Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 823

At this time, the Dutch officer again dealt cards, a plum a sent to Li Feng, four a!

As I said before, only flush is bigger than four, unless Liu Zhengqing gets the last card is spade Q, otherwise Li Feng will win the game!

But Li Feng knew that since Liu Zhengqing had dug a hole long ago, the last card of Liu Zhengqing must be spade q!

Sure enough, the lotus official draws out the last card and sends it to Liu Zhengqing. It is the spade Q that can get together with the flush!

After seeing this card, Liu Zhengqing couldn't help but feel excited and laughed: "ha ha, Li Feng, do you think you've won?"

Li Feng shrugged: "otherwise? I already have three aces on the surface. If my cards are also aces, they are four aces. You can't beat me unless you are in the same flush. "

People watching the war around could not help nodding.

Li Feng's analysis is indeed very reasonable, but this is all a hypothesis, and we need to see what the cards are to know who wins.

At this time, Liu Zhengqing playfully said: "how do you know I am not a flush?"

"Certainly not. I am the man who is favored by fate." Li Feng said confidently.

Liu Zhengqing:

Huang Xin:


It's not What? You're a man favored by fate. Why don't we know?

"Li Feng, do you have any misunderstandings about the four words" fortune favors you? " Liu Zhengqing is not eager to open the cards.

Now Li Feng is more proud, later he will be more injured and more crazy, so may as well let Li Feng proud for a while.

"No, you see, everyone knows Tang Qiong?" Li Feng turned to follow the crowd's face and asked.

They all nodded.

People in Chinatown who don't know Tang Qiong, that is the goddess with the title of the first beauty in Chinatown!

"I heard that you had spoken before that she would not marry." Li Feng looks at Liu Zhengqing, playing with the taste.

Liu Zhengqing's face changed: "shit, what do you want to express?"

Tang Qiong is the eternal pain in his heart. Li Feng's saying this is tantamount to reopening the scar in his heart and sprinkling salt.

Li Feng knocked on the table and said triumphantly, "the woman you tried hard to get, but I married her without any effort. Do you think I am a man favored by fate?"

All of them said, "well

Although I always feel something is wrong, after listening to Li Feng's explanation There seems to be nothing wrong with it!

"In addition, not counting the previous two times, I gambled with you three times today. I won the first two times. Do you think I am a man favored by fate?" Li Feng continued.

Other people nodded again, so to speak Li Feng is indeed a man favored by fate!

Only Liu Zhengqing, Huang Xin and other people know that Li Feng is talking nonsense!

Nima, if they didn't want to pit Li Feng hard, could he win so many times in a row? He lost all the bases he lost!

"So you think you're going to win this time, right?" Liu Zhengqing reached for the card and asked with a smile.

Li Feng nodded: "yes, but there is a premise."

Liu Zhengqing frowned slightly: "what premise?"

Li Feng grinned: "the premise is I have to change your cards first. "

All the people said:

It's not They did not hear wrong, first of all, Liu Zhengqing's bottom card, that is not cheating!

"Shit, are you talking in your sleep? You want to change my cards?" Liu Zhengqing angrily scolds, is going to open the card.

At the same time, Huang Xin's men also rushed to control Li Feng.

But at this time, Li Feng suddenly came to Liu Zhengqing, one hand pressed his right hand, the other hand took out the card.

Then, in the case that the public did not have time to make a response, the bottom card was put into the pile of cards in front of the Dutch officer, and then Li Feng took out a playing card and looked at it.

"Heart 6, good, let it be your card."

Murmuring secretly, Li Feng will this piece of red peach 6 back to Liu Zhengqing's hands.

Until then, Liu Zhengqing came back to his senses and yelled, "Li Feng, are you crazy? Do you know what the consequences are if you change cards in front of so many people?"

Li Feng's behavior is not calling out thousands, but playing tricks.

Not only would he lose the game, but Li Feng had to leave an arm according to the rules of the casino.

Even if Li Feng is stupid, he should know that his behavior is useless. How can he behave so scoundrel?

Huang Xin and others can't believe their eyes, but soon Huang Xin will let his hands down to control Li Feng.

At this time, Li Feng suddenly said: "the system will erase the memory of all the people present about the time I changed the card, as well as the monitoring.""Modifying the memory of everyone present and the surveillance video in the casino will cost 10000 system points. Do you agree?"


The voice fell to the ground, Li Feng went back to the previous seat and sat down.

At the same time, Liu Zhengqing, Huang Xin and others suddenly froze. When their eyes were clear, all the memories about Li Feng's changing cards had been deleted.

In fact, Li Feng has a simple way to change cards, that is, to use time stillness, but it is a waste of time on such small things. What if he needs to use time to stay still in case of an emergency today?

If you're in trouble, please.

Liu Zhengqing frowned slightly. He always felt that his posture was different from that of the previous second. He always felt that something was wrong, but soon the discomfort disappeared.

Huang Xin and others feel the same way, but their memory after the system modification has completely lost the memory of just a few seconds, so after a short period of discomfort, they no longer care.

"What premise are you talking about?" Liu Zhengqing asked impatiently.

"The premise is Your card is not a spade J Li Feng looks relaxed to say.

All of them said, "well

It's not You this is not nonsense, this premise who special? Can't guess, you said with did not say what difference?!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha." Liu Zhengqing laughed happily: "you're right. If you want to win me, my bottom card can't be spade J. it's just a pity that you are the man favored by fate, and I'm the son of heaven. My card is just spades Lying trough

At the same time, Liu Zhengqing turned his cards.

When he said "no", he turned the spades right!

When you see what this card is, Liu Zhengqing is forced to stay at the same place as if he was struck by thunder!

Huang Xin, Zhu Sisi and others all have a look of hell, and keep shouting "lying trough"!

What about the spades? How can they become hearts? This is so unscientific!

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