Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 828

When ashaniya sat down beside him, Li Feng turned his head and looked at her.

Aishania also turned her head and looked at Li Feng.

"Have we met somewhere?" Li Feng was playing with his glass and asked.

"Is this your usual way to talk to women?" Isania rolled her eyes a little charmingly.

Li Feng shrugged: "no, I really think you are familiar."

"In the words of your Chinese people, is this called Youyuan?" Isanya said with a smile.

"Hmmm." Li Feng nodded and then said, "if you want something to drink, I'll treat you."

Isanya was not polite: "Bloody Mary."

Li Feng eyebrows pointed a pick, said to the bartender: "for this lady a bloody mary, thank you."

Just at this time, Chen Zhenjie and others came to the bar.

"Li Feng, is it really good that you take the money you get from a soft meal to invite other beauties to drink?" Chen Zhenjie sat on the empty seat on Li Feng's left hand side and said sarcastically.

Li Feng turned to look at him, cold spit out four words: "it's none of your business."

Chen Zhenjie:

It's not Didn't he hear that wrong? Li Feng, a waste, dare to scold him? He's got a face, right?


aishania was teased by Li Feng and laughed: "Sir, you are humorous."

Li Feng:

Chen Zhenjie:


What kind of humor? I can't get a laugh at all!

"Li Feng, I haven't seen you for a few days. How can you forget the fear that was dominated by me?"

Chen Zhenjie sneered and was about to pat Li Feng on the shoulder.

However, Li Feng took his hand to one side and said in a cold voice: "dare to touch me Kill you. "

At this moment, Chen Zhenjie felt the blood all over his body as if it had been frozen, and a cool breath rushed straight to his head from the sole of his feet!

He has never seen such a cold and merciless look in his eyes, which is the eyes that have really killed talents!

Intuition tells Chen Zhenjie that if he really touches Li Feng, Li Feng will really kill him!

But then Chen Zhenjie reacted. This is Li Feng. The whole Chinatown is famous for its rubbish. He bullied people in high school for three years!

How dare you kill people? He doesn't really

Forget it, those who wear shoes are afraid of barefoot. Who knows if Li Feng is stimulated by something, or don't touch him first.

Think of here, Chen Zhenjie dry cough said: "I said Li Feng, you are not so outsider, we are three years of high school students."

"So?" Li Feng has no expression.

"So I know about you." Chen Zhenjie with a pair of "I know you" expression said: "you get some money is not easy, invite beauty drink thing or I come."

Behind him, Li Ming's expression with Lulu suddenly becomes strange.

So Chen Zhenjie's purpose is to invite beautiful women in red to drink, right?

"Zhenjie, didn't you say you wanted to help Li Ming? Let Li Ming invite the beauty to drink." Yu Lulu took Chen Zhenjie's arm and said in a coquettish way.

Chen Zhenjie's face changed slightly, and then he said with a strong smile: "Li Ming is not rich either..."

"Zhenjie, you are wrong to say that. Although our family is not rich as yours, I am not poor either. Let alone invite this beauty to drink a glass of wine. Even if I invite her to drink every day, I have no pressure."

While talking, Li Ming threw a handsome smile to aishania.

Isania also smiles at him.

In an instant, Li Ming's heart beat faster and fell into the smile of aishania.

"Hello, I said that you are not wrong, I am the first man to ask this beautiful woman to drink. Do you understand?" Li Feng knocked on the table, drawing all the attention back.

"Li Feng, don't make trouble. You are a man with a wife." Chen Zhenjie sneered and then looked at ashaniya: "beauty, you don't want to have an affair with a married man, do you?"

Isanya turned her eyes, shook her head and said, "no, I don't think there is any problem."

Chen Zhenjie:

Li Ming:

Yu Lulu said:

They say that the people of Y are very open. I didn't expect to open to this extent!

Seeing that ashaniya was not moved, Chen Zhenjie said to Li Feng again: "Li Feng, are you not afraid that Tang Qiong knows that you are out with flowers and will not give you pocket money in the future?"

Li Feng's Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine has not been visited for several days. His income is very small, and he has to pay a lot of rent every month. But for the support of the Tang family, his traditional Chinese medicine hall would have been closed."No, Tang Qiong doesn't care about me." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, his face light and cloudless.

"I'll go?" After many years of ridicule, Li Dafeng is not used to saying so

"You're the one who brings foot washing water to your mother-in-law every night. You've been married for so long that you can't even touch Tang Qiong's hands. What are you talking about here?" Li Ming taunts him.

"Come on, Li Feng, we all know how many jin you are. If you are sensible, you should go quickly, so as not to be disgraced later." Chen Zhenjie sneered.

Li Feng laughed: "I would like to see how you make me disgrace."

Chen Zhenjie raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer: "if you don't see the coffin, don't you cry? OK, if you want to be a big money, do you dare to ring the bell

Ringing the bell in a bar represents all customers in the bar. The wine of this round is counted on their own account, with less than 1000 or 2000 yuan and more than several hundred thousand yuan. Generally, people who are not real local tyrants will not ring the bell.

Although the bar is not large in scale, the consumption is not low. The most common drink costs 10 pounds, and the better cocktail costs hundreds of pounds a cup. If you ring the clock, it will cost at least several thousand pounds.

This amount of money is a little bit of money for Chen Zhenjie, but it is a lot of money for Li Feng, who needs to get living expenses from the Tang family every month.

"Yes, I have plenty of money anyway." Li Feng shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

Chen Zhenjie et al

God has no money, you want to put 13 in front of beautiful women!

After a long time, Chen Zhenjie sneered: "OK, I want to pretend to be 13, right? I will help you! Let's ring the bell in turn until someone admits defeat, OK

The conversation between the two has already attracted the attention of the bar customers. Hearing this, someone yelled: "good! Chen Shao is really heroic

"Li Shao, you are the son-in-law of the Tang family. You must not lose your momentum!"

There are also poor people who come here to drink. Who would not like to drink more with less money?

Li Feng raised his hand and pressed down. When the bar was quiet, everyone was waiting for his answer.

Then listen to Li Feng said: "not so."

The crowd was stunned at first, then let out a sigh of disappointment.

Chen Zhenjie laughed: "scared? That's right. When things can be recovered, you should get out of the way so that you won't be able to come down later. "

Li Ming and Yu luluqi gave a sneer.

"I mean, the way you propose is too troublesome. Let's be simple and rude."

Li Feng shakes his head and smiles, then takes out the bank card from his arms, pats on the bar, and says, "all the consumption of this evening I'll pay for it. "

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