Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 826

Soon, Huang Xin had 13.3 million pounds punched into Li Feng's card.

After receiving the bank's reminder message, Li Feng nodded and released the suppression of Huang Xin and Liu Zhengqing.

When the pressure disappeared, Liu Zhengqing and others almost cried with joy.

Lying trough, the feeling that you have nothing on your body, but you are pressed to the ground and can't move is really terrible!

At this time, Li Feng suddenly said: "right."

Liu Zhengqing and others suddenly became nervous.

"I'll destroy the IOU I signed." Li Feng looked at Huang Xin and said.

Huang Xin immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "destroy, destroy now!"

His voice fell to the ground, and he tore the two loanwords signed by Li Feng into pieces.

"Good." Li Feng nodded with satisfaction, then took out two red pills from his arms and played with the taste: "although your behavior before was very rude, I think you are all very valuable, so You'll hang out with me in the future. "

Huang Xin was stunned at first, then arched his hand and said, "Li Shao, you are so polite. Even if you don't give us good things, I will also swear to be loyal to Li Shao!"

Although Liu Zhengqing held back, he could only bow his hand and say, "yes, Li Shao, you really don't need to give us any magic medicine. We are willing to serve Li Shao."

After marrying Tang Qiong, Li Feng's message spread among the residents of Chinatown. Among them, Li Feng's grandfather saved Tang Xiong with a pill.

Li Feng said that he wanted them to mix with him. At the same time, he took out two pills. He wanted to buy them with magic medicine?

Li Feng:

It's not What a good thing, woolen medicine, this is the selling price of 1000 system points in June wear Changdan ah!

I'll give you a magic medicine when I'm full. It's not good for bad!


secretly Tucao two people for a while, Li Fengcai face weird said: "what did you make complaints about? It's not a miracle drug. It's called June Chuanchang pill. It's very poisonous. "

"After taking this pill, if you don't get the antidote within six months, you'll die of intestinal perforation and stomach rot."

Huang Xin:

Liu Zhengqing:

So Are we wrong? You don't want to buy us off, you want to poison us?

"Li Shao, it's a big joke. We..."

Huang Xin grinned bitterly and was ready to try to refuse.

Just half of what he said, Li Feng flicked his finger. In June, chuanchangdan flew directly into his mouth.


Huang Xin didn't have time to make a response. In June, chuanchangdan entered his belly.

Liu Zhengqing secretly scolded a lying trough, and then closed his mouth.

"Cough, cough, cough." Huang Xin quickly scratched his throat, trying to induce vomiting.

"Don't waste your energy. In June, you will melt in the mouth of Changdan, and it will directly penetrate into your blood. Even if you spit out the overnight meal, it will not help." Li Feng mocked.

Hearing this, Liu Zhengqing's mouth closed more tightly.

Zhu Si Si, Wang zi'an and others trembled with fear.

"Don't waste your energy. Eat it and do good work for me."

Li Feng went to Liu Zhengqing and raised his hand to scratch his creaky nest.

Liu Zhengqing only felt that the itch was not comparable. He couldn't help laughing. The next moment, the pills were imported and melted.

Liu Zhengqing Want to cry without tears!

Li Feng put his hand back into his pocket and said with a smile, "well, don't cry and lose face. As long as you are obedient, I will give you the antidote on time. If you behave well, I will completely remove the poison in your body."

What else can Liu Zhengqing and Huang Xin say? They can only nod their heads, because they have little life in Li Feng's hands!

Zhu Si Si, Wang zi'an and others continue to shiver.

Fortunately, they didn't offend Li Feng too much just now. Otherwise, those who took the poison would add some of them.

At this time, Li Feng turned to look at them: "you must not misunderstand, I will not give you poison, just because you do not have much use value."

Zhu Sisi et al

is not old fellow, ask you not to mind!

After recording Liu Zhengqing and Huang Xin's contact information, Li Feng walked out of the monitoring room with both hands in his pocket.

As soon as he appeared, the melon eating crowd gathered at the door of the monitoring room showed a color of surprise.

"31.3 million pounds, thank you for your support."

Li fengchong all arched hands, and then in the eyes of a crowd of muddled eyes, stride away from here.

Li Feng deliberately said the result naturally has its profound meaning. The residents of Chinatown all know that he does not have much money. Once he wants to do something and needs start-up funds, today's unexpected income of 31.3 million pounds is the best explanation.After coming out of the gambling house, Li Feng felt his mobile phone vibrate for a moment. He took it out and found that it was two short messages.

One is a short message from Tang Qiong indicating his identity and intention. The other is a short message to remind him of the leakage. Li Feng knows that it is Tang Qiong who has called.

"Do you want to talk to me about cooperation?" Li Feng mouth a hook, play flavor: "first air her again."

After putting down his mobile phone, Li Feng is ready to continue to look for the hotel.

But at this time, he suddenly found a red Aston Martin DB11 parked on the road. If he remembered correctly, he saw this car when he walked out of the Tang family residence!

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