Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 825

Li Feng is right. His purpose is for Tang Qiong.

The internal relationship of the Tang family is very complicated. With Tang Qiong's ability, she could have been the general manager of Youlan group. In fact, she also served as the deputy general manager of Youlan group for a period of time, so Xu Shuang called her president Tang.

However, Tang Long is not satisfied with this arrangement. He is the only male in the third generation of Tang family, and Youlan group will be inherited by him in the future.

In many Chinese families, the idea of valuing men over women exists, and the Tang family is no exception.

In order to appease Tang long, Tang Xiong transferred Tang Qiong to the business department as a manager, and promoted Tang Long from the manager of the business department to vice president of the group.

Not only is her position worse than Tang long, but her shares are also much worse than Tang Long's, so she doesn't have much money in her small vault.

It is because of this information that Liu Zhengqing thought of setting up a bureau for Li Feng, so that Li Feng owes a huge gambling debt. As the other side of the husband and wife, Tang Qiong naturally has to bear half of the debt.

It is impossible for the Tang family to help Tang Qiong return such a huge sum of money. At that time, he can use this as a threat to force Tang Qiong to do something

However, what Liu Zhengqing didn't expect was that Li Feng had guessed his purpose. Even Zhu Sisi didn't know about it!

After the shock, Liu Zhengqing shook his head and laughed: "even if you guess what my purpose is, you have already owed the gambling debt, and we have caught you out of thousands."

"In terms of your status in the Tang family, even if I chop your hand, the Tang family will not pursue anything. Do you want to be disabled at a young age?"

On one side, Huang Xin also tore off his friendly mask and threatened: "shit, why do you get so much nonsense? I'll ask if you sign or not. If you don't sign, you'll be chopped off with one hand!"

After the words fell, his younger brother surrounded Li Feng. One of them also took out a bright dagger and made a few strokes with full threat.

Faced with the threat of these people, Li Feng played the flavor: "you are so confident that you can chop off my hand, did not think I would resist?"

"What?" Liu Zhengqing mouth slightly open, a face exaggerated said: "I did not hear wrong, you even want to resist?"

Zhu Si, Wang zi'an, Qian Ruida and others all laughed contemptuously: "ha ha ha, this guy's brain is in the water, and they all come here and want to resist."

"I laugh to death, you don't see how many of us have, one person a punch can kill you to a ball."

"Li Feng, don't you know you have the title of the most useless man in Chinatown?" Huang Xin also laughed: "even the mother-in-law of the family can't control it. I still want to resist here. You're against you..."

Before the word "Ma" was uttered, Li Feng held out a finger at him.

The next moment, a Green Qi burst out from his fingertips and directly penetrated Huang Xin's shoulder, which made him fly backwards.

In mid air, a stream of blood shot from the wound, splashing Liu Zhengqing, Wang Zian and other people's faces!

Then, Huang Xin fell to the ground with a dull bang. At the same time, Huang Xin screamed: "ah, my shoulder!"

After the scream, there was no sound!

Everyone's mouth is wide open, look extremely frightened!

I'm NIMA! What happened just now? Why did Li Feng lift his finger and hurt boss Huang's arm? What is the blue light? Laser?

No, the laser is a straight line, but it is certainly not a bullet. How can fingers hit a bullet?

How did Li Feng do it? Is he a devil?!

"Now you know that I have the ability to resist?"

Li Feng put his finger on his mouth and blew it for a while, mocking.


Liu Zhengqing swallowed his saliva and asked in horror: "you What did you do just now? Are you armed? "

Li Feng mouth a hook, play flavor: "no weapons, do you want to come over to check?"

Liu Zhengqing and others looked at each other. Just now they did not find that Li Feng took out his weapon, but pointed the yellow letter with his finger.

But if there is no weapon, it's even more terrible. How can a person hit that kind of thing?!

At this time, the yellow letter on the ground yelled: "shit, what are you still in a daze to do? I don't believe he can play that kind of thing!"

He was able to have his present status in Chinatown. He was pieced together from the bottom. He wandered on the death line many times. He even had a gun pointed at his head. He suffered more serious injuries than now.

This is still his territory. His men are here. What should he be afraid of?

Huang Xin's prestige is so great that his subordinates can overcome their fear. With his voice landing, a group of younger brothers will kill Li Feng.


Li Feng sneered and pressed down!


thunder sounded, and a breath of terror appeared.

The next moment, not only the younger brother who rushed to him, but also Liu Zhengqing, Zhu Sisi and others were all crushed to the ground by this terrible breath!bear down on one with the weight of mount taishan!

In the distance, Huang Xin, who was covering his shoulder, was confused!

Liu Zhengqing and others who were pressed to the ground are not so simple as muddle force. They are going to be scared to urinate!

Lying trough, what's the situation? Why did Li Feng press us down in the space? What's the most useless man in Chinatown? How can he shake himself into a super man?!

At the time when the crowd trembled, Li Feng put his hands in his pocket and went to Liu Zhengqing and said, "now do you still think you can chop off one of my hands?"

Liu Zhengqing shook his head into a rattle drum: "can't, can't, dare not."

"And you?" Li Feng looked at Huang Xin in the distance and mocked.

"I don't dare. I really dare not!" Huang Xin almost cried.

Who said that Li Feng is the most useless man in Chinatown. If Li Feng's Superman is useless, then what are other men? Rubbish?

"Do you admit that you lost?" Li Feng looked at Liu Zhengqing again and asked.

Liu Zhengqing said bitterly at the corner of his mouth: "Li Shao I... "

Nima, he's lost 31.6 million pounds before and after, and his family can't kill him when they know it?!

At this time, Li Feng mocked: "you don't have to worry about whether the family will kill you, because if you don't admit it, I will kill you now."

Liu Zhengqing's face changed dramatically!

Damn it, why can Li Feng guess what he thinks in his heart, he is not a man, he must be a devil!

"Well, I admit, I lost!"

Li Feng's series of actions completely broke Liu Zhengqing's psychological defense line. He did not dare to bet that Li Feng would kill him. Instead of facing the terrible Li Feng, he would rather face the furious family!

"Good." Li Feng snapped his fingers and said to the yellow letter, "cash my chips and type them on this bank card. Oh, yes How much water do you usually draw from casinos

At the same time, Li Feng took out a bank card.

"No If you don't pump water, Li Shao's gambling here is to make me lose face. How can I draw less Li's water? "

Huang Xin said with a smile.

This casino draws water by 5%. No matter who wins 1 million here, the gambling house will take 50000. But Huang Xin dares to draw Li Feng's water. He has no doubt that he said that after pumping water, Li summit slapped him to death!

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