feng ignored himself, Chen Zhenjie shook his head and said to his companion, "let's go and have a drink with Li Feng Da."

"What's the point of drinking with him? He doesn't have the money to buy us a drink." A young man with yellow hair sneered.

His name is Li Ming. He is Chen Zhenjie's junior. His family has opened a car repair shop in Chinatown. His wealth is certainly not comparable to that of the Chen family, but he is much better than Li Feng.

"Because he doesn't have money to buy a drink, we're going to drink with him. Otherwise, how can we humiliate him?"

Chen Zhenjie said mockingly.

"Zhenjie, you are good or bad." Chen Zhenjie next to the beauty lying on his shoulder said with a smile.

This woman, Yu Lulu, is Chen Zhenjie's high school classmate. A month ago, they met again at a classmate party. Chen Zhenjie, who had just dumped his girlfriend, was soon attracted by Yu Lulu, who was beautiful and beautiful.After a few days of pursuit, they fell in love.

"How can you like me if I'm not bad?" Chen Zhenjie said with a smile.

Opposite, Li Ming said discontentedly: "I said you two can consider me this single person's feeling."

"You've just been single for a few days." Chen Zhenjie laughed and scolded, then frowned and said: "a little while, beautiful girl, brother, help you get rid of the single Look at it

"Why are you so surprised?" Li Ming sneered and turned to follow the direction Chen Zhenjie pointed to.

The next moment

"Lying trough!"

Li Ming couldn't help but burst out a rude remark.

In the two people's line of sight, a blonde in a red tight leather dress stepped into the bar door on red boots!

It is aishania who follows Li Feng!

"Zhenjie, you have a girlfriend. You can't rob this woman with me." Li Ming said in a deep voice.

Without waiting for Chen Zhenjie to speak, Yu Lulu twisted him, half coquettish and half threatening, and said, "you already have me. Don't make other women's ideas."

Chen Zhenjie has tens of thousands of horses galloping by.

What's wrong with you? After a few days, I'm sure I'll get tired of it. I have to change my taste. What's more, this red leather beauty is the second most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

This figure is extremely high, no one can compare!

He must get this woman, God block kill God, Buddha block kill Buddha!

However, Li Ming and Lulu are both open, Chen Zhenjie is not good to expose his real intention, can only nod and say: "cough, you two rest assured, I am not that kind of person."

At the time when the three people were thinking of each other, she went straight to the bar and sat beside Li Feng.

"Shit, she's sitting next to Li Feng. We can't let Li Feng talk to her. Hurry over!"

Chen Zhenjie goes to the bar first.

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