Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 824

After muddled, Liu Zhengqing roared: "no, I've seen that it's a spade J, how can it become a heart 6! Someone must have changed my card! "

Hearing this, all the people watching the war around couldn't help but gasp.

Shentema spade J turns into heart 6. The wool has changed your card. No one has approached you just now. How are you?

"Oh? Is it? " Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, surprised way: "unexpectedly someone can change card, who is that person?"

"Who else but you!" Liu Zhengqing points to Li Feng and shouts wildly.

The crowd looked at each other.

Li Feng has been sitting in his seat just now. He hasn't moved. How can he change your card.

Liu Zhengqing also knows that this is impossible, but what else can he say? He must deny the result, or he will lose 30 million pounds to Li Feng!

30 million pounds! Even for the Liu family, it's not a small sum. If we lose to Li Feng, his father can break his leg!

"You don't want to be shameful when you say that?" Li Feng is helpless.

He did change Liu Zhengqing's card, but that's because Liu Zhengqing set up the game first. He just treated him with his own way.

Therefore, Li Feng said that he had no psychological pressure.

"Hum! I'm sure you changed my card

Liu Zhengqing also calmed down at this time. The bottom card must have been changed. As for Li Feng, he was not sure, but as long as the bottom card was changed, there would be evidence.

, the casino doesn't say anything. Monitoring is awesome. There's almost no dead end.

As long as Huang Xin calls out the monitor to check, can't you know who changed his card?

"Show me the evidence." Li Feng is too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

They are all adults. They should be responsible for what they say. Without evidence, they can't talk nonsense. Once they talk nonsense, Li summit let him know what a big fist is.

"You want evidence? Well, I'll give you proof Liu Zhengqing sneered and turned to Huang Xin and said, "boss Huang, take us to see the monitoring."

Huang Xin nodded and then looked at Li Feng: "Li Shao, this thing is a little weird, please go with us to watch the monitoring."

Li Feng Mei pointed to the chips on the table and said, "you won't take this opportunity to take them away?"

Huang Xin's eyes flashed and said with a smile, "Li Shao, you are doubting our professionalism."

Li Feng and Huang Xin looked at each other and said with a smile, "in fact, it doesn't matter if you take it away. I know how many chips there are on the table. You can't live without me."

Although Li Feng said this sentence with a smile, it contained a threat that people with a clear eye could hear.

Now Huang Xin's pupils shrink and his face turns cold.

He called Li Feng and Li Shao, not to give Li Feng face, but to help Liu Zhengqing dig a hole for Li Feng.

Now there are the most useless man in Chinatown threatening him in public, which makes Huang Xin's heart murderous.

Next, under the leadership of Huang Xin, Li Feng, Liu Zhengqing and others walked into the monitoring room, and those who had nothing to do with them were blocked outside the monitoring room.

The staff called out the monitoring at that time, and then Liu Zhengqing got close to the screen and watched carefully without blinking.

However, until the end of the video, Liu Zhengqing did not find out how his cards were changed.

The atmosphere at this moment is so embarrassed

"Everyone saw that no one changed Liu Zhengqing's card. He lied!"

Li Feng spread his hands and said sarcastically.

"Shit, I'm not lying!" Liu Zhengqing turned around and glared indignantly at Li Feng and said, "I can be sure that the bottom card I got at that time was spade J!"

Li Feng raised a sarcastic smile: "who can prove it to you?"

Liu Zhengqing's face changed several times, and finally looked at the side of Zhu Si: "she, when I was looking at the bottom card, she also saw it. She can prove it to me!"

Zhu Si was stunned at first, then nodded and said, "yes, I saw the bottom card of Liu Shao. It was really a spade J, not a heart 6. The bottom card must have been changed."

"You two are trying to get the hell out of it, aren't you?" Li Feng smiles.

Let's not say that Zhu Si didn't see it. Even if she did, Liu Zhengqing lifted the card. Since it was 6 hearts, it was 6 hearts!

"Shit, Li Feng, you change my card and say I don't want face, give you face?" Liu Zhengqing smiles.

It doesn't matter if there is no concrete evidence. It's OK to have someone testify. As long as he insists that the card was replaced by Li Feng and then asks Huang Xin to put all the money into his account, what can Li Feng do?

Can Li Feng force him to spit out the money or ask Huang Xin for money?

No way!

Li Feng has no such strength!

The powerful Tang family will not only help Li Feng, but also make him more unpopular in the Tang family. Who makes him a waste?Li Feng spread his hands and said helplessly, "so you are going to pay off the debt?"

"What's the debt? Who is it? You're the cheater!" Liu Zhengqing sneered and turned to Huang Xin and said, "boss Huang, you can see that he cheated. How do you deal with this kind of thing in casinos?"

Huang Xin's eyes flashed, and he spit out two words: "chop hands!"

What a chopper Liu Zhengqing clapped his hands and laughed: "Li Feng, do you hear that you not only owe 30 million usury, but also chop off a hand, a man favored by fate? Ha, you are a bad luck

"Is it?" Li Feng had no fear on his face. He turned his head and looked at Huang Xin: "do you think I changed the card, right?"

Huang Xin's face showed a sneer: "this is what we all see, and you can't deny it."

"What a thing we all see!" Li Feng laughed, and then he looked at Liu Zhengqing: "come on, what is your purpose?"

"What?" Liu Zhengqing didn't expect Li Feng to be so calm. He was a bit stunned.

Li Feng sighed, went to Liu Zhengqing and said, "your purpose should not be to ask me to owe you 30 million yuan or let me chop off a hand. Your real purpose should be related to Tang Qiong, right?"

At the same time, Li Feng used the mind reading technique to Liu Zhengqing.

Perhaps Li Feng's momentum is too strong, or perhaps Liu Zhengqing's own conscience, this moment he can't help but step back.

After Liu Zhengqing responded, he was a little embarrassed and angry: "shit, you don't care what my purpose is. I tell you, you can either sign another 30 million pound IOU, or chop off a hand, ask for money or hand, you can choose by yourself!"

Li Feng took another step forward, almost pasted it in front of Liu Zhengqing and said, "you should know that I don't have any source of income. If you ask me to sign so many IOUs, it should be for the purpose of asking Tang Qiong to return it?"

"Because Tang Qiong and I are husband and wife, she also has the responsibility to repay the debt I owe. However, Tang Qiong can't pay back so much money for a while. Then you can use this to blackmail Tang Qiong to do things against her own will, right?"

Hearing Li Feng's analysis, Liu Zhengqing set off a storm in his heart!

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